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Come and see the OAC!

Nick Bar

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The Old Atlantic Charter

Well if you here, you've come to the right place. The OAC, while small is a fast growing alliance dedicated to helping and protecting its members. We believe in the little guy, so you will not be forgotten about like you can in bigger alliances. Also, since we are so small there are plenty of government and military positions open so there is a spot for you waiting!


The OAC was formed in CN:TE as a way for friends to get together to kick some butt. We were suprised at how fast we grew and hit the sanctioned list for a short time our first round we existed. Two rounds later we decided to carry our alliance over to CN:SE to carry on our tradition.

Why should one join the OAC?

We firmly believe in our core ideals, Loyalty, Bravery, and Intelligence. By combining these three we have created the perfect "small town" feel to our alliance. We dedicate ourselves to protecting and helping one another and give you the means to grow and become strong. Our standard color is currently black, but dont worry, we wont force you to change if you have a different one.

How do I join?

Register on our forums,

Forums = http://z3.invisionfree.com/OAC_SE/index.php?

and post an application. Unless you are being chased by every alliance in the game, you will be accepted.

Also if you wish, swing by our IRC and have a chat. Someone is almost always in there but the room is most active around 10 pm EST.

IRC = #oac-cnte

Thank You for your interest,

The OAC Government

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