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The Green Machine


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The Green Machine

For All of Your Green Sphere Trading Needs

It is time that the Green sphere reclaimed it's former glory and was once more among the dominant spheres of the game. Aqua, Maroon, and Pink, I have noticed, have someone kind enough to organize trade circles for all members of their respective spheres. Now Green team shall receive the same level of care. We shall organize, trade, build, and overcome.

Big Changes!

The Green Machine is undergoing a merger with the United Jungle Accords' trade circles, everyone currently signed up with the Green Machine is being transfered to the UJA database and will have trade circles set up for them.

The United Jungle Accords are an economic pact between many prominent Green Sphere alliances which seeks to establish green sphere trade circles to benefit the many participating nations. To sign up simply fill out the form below and we will work on getting you set in a stable, long lasting trade circle. Please understand that these things take time and the right people with the right combinations of resources. You MUST be willing to switch to the Green sphere in order to participate in these circles. We also request that you do not sign up for any other trade circles as there is nothing more disappointing than getting a circle set up only to find that someone signed up and then joined a different circle. We WILL find you a home and one which will last a long time, we only ask that you give us the time to accomplish this task.

I encourage you to check out the UJA forums and visit us at #uja on IRC. Forums Link

With great thanks for your cooperation and patience,

-Ard Ri Monagle

Grand Global Aliance

United Jungle Accords

Please follow this link to sign-up: Green Team Trade Circles Sign-Up.

When you sign up you agree and understand the following conditions:

1. It takes time to be placed into a ring. We will do our best but some people do not log into their nation every day so we can only work as fast as people are active.

2. If you sign up we WILL try to build you a ring. Again this takes time and a lot of effort. Please appreciate this and be patient.

3. We will put you in a ring that is suitable to your resources. Not everyone can go into a Type A ring. Thats just how it is.

You may also find me on IRC on #uja or #gga. Query me to discuss your trades.



So sign up now for secure, long term trades. Must be willing to switch to Green team once a circle has been established.

Edited by Ard Ri Monagle
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Excellent, you are both signed up. Since this project is just getting started, Randleman, I have temporarily placed you in both circles you requested, we'll see what starts to fill in faster and go with that.

More People Please! Sign up if you are interested in stable, long term trades in the Green Sphere.

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Do you have a preference of circle Cuban? Or shall I just assign you wherever I find you most well suited.

Grossman, I am starting you off in a 1B circle with Cuban (see ^) for now. We'll see if anything change with a response from him.

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MOAR people. Any and all players, in need of bettering their trade situation and willing to switch to green team, should sign up. It's super easy (for you at least) just fill out my form and we'll get the ball rolling.

I will begin a messaging campaign within green sphere over the next few days to spread the word. Let's get everybody in on this.

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Is no one going to make my life easy (or at least cut down on my CTRL-C CTRL-V time)! I have a handy dandy form that you can fill out here http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?fo...0MGxjNVYzNWc6MA, it puts you straight into my spreadsheets and makes it easier for me to sort through things (particularly this growing thread).


meck2212, I'll get something started for you.

lovemaster777, what exactly is it you want? better yet, go fill out my form, if you do not have a specific preference for which trade circle you would like to be in just leave that section blank and I will assign you wherever you fit best.

Edited by Ard Ri Monagle
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Thanks Ard. Hopefully this will provide some much needed organization to green trading. I would suggest adding some custom circles in, for people who are not too particular about what circles they get. For example, I require construction and uranium, and am happy with whatever circle can be put together.

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Erich, I have set up a circle for you based of circle 2C but with uranium instead of lead/scholars. This will give you a sizeable population boost as well as huge infra cost reductions. Hope this works for you.

Cheezy, I had someone sign up for the 1B circle currently in progress before you did and he also had silver so a new 1B circle has been started with you in it and you will also be a reserve for the first circle in case that person backs out.

P.S. : Special thanks to you Erich Ludendorff for helping to spread the word. Everyone, tell your friends, tell your alliance (assuming it's a green alliance, otherwise they may not be too happy), GO GREEN!

Edited by Ard Ri Monagle
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No problem meck2212, I just got bombarded by requests last night so I'm probably going to be a little slow updating the OP while I sort through everyone but I will definitely work something out for you.

As a PS (to everyone), I am always looking for different trade combination that I haven't realized exist yet, particularly for those difficult resource sets some people have. Please, have an idea, send it my way.

Yay MOAR trades!

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