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Bunker busting

Eggman Empire

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Richard McVarlen crouched behind his desk, an Uzi in hand, grenades at his feet. Minutes ago, the safe house he was staying came under attack from, presumably, the same terrorist who had been murdering so many of his former constituents. From elsewhere in the house, he could hear gunfire and explosions. McVarlen double checked the uzi to make sure it was locked and loaded.

"They're not going to get me, oh no, I didn't spend all that time in the senate, making connections, just to be killed by a few punk terrorist." McVarlen muttered. There was actually a good chance that McVarlen would stay safe. He was currently inside a safe room underneath the house that could survive a nuclear blast. The passage to get to the room was hidden, and the door to the room itself was six inches of steel and could withstand a bomb blast.

A hissing noise filled the air and McVarlen peeked over the desk and saw the door being eaten away by some type of acid. "Room service!" A voice on the other side exclaimed. McVarlen snarled, primed a grenade, and threw it through the hole in the door. He plugged his ears and took cover behind the desk.

The frag grenade exploded, throwing shrapnel everywhere. When the dust settled, McVarlen peeked over the desk again. And promptly ducked back down as a hail of bullets whizzed overhead. "Who's there? Show yourself coward!" McVarlen yelled at his unseen attacker.

"Coward? You're the one hiding behind a desk, chucking grenades at poor ol' me! But since you asked..." The man stepped through the ruined door so McVarlen could get a good look at him. McVarlen gasped.

"No...IMPOSSIBLE! You dead! I saw you die! With a certain amount of satisfaction I might add!" McVarlen cried. Kintober chuckled.

"Yes, you always were one to take pride in your 'handiwork,' weren't you Richard?"

"Shut up!" McVarlen snarled. "How did you survive the destruction of your helicopter?!" He asked. Kintober's good humored smile twisted into a sinister grin.

"Richard, I'm a genius. I've been anticipating assassination plots sometimes months in advance. What you didn't know about the helicopter pad, and therefore forgot to mention it to your co-conspirators, was that underneath the helicopter is an escape hatch. To throw off people like you. I'm happy to see everyone fell for it." Kintober replied, sounding very proud of himself.

"Well if you're such a genius, why didn't you notice...THAT!" McVarlen yelled, and pointed at the far wall. Kintober turned to see what McVarlen was pointing at, and missed McVarlen pull his Uzi up and pull the trigger. The rounds tore into Kintober and he fell onto the floor. McVarlen stared for a second, not believing that Kintober had actually fallen for his trick, and that he had actually shot him. McVarlen inched his way over to the prone figure and nudged it with his shoe.

"Who's the genius now?!" He exclaimed. To his great shock, Kintober rolled onto his back, pulled out his sidearm, and said "Still me." Before pumping three rounds point blank into McVarlen's heart and lungs. He gurgled, and fell over backwards. Kintober stood over him, a psychotic grin plastered to his face. "A pity you won't get to see where I lead this nation. It's going to be an interesting ride." He began to laugh, and left the room.

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