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Looking For Alliance

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Hi, I'm an old vet that has returned to CN. At this time I'm looking for an alliance w/ a good startup fund for new nations and a strong military. Personally, I'd also like an alliance that has proven their influence on Planet Bob, as well. If you wish to contact me PM or send a message to my nation.


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Hi, I'm an old vet that has returned to CN. At this time I'm looking for an alliance w/ a good startup fund for new nations and a strong military. Personally, I'd also like an alliance that has proven their influence on Planet Bob, as well. If you wish to contact me PM or send a message to my nation.


Hey Bomberdawg, I would like to invite you to join the United Earth Directorate!


We're a small but well organized machine with a strong focus on improving our members economies. If you join us I have several members who would love to sell you technology and help you grow even bigger. :) Besides just selling technology to you we can also help you set up trade circles and you can also join our government in our attempt to develop our alliance.

The U.E.D. Webiste

Instructions to Apply

The U.E.D. on NS Forums

Thanks for listening. Hope you join us.

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i would like to give you a warm welcome back to Planet Bob. Yellow Guard offers 3 million starter aid, plus 3 million 50 tech deals. We are a yellow team alliance, who have a great government, and allow tech raiding. You can find a link to Yellow Guard forums in my signature. Yellow Guard is 21 members with 200,000 strength and are allied to Global Republic of armed nations and White Knights Entente.

You can find us on coldfront here: #yellowguard

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Welcome fellow player,

I am the member of an alliance called White Knights Entente, we are a brand new alliance compared to some of the other alliances, who would like to ask you to join us. I would like you to join White Knights Entente and help us grow and prosper, in return we offer you protection from Tech raiders and rogues and we offer you friendship and aid to help you grow and become superior in the game. We aid new member’s 1,000,000 each who join White Knights Entente. Our Alliance is new, therefore you can get a alliance positions and your ideas will help shape the alliance.

Our Forums: http://wke.ipbfree.com

You need to go there and register and post an application to join our alliance.



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