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GFSN Declaration


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I'll make this snappy, basically we're sick of being raider food, so now we willl be reserving the right to attack all tech raiders that attack us AND their alliances. If you have a problem with this, please talk to our kind soldiers, they will be more than happy to shoot you.

Good day gentlemen and ladies.

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I'll make this snappy, basically we're sick of being raider food, so now we willl be reserving the right to attack all tech raiders that attack us AND their alliances. If you have a problem with this, please talk to our kind soldiers, they will be more than happy to shoot you.

Good day gentlemen and ladies.

Wat?? An alliance of 1... good luck with that.

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Cool story. May I inquire as to why you needed to announce this anyway?

Because it makes us feel important :P

Wat?? An alliance of 1... good luck with that.

Actually 14, one misspelled it

LOL, please no...not the mighty soldiers, they are trained killers!!


I know...... :lol1::gun:

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Actually 14, one misspelled it

CN:TE Nation Name:

Union of Uzergslavia

CN:TE Alliance Name:

Global Federation of Soveriegn Nations

Like you did in your bio? Duh!

Edited by Panic King
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CN:TE Nation Name:

Union of Uzergslavia

CN:TE Alliance Name:

Global Federation of Soveriegn Nations

Like you did in your bio? Duh!

In my defense, I had just got done visiting with my grandmother :P

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No officer! :lol1:

I wouldn't be to sure she has a habit of disguising it as apple juice and force feeding it to you. Are you unconscious at the moment? :lol1:

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