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Alright. I purposely made the claim large, I wasnt sure of the proportions. And yes, we will refurbish any and all old ports.

With permission we would like to build a small Military barracks, to house our Peacekeeping forces to help work with the Imperium in preventing any furture anarchy.

In good faith I can also lease the use of my men to one of your Military Commanders.

Also; reply to the airstrip? Or shall we land in the Panama City International Airport?

"Hm, you may do that. But the defense of the region will be our responsbility, so don't worry. As for Carthage, the northern island, as stated by our ally, is reserved for the economic center."

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As we would like to repeat, the northern island is off-limits for any economic zone; it will be the site of the main complex and ports, which includes the stock market and diplomatic quarters.

The revised Drakorian proposal is quite acceptable. Please, start your construction. :)

(OOC: Some city pics and descriptions would be nice. :D )

Edited by Shadowsage
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The Empire is glad to hear that our Drakorian friends are beginning construction, we will also offer to build a railroad connecting our two zones, if the Drakorian government agrees.

Also to NEngland: Yes, that is why we offered the leasing of our Forces to the Imperium for use. A United Peace keeping force would surely be grand.

On an Slightly OOC/IC Comment: Sorry being such a dick earylier to you and your nation, as I stated before I was frustated and felt cornered by the world. I hope my apology can be accepted and our nations can prosper in trade and friendship.

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On an Slightly OOC/IC Comment: Sorry being such a dick earylier to you and your nation, as I stated before I was frustated and felt cornered by the world. I hope my apology can be accepted and our nations can prosper in trade and friendship.

OOC: Aw shucks. No need to apologize, everything's cool. :)

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From the Imperial Ministry of the Interior, our finest Architects and planners have agreed on a plan for the great Port/Trade/Economic city known as "Neu Frankfurt" After the German city Frankfurt, in order to establish and recreate the City from our happy memories of our homes back in Germany :D

The main Port will be centered on the zone, with surrounding refurbished Ports left by the University.

The City of Neu Frankfurt shall be a booming Economic city; and will also act as an "Impromptu" Embassy Center since we are Techniccly Semi-Isolationalist.

Location - The City of Neu Frankfurt shall be located on the Southwestern/Largest Island on the Northern-Central strip.

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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OOCly: To NEngland: yay :awesome:

ICly: The Nation of Krieg will be happy to meet with the New england nation as soon as our diplomat returns from The Imperium.

To Carthage: We propose the same Rail system as we did with Drakoria.

To the Imperium: Our Diplomat will be landing shortly.

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OOCly: To NEngland: yay :awesome:

ICly: The Nation of Krieg will be happy to meet with the New england nation as soon as our diplomat returns from The Imperium.

OOC: Heh, call me Jed. or JED, whatever you prefer. :D

IC: "That's good to hear. We look forward to his arrival. Oh, and Secretary of State Franklin Delano Roosevelt himself shall go to Imperial Center."

Edited by JEDCJT
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King's Palace for visits


Building Reserved for Honored Guests


Main Economic Building


Basic Idea

The Royal Adviser, Dan Donegan, will attend the meeting.

OOC: I'll describe the city in words soon.

Edited by Drakedeath
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Here are some updates on the contruction of New Frankfurt.

Here we have a shot of one of many corporate and productive building centers being built.


Here we have a marina-style system of mini islands which houses many of our communications and systems buildings which maintain contact with the Empire and allies at all times.


Here we have a projected military base/Naval station.

The White buildings are Barrakcs to house men; the Yellow will be storage centers for shipping.

{ Barracks are circled in Green and the Storage facilities in brown cirlces. the Port is also in Green.}


Here we have a shot of one of the many houses being built to house the new settlements workers and citizens.


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"The Republic of Carthage has started construction of en economic center on Madeira. Here are some pictures of the construction":




"And here are some pictures of what Carthaginian architects plan the outcome of the economic center to be, presented on a conference in Carthage":




"Also, the Republic of Carthage accepts the Krieg Empire's reequest to build railways."

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OOC: Get the map and choose your spot you wish to build in.. Its in a few posts above this one or on the next page.

Keep in mind that you can only really build on the big island were already contrcuting on. Feel free to cozzie next to me, and Ill send my Criminal workers to expand our Railroad to connect our zones.

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