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dear brotherhood of dragons


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Since I am BoD's Praetor I believe I do need to do some defending of my alliance.

Yes, OON did approach us with offer to attack France and help them in their war. But as my leader said, we were just assessing possibilities

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I have come to alot of alliances :D ill even tell them


MHA(asked for vocal support as in condeming)




and thats about it i think o.o did i miss anyone?

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I have come to alot of alliances :D ill even tell them


MHA(asked for vocal support as in condeming)




and thats about it i think o.o did i miss anyone?

i didn't realize it takes that many alliance to take down France, especially when you have so arrogantly tried to claim victory already. For an alliance that is as renowned in warfare as your won clearly is, i would think asking to curbstomp an alliance would be beneath you. Evidently not. Welcome to my personal !@#$ list. orchestrating the disbandment of your alliance is something i will take great joy in.

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Ohh hush :) your just mad somone is standing up too you guys =\. We have offered peace to your members. and it seems they will not accept it and to be honest those terms were amazingly nice :D

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Ohh hush :) your just mad somone is standing up too you guys =\. We have offered peace to your members. and it seems they will not accept it and to be honest those terms were amazingly nice :D

you're not very smart are you? I'm not a member of France. I have not been a member of France since i recieved a PM to end my wars with the UN.

I'm not so much as i am annoyed that you have to try and call in help for a war that you're supposedly doing so well in. If France did the same against you guys i would mock them too. In fact if you hop over to the thread from that little pisant alliance w/e they're called you'll see me lambasting them for not having any balls.

Edited by elborrador
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well elb if your against allowing help then there should only be 1v1's only.... am i correct in saying that thats what you think TE should be about? becasue help is help intentional or not requested or not...

Edited by KenoDurkster
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well elb if your against allowing help then there should only be 1v1's only.... am i correct in saying that thats what you think TE should be about? becasue help is help intentional or not requested or not...

i've been saying that for a while now, way to keep up sally.

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well then we can agree on somthing at least :) but if somone else won't play by the rules who should we be at a disadvantage and not ask?

if you're so into 1v1's why did you flat out admit to trying to wrangle up a curbstomp on France.

you're double standards don't make you look cool. They make you look like a 5 year old who would rather throw a hissy fit when he doesn't get his way.

just stop posting, disband OON, learn the ropes, and then MAYBE consider making another alliance

just so you don't try to edit your post.

I have come to alot of alliances :D ill even tell them


MHA(asked for vocal support as in condeming)




and thats about it i think o.o did i miss anyone?

Edited by elborrador
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If u were intelligent and actually read you would have read that both NOIR & France warred us as allies... France called them and asked if they wanted to help.. Dont try and say we pulled the trigger first.

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i don't believe i said you pulled the trigger first. two wrongs don't make a right though and as far as I'm concerned you're both pathetic.

and so what if France brought in another alliance against you? that justifies organizing a curbstomp? $%&@ off with your ignorance, seriously you're embarrasing yourself and OON

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"and so what if France brought in another alliance against you? that justifies organizing a curbstomp? $%&@ off with your ignorance, seriously you're embarrasing yourself and OON"

then don't !@#$%* that we want to bring in help you idiot... sayign we have double standards your a full blown hypocrite..

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"and so what if France brought in another alliance against you? that justifies organizing a curbstomp? $%&@ off with your ignorance, seriously you're embarrasing yourself and OON"

then don't !@#$%* that we want to bring in help you idiot... sayign we have double standards your a full blown hypocrite..

i'm not !@#$%*ing about bringing in allies. I'm pointing out your hypocrisy by claiming to want 1 v 1 wars yet you asked no less than 5 other alliances two of which are in the top 5 alliances in the game to take out an alliance that you're supposedly handling rather easily. i am not now, nor have i ever condoned curbstomps. i have stood up against that hypocrisy before and i always will. the fact that you think what France does, an alliance i am not a member of (and joined only to fight UN for a brief time) makes me a hypocrite only further proves my point that you're barely fit to lead your nation let alone an entire alliance.

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um.. i never said that OON wanted a 1v1.. i stated above that it should be kept 1v1.doesn't mean that OON wants that. i am speaking mostly of myself and not OON. Also if i can save 500ns for my alliance by getting help from allies then your damn right ill ask for as much help as possible. Point of TE is to win by any means nessecary. So S.T.F.U and don't !@#$%* about somthing you have no point of getting involved in other then to troll.

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So S.T.F.U and don't !@#$%* about somthing you have no point of getting involved in other then to troll.

i see to it that alliances on my !@#$ list are destroyed, or at the very least politically crippled. you're on my !@#$ list for being a whiny little !@#$%*. if you want me to shut up, make me.

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