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Poliz Request to meet with Slavorussia

Imperium of Poliz

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From The God-Emperor's Desk Directly on behalf of His Subjects and Objects;

Noting that your current schedule of Foreign Affairs operations is currently extremely full, I would hereby like to extend to you an invitation to meet on Polizian soil for diplomatic discourse.

As will be discussed pending your reply, we would like to establish an embassy in your nation, and invite you to establish one in ours. Furthermore, we would like to discuss border policies and trade.

We await your reply with much trepidation;

His Holy Quintessence, God-Emperor KY PAX

Signed in His Hand, By His Seal,

KY (Jelly II) PAX


EDIT: OOC: My 150th Post ^.^

Edited by Imperium of Poliz
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We would certainly like to establish an embassy in Poliz, and we’d be honored to house one of yours in Moscow. The Foreign Ministry has dispatched Zoya Eltsina to the Polizian capital, and pending further talks will be appointed as Slavorussia’s ambassador to Poliz.

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Zoya Elstina's plane arrives safely at the newly built DivumProdigium International Airport, as one of the first international guests to the new country.


After being met by a number of the External Affairs and Dialogue Canton's staff, Mr Elstina is escorted to the Imperial Palace to meet with the God-Emperor himself.


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After ascending an overly ostentacious staircase of marble and yellow quartzite, the Slavorussian ambassador was seated accross the table from Poliz's Head of State, and a wizened, old man with a cold, yet forceful demeanor- as though he was definely seasoned, but a hint of spice flowed through his movements.

The God-Emperor cordially thrusted his hand across the table, and the meeting began...

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Zoya is unsure of exactly what to do. She had had many encounters with royalty, but she’d never met a God-Emperor before. She nervously runs through the usual protocol in her head. She curtseys slightly and says, “It‘s a pleasure to meet Your Majesty,” as she slowly rises from her curtsey she smiles she adds “I understand Poliz is interested in trading with Slavorussia?”

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"Ah yes",

Replied the God-Emperor. "There are a number of topics we would like to discuss, but indeed, let's start with trade. Currently, there are a number of State industries currently producing a surplus, and we would like to establish organised trading and removal of tariffs except where negotiated further or upon review"

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"We’d be happy to reduce tariffs on specific goods, but as a policy we like to build stronger relations with a country before we can think about removing tariffs altogether. I’m sure we would be able to find a market for your surplus goods in Slavorussia, and if not our ports available."

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"Excellent, I am sure that our nations will grow close enough that tariffs will simply become a formality." Replied the God-Emperor, seemingly more relaxed. "Considering our geographic closeness, and compatible ideals, would you consider signing a Mutual Defence Pact with us?"

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Zoya reaches into her bag and takes out a sheet of paper, and places it in front of the Emperor, "This is our standard Mutual Defense Agreement, with a trade clause. It covers the basics, and can be amended as time goes on to reflect a stronger relationship, i.e. joint military operations, sharing technologies and so on."

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The God-Emperor casts an apraising eye over the document, and leans back for a few seconds.

"For the security of my people..." He begins.

"And for the growth of our nations' relations, and for the spirit of collusion, and regional stability and co-operation, I accept, and will happily sign and seal this document with my name on behalf of The Imperium, its people and Cult PAX."

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ooc: I forgot to paste the treaty. I pretty much copy and pasted the treaty I made with Bavaria. If you agree just post again with your signature. :)



The Imperium of Poliz and the Empire of Slavorussia, two countries who wish strengthen ties and forge a long lasting friendship and mutual cooperation in international affairs, hereby agree to this pact.

Article I: Non Aggression

Both nation pledge not to initiate any form of hostile actions against the other, and shall keep an open line of communications between both governments.

Article II: Mutual Defense

Both nations agree to aid and defend one another in times of war. If one nation becomes the victim of an outside aggressor the other is obligated, by this pact, to aid with political, monetary and military resources.

Article III: Intelligence Sharing

If either signatory of this pact receives sensitive information concerning the safety and security of the other they are required to share it and when applicable the source of said information.

Article IV: Trade

Both signatories should endeavor to reduce or eliminate tariffs, and pledge to increase trade between both signatories.

Article V: Withdrawal

Either signatory may withdraw from this pact at any time, but they are required to notify the other signatory forty-eight (48) hours prior

Signed for the Empire of Slavorussia

Dowager Regent Maria Romanov

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev

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The Imperium of Poliz and the Empire of Slavorussia, two countries who wish strengthen ties and forge a long lasting friendship and mutual cooperation in international affairs, hereby agree to this pact.

Article I: Non Aggression

Both nation pledge not to initiate any form of hostile actions against the other, and shall keep an open line of communications between both governments.

Article II: Mutual Defense

Both nations agree to aid and defend one another in times of war. If one nation becomes the victim of an outside aggressor the other is obligated, by this pact, to aid with political, monetary and military resources.

Article III: Intelligence Sharing

If either signatory of this pact receives sensitive information concerning the safety and security of the other they are required to share it and when applicable the source of said information.

Article IV: Trade

Both signatories should endeavor to reduce or eliminate tariffs, and pledge to increase trade between both signatories.

Article V: Withdrawal

Either signatory may withdraw from this pact at any time, but they are required to notify the other signatory forty-eight (48) hours prior

Signed for the Empire of Slavorussia

Dowager Regent Maria Romanov

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev

Signed and Sealed for the Imperium of Poliz

HHQ, God-Emperor KY (Jelly II) PAX


Edited by Imperium of Poliz
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