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Poliz DoE (At long last, not that too many people will care xD)

Imperium of Poliz

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The Imperium of Poliz, Lead by His Holy Quintessence, God-Emperor KY PAX


After our Independence Week undertaking celebration and prayer to His Quintessence, God-Emperor KY PAX; [OOC: FOURTEEN HOURS OF ENGLISH HOMEWORK @.@], the people of Poliz now formally present:

A declaration of Existence!

Here's a rough map of what the place now looks like; bless our mess, we're still getting organised and soverignised ^.^


The reigons don't actually have names yet, but the far left middle one is directly controlled by Cult PAX. Yup, the big one... as you can tell, the State and the Cult are both intertwined a lot, as we shall see in the following National Bio!

Current Government:

The Imperial Leadership:

God-Emperor, Sole Soverign and Eternal Protector of the Imperium, Chief Deity of the PAX Cult:

His Holy Quintessence, God-Emperor KY PAX (Jelly II)

Prophet-Clint of Cult PAX:

Pavel Gaius Rutkowski

Clint-Marshal of the Imperial Army:

Wyntstatz the Benign

First Prophet:

Cassius Dimitriov

Second Prophet:

Ivan Flavius

The Executive Cantons and Appointed Chairmen:

Internal Affairs:

Oppius Magnia

External Affairs and Dialogue:

Tarantius Yeltzin

Clint-Marshal of the Imperial Army:

Wyntstatz the Benign

Clint-Pagaent of the Imperial Treasury:

Portia Kostina

Fun Facts: The Imperium at a Glance

Government Type: Theocratic Monarchy/Dictatorship, with very limited representation from Cult PAX's upper echelons only. Orders come directly from the non-elected God-Emperor to the Executive Cantons, and handled by appointed Chairmen and their underlings. The God-Emperor's orders are binding and over-ruling. PAX Cult Officials, and the Clint-Marshal also have over-ruling word over the lower echelons of the Imperial Government, but are subsequently over-ruleable by the God-Emperor.

Official Religeon: Membership to the State-Sponsored Cult PAX is mandatory and all other religeons are considered incompatible with its teachings, and practice of these is banned, on punishment of re-education, and in cases of inflammatory heresey, death.

Tech Scale Rating: Third World! Woo! Aqueducts and AK's for all!

Population: 1.2 million registered Citizens (OOC:If that's too many, sorry, i'll take it back and do eet again xD /OOC)

Court System: 3 divisions, with the Inquistion and State Court being equal in persuasion, and both higher than the Citizen's Court. The State Court and the Inquistion are eligible to be granted Emergency powers at the express order of the God-Emperor.

The State Court, dealing with Criminal, State Contract, Industrial and Military matters, overseen by a single Judge, often promoted from the Citizen's Court. Inquisitorial style, with the parties named 'PAX-Imperator' and 'Defendant.' The Judge handles both sentencing and determination of innocence/guilt.

The Citizen's Court, dealing with every other non-State and non-Cult affairs, covering Torts, Family, and other Civil matters . Overseen by panels of three Magistrates. Magistrates often sourced from the practicing legal department. Adverserial Style, with the panel determining both the party at fault and the reparation agreements. Precedents are, for the most part, binding. The two parties are named the 'Plaintiff' and the 'Defendent.'

The Imperial Inquisition: hears cases of Heresy, including its creation, practice and transmission, Public Blasphemy, Private, or Hidden Blasphemy, Renounciation and cases for Crusades, Sanctions and Excommunication. A Council of Twelve oversees and persecutes Trials, with members of the Cult of varying experience and station relative to the charges laid. The two parties are 'The Cult and PAX-Imperator' and 'The Accused.'

Economy: The basis of the Imperial economy is Cult and State owned industry, land and agriculure, with 95% the GDP coming from State-owned interests, and subsistent (But at least comfortable) farm output on Cult PAX owned aggricultural land. There is a small Private Sector, but it only exists where the State has no feasible means of stopping them. The average weekly wage is approximately 12 PAX Florins and 12 kilograms of grain.

Culture: It's a retarded blend of Ancient Roman, Russian and Polish, with other idosyncracies showing through, for example, reading this, you'll notice a lot of New Kingdom Ancient Egypt in the style of Government...

Military: Classified, but sizeable.


1) Slavery has only just been illegalised in Poliz. [The Imperial Government had the right to claim the bloodline of a Family as its own for up to three generations]

2) Duelling is legal in Poliz. [As part of the defence of honour, and as an altnative means to the legal system for solving disputes, duelling is recognised as legal between two private parties are representing themselves or their families only, are of the same gender, are registered blood donors with a Collection Crew on the scene and use swords.]

3) The nation's capital is a thinly veiled parody of the capital of Old Earth Poland. [That's right, the capital of Poland, Warsaw, has been ineffectually lampooned and transformed into 'I Saw A War'. Yes, the founder of Poliz is that lame.]

4) Contrary to popular belief, the God-Emperor's name has nothing to do with the 'K-Pax' novels of old earth, and he had no idea they existed [OOC starts here]: I thought I was being creative :v:. It's supposed to be a joke with my RL nickname, Jelly. as for the PAX part, its part of the RPing with my nation in a certain other nation simulator, this is like the 3rd reincarnation of it.]

5) The Chi-Ro Monogram has been stolen and subverted and used as a symbol for the PAX Cult

6) Narraweena is named after the suburb I live in, and Karoola after my street ^.^ (Don't stalk me!)

7) Bjørkudden- I recently put together an IKEA table with a few mates, and it was called that, and so, i figured, since the city's on the Grøenlandia border, I might as well give it a Nordic name xD

8) Rutkowski, and my minister Pavel Rutkowski are named after an actual friend of mine

9) The city Delrennie is named after the best teacher I've ever had- Mr Delrennie...

10) River Pax is a fail parody of the Nile, and Auris is supposed to kinda be like Luxor and Avaris. I failed both references xD

Ugh. that's it, it's done. Thanks to everyone who's already endoursed us as a soverign nation, and a special thanks to Buryatia the Hanseatic Commonwealth for handing over the land so readily!


A few announcements: Slavorussia, Grøenlandia, Rossiyskaya and Vintovka - I'm interested in bilateral trade and possibly technology and defence treaties, and I wish to declare my neutrality in the Vintovka Civil troubles.

Edited by Imperium of Poliz
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