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Question about "+X" income boosts


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Well my main question is actually about the Stock Market; I'm doubting right now between sparing for a great Temple or Stock Market, but as happiness gives +2$ income per and stock market gives +10$ its actually the same... Well normally. Because as we all know there are modifiers that increase the income now what im wondering is : Does the modifier affect the stock market boost or not?

Eg for clarification: Base income= 50 . Income after modifiers applied (banks, univs,etc...) = 75 (thus +50%)

Now i know happiness modifies ur base income but do things like STock market(gold, silver, gems, furs,...) affect the ending income or base income?

Thus would it be: Base income= 50+10 , Final income= (50+10)*1.5 = 90

or : base income=50 , final income = 50*1.5(=75) + 10 = 85 ?

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