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The Scourge of Gods


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The ship landed hard at the docks of Kolhar. The soldiers unloaded under heavy fire. Mysteriously, the instant Ragnar stepped off the ship, the weapons fire stopped. The company of soldiers quickly created fortifications that would protect the docks and shipyards. Ragnar radioed back to the Home Island.

" We have established fortifications that will protect the most economically important part of the city. Send two more companies and workers to man the docks and shipyards."

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The civillian workers had quickly set to work, constructing a great concrete wall, with machine gun nests every ten feet. It surrounded a safe zone, that was cleared by soldiers with flamethrowers. The docks and shipyards were then repaired, and a command center built for Ragnar to control the response against Icewolf assaults and Infected incursions. The region of the city controlled by Tercero Ragnarsson's Skywolves was cut off from the government safe zone, and besieged on one side by the Icewolf insurgenst and Infecteds on the other.

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OOC: If anybody wants to join they can, but you would have to RP as an Andonian, because the soldiers maintaining the New Kolhar defense positions are not letting anybody in or out.

Tercero Ragnarsson ran through a hail of fletchette rounds, one canister catching him in the shoulder. He took cover in the doorway of the burned-out remains of a temple. Through his self-contained helmet radio system, he ordered the one tank he had to move forward and take out the position that was causing the platoon with him so much trouble. It fired, reducing the grocery store the insurgents had taken cover in to rubble.

Edited by freakwars
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"What is the likelihood of this infection spreading to nearby countries or worldwide?" the Andonians were asked.

During the riots preceding the discovery of the disease, the airports were rendered inoperable. The nation at the greatest risk is New Cymru, because all other nations bordering the area have closed their borders.

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Tecero Ragnarsson and a platoon of Skywolves moved carefully through the rubble of neighborhood, deep in Icewolf territory. The tank had remained within the Skywolf controlled section of Old Kolhar. " Grenade!" yelled the vanguard, causing the platoon to take cover. The vanguard soldier knew they wouldn't be able to get away fast enough, so he threw himself on the grenade, saving the lives of the rest of the platoon. Six platoons of Icewolf irregulars (former civillians) swarmed over the moundes of rubble in their path. The heavy machine gunners opened fire, decimating the enemy front lines. Then they were upon them. The soldiers pulled out their Ka-bars and the Tercero usheathed his honourblade. Ragnarsson cut down six of the badly armed Icewolf soldiers. Many of their blows had no effect on the armoured Skywolves. Soon however, some of the soldiers were swarmed under by the enemy warriors. " Fall back!!!" screamed the Tercero, fighting several Icewolves wielding battered honourblades of their own. The Skywolves ran back a little ways, giving them enough room to fire without risking damage to their weapons. They fell back slowly to their own territory, firing into the following irregulars as they went.

Edited by freakwars
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Xavier Harkonnen was walking through the streets of the Government Safe Zone, when he saw the Elder Statesmans cloak swirl silently into an alley adjoining the wall next to the Icewolf controlled portion of the city. Curious, he decided to follow the mysterious other Triumvir.

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Xavier walked silently behind the masked leader, dodging from doorway to doorway in the dark. A cloaked man stood at the end of the alley. Ragnar stood before him, and handed him something that Xavier could not see. Then the man spoke. " I will take this to my men. Icewolf is forever in your debt." He turned and pulled up a sewer grate, jumping down into the dark tunnel. Xavier was frozen in shock at the Elder Statesmans shocking treachery, but as Ragnar began to walk back towards him, he pulled himself together and hid in the shadowy entrance of an abandoned temple.

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Xavier paced back and forth in his quarters, unsure of what to do with the information he had gathered. After he had seen the Elder Statesmans treachery he had entered Ragnars office and found many documents relating to the smuggling of Skywolf weaponry to the Icewolf rebels. Someone knocked on the door. A Lt. Commander opened the door and walked ino the room. "SIr, I have come to propose a mission to travel through the infected regions to relieve the besieged people on the other side. I need you to give your approval of this mission."

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Xavier signed the approval form for the mission, then a messenger from Ragnar arrived. He was informed that the other Triumvir was returning to Vaer Rannar, and he wanted to know if Xavier would come with him. Xavier answered yes, and he would like to pilot the ship.

The Next Day

The ship sailed out, even though there was a storm brewing on the horizon.

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