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Michael McBride

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Louis Egon sat in his office, staring out the window. Redemptio was starting to heal, as were his physical injuries, and the opposition parties had been quiet... for the most part. The "I hate babies" comment was still making the rounds on late night television, and the ridicule had forced them underground slightly. He had just gotten out of a meeting with one of his very best friends, Damion Bruce, now CEO of Xaristan Oil, Inc. after Louis had stepped down to be Director. He had just received and interesting proposal, and saw a way he could make this work in his favor... and against his enemies.

Picking up the phone, Louis dialed for Viniland.

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Celso Amorim, Minister of External Affairs was idly sitting on his desk. The Anchorage Talks had recently ended and those turned out to be quite successful, at least in the eyes of the world. Other than that, there were no significant business going around the Ministry - his subordinates were handling everything else.

That's when the phone rang, abruptly ending whatever thought Amorim was having. The man picked up the phone.

"Olá. Celso Amorim, Vinilandese Minister of External Affairs speaking. How can I help you?"

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"Ah, Louisiana. I've actually been following the area closely lately as there has been quite some activity from the population lately - according to the information I've got, thanks to the activity of Xaristan Oil (in particular) around the Gulf the economy there has improved a lot. I'm reckoning you're seeking the annexation of Louisiana for Xaristan?"

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"Well, Xaristani Oil Inc. has been employing many local Louisianians for jobs on oil rigs. The CEO of XOI approached me with the idea of asking to annex Louisiana so we are pumping the money into our own economy instead of an economy that isn't being controlled at the moment. Also... we wish a land border that isn't controlled by Ardoria, so our citizens may travel freely without those Orwellian !@#$%^&* keeping us penned in with a closed border."

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"I see. Well, the process of incorporating a portion of a Vinilandese protectorate is as follow: the local population petitions for a voting to take place on the matter; a referendum in the area is held (where the population can vote whether if they want to be absorbed into an existing country or not) and annexation occurs with a 60%+ "yes" majority once results are verified by ourselves.

It's quite simple, really, seeing as how Xaristan is having a positive impact in the lives of the Louisiana. And I'm sorry that you have to put up with Ardoria's policies."

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