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New Alliance Starting

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Here's the deal... I am starting up a new alliance... I am looking for active players... your current knowledge of the game is not important... what you don't know we will teach you... Your current nation size doesn't matter... however small your nation is we will grow you... we will provide for you everything that can be provided so long as you provide everything that you can provide...

Visit coldfront IRC #TheAlliance for more information and to talk with people who have committed to starting this alliance...

Position of Triumvirate of Foreign Affairs (Triumvirate of Friends) is still open to all of you wishing to apply...

for those wondering more about the alliance... here is a rough final draft of the charter... it is subject to change... just not drastic change... only those committed to being in the alliance will have a say on the true final draft of the charter...

We bring this alliance together and on paper to form the most elite, most knowledgeable, most active alliance that can be made. Our greatest strength will be Activity over Numbers. Meaning we will choose the one truly active member over the plethora of slightly active members and completely ignore the lurkers. We will choose the safety of our brothers over the safety of our Nations. We will fight to the death for our brothers, forsaking all that we have worked for. We will be; A force to be reckoned with… with this said... we announce the existence of "The Alliance" and hereby declare with this charter the “Rules of Founding” which all members of "The Alliance" will be required to follow at all times without fail.

The Rules of Founding

Section I – Membership Requirements

• All potential members shall be required to pass a rigorous Entrance Academy which will test them on their knowledge of Nation Development and upkeep, Military Strategy, Warfare, Diplomacy, The Rules of Founding, and anything else deemed necessary by the Triumvirate of Family.

• All potential members shall be required to comply with a strict level of activity during the days that they are in the Entrance Academy.

• All potential members must post their “Oath of Admission.”

• All potential members must gain support for admission from no less than 3 “Full Members” of the alliance.

Section II – The Inherent Right

• Every person in “The Alliance” from Recruit to Emperor holds the right to fair, honest, and kind treatment from each and every person in “The Alliance,” free from malicious persecution, reprisal for taking the minority view, and inappropriate conduct from fellow members.

Section III – Rights of the General Assembly

• The General Assembly holds the right to remove any member of the Government or a Deputy from office with a majority vote of “No Confidence”. Majority defined here in as 66% or greater in favor.

• The General Assembly holds the right to hold votes of “No Confidence” on any member of the government without fear of reprisal or reprimand.

• The General Assembly holds the right to remove any person from “The Alliance”, granted they have adequate reason and a majority vote in favor.

• All members of the General Assembly have the right to hold and run for Government Office.

• The General Assembly holds the right to fair and open government and as such all matters not deemed classified or sensitive shall be discussed openly with full participation from the General Assembly.

• The General Assembly holds the right to veto the signing of any treaty with a majority vote.

• The General Assembly holds the right to alter or amend the Rule of Founding with a major majority vote defined here in as 80% or more of the alliance in favor.

• The General Assembly holds the right to all powers not specifically granted to another government body of “The Alliance.”

• All Full members of “The Alliance” shall be afforded the Rights of the General Assembly.

Section IV – Social Order of “The Alliance”


• Recruits have completed the application process and have submitted their “Oath of Admission” and have it recorded in “The Alliance’s Hall of Record.”

• Recruits are required to pass the Entrance Academy before being considered a member of “The Alliance.”

• Recruits are granted no General Assembly vote.


• Members have completed and passed the Entrance Academy.

• Members who have been at this status level for no less than 31 days and have the support of no less than 3 Full Members may petition the General Assembly for advancement to “Full Member”

• Members must be approved by a majority vote of the General Assembly and have their “Oath of Office” recorded in “The Alliance’s Hall of Record” before being considered a Full Member and afforded the Rights of the General Assembly.

• Members are granted no General Assembly vote.

Restricted Full Member

• Restricted Full Members have been placed in this status, which is equal to Member in terms of rights and abilities, as a temporary punishment for neglecting to follow The Rules of Founding.

• A Full Member may only be reclassified as a Restricted Full Member by the General Assembly should they feel that the member deserves punishment, but wishes him/her to remain in the alliance.

• Restricted Full Members who have been at this status level for no less than 31 days and have the support of no less than 3 Full Members may petition the General Assembly to be reinstated as a Full Member.

• Restricted Full Members must be approved by a majority vote of the General Assembly and have their “Oath of Amends” recorded in “The Alliance’s Hall of Record” before being reinstated as a Full Member and afforded the Rights of the General Assembly.

• Restricted Full Members are granted no General Assembly vote.

Full Member / General Assembly

• Full Members shall be the most active, the most knowledgeable, the most driven of all the members of “The Alliance”

• Full Members have completed and complied with all the restrictions, requirements, and Oaths required of the statuses before.

• Full Members are required to vote in each matter and discussion requiring an official vote.

• A Full Member who fails to show up for 3 or more votes on 3 or more separate days shall be brought before the rest of the Full Members for review, and may have their status as a Full Member Restricted should there be no adequate reason for the Full Members dereliction of duty.

• The General Assembly is made up of all the Full Members.

• Full members are granted one (1) general assembly vote each.


• The Ombudsman shall be elected from the General Assembly to serve as the moderator of all votes and government proceedings.

• The Ombudsman shall be granted no vote in any matter unless required to break a tie.

• The Ombudsman will be charged with monitoring and recording who did and did not vote in each matter requiring a vote and mandatory participation from the General Assembly.


• Full Members who have shown excellent skill and activity may be granted positions of limited authority by the Triumvirate to assist them in their day to day tasks.

• Deputies retain their General Assembly vote.


• Full Members who have shown true excellence in skill, knowledge, activity, and leadership may be elected to office by the General Assembly, dealing with matters of Foreign Affairs, Internal Affairs, and Military Command.

• The Triumvirate is appointed by the Emperor and approved by majority vote of the General Assembly.

• The Triumvirate retains their specific office until they either voluntarily vacate it or are removed by vote of “No Confidence.”

• The Triumvirate of Family shall be charged with creating, maintaining, and assessing the efficacy of all General Assembly approved plans for increasing our member nations tech levels, infra levels, nuke counts, and Wonders.

• The Triumvirate of Family shall be charged with maintaining the organization of our internal affairs departments.

• The Triumvirate of Friends shall be charged with ensuring that peace is maintained between “The Alliance” and the other alliances of Cybernations.

• The Triumvirate of Friends shall be charged with maintaining the organization of our foreign affairs departments.

• The Triumvirate of Peace shall be charged with constructing and maintaining a standing military to be used in the defense of “The Alliance.”

• The Triumvirate of Peace shall be charged with instructing all members of “The Alliance” in the art of war.

• Triumvirates retain their General Assembly vote.


• The Emperor is the highest ranking official in “The Alliance.”

• The Emperor retains office until he/she either voluntarily vacates the office or is removed by vote of “No Confidence.”

• The Emperor must name a successor and have that successor approved by majority vote of the General Assembly. Should no successor be named or the General Assembly finds the successor to be unsuitable the Triumvirate will deliberate and name a new successor.

• The Emperor is the only person in the alliance with the authority to declare war.

• The Emperor is the voice of “The Alliance” and shall represent “The Alliance” in everything that is done.

• With the support of the General Assembly the Emperor may enter into written contract with other alliances for the purposes of intelligence gains, financial gains, mutual Defense, and/or mutual Aggression.

• The Emperors word shall be taken as the will of the alliance.

• The Emperor retains his/her General Assembly vote.

Section V – General Assembly Vote and Election Etiquette

• Votes of “No Confidence” shall be held for 3 days following a 2 day discussion on the matter to determine the relevance and justification.

• Treaty veto votes shall be held for no less than 3 days following a minimum of 1 day discussion on the matter.

Section VI – Foreign Diplomats and the Embassies

• All Foreign Diplomats shall be afforded equal opportunity for embassy and friendly relations with “The Alliance.”

• Foreign Embassies shall be considered to be safe ground for all who are there and separate from the Halls of “The Alliance.”

• Foreign Diplomats may be barred from our Halls for misconduct within them, but they may never be barred from their Embassy.

Section VII – Oaths of “The Alliance”

• Paragraph I – The “Oath of Admission”

I [Nation Ruler Name] of [Nation Name] swear to uphold the Rules of Founding to the letter. I swear to uphold any and all decisions made by the General Assembly and the Government officials of “The Alliance.”

I swear to always put the safety and integrity of “The Alliance” and my fellow members first, forsaking my own pride, and the safety of nation to do so.

I swear to never declare war on any nation without approval from a ranking officer in the Military.

I swear to never make any statements on “The Alliance” policy, or attempt to speak on behalf of the “The Alliance” or its allies without direct consent from a ranking member of “The Alliance” government.

I swear to constantly seek out ways that I can better myself, my nation, and “The Alliance.” I understand that I can accomplish this through alliance sanctioned tech deals, nation building programs, and by helping “The Alliance” with various projects and job details.

I swear to defend “The Alliance,” forsaking all that I have worked for. I understand that “The Alliance” and each member in it is a greater thing to protect than the individual tech or infra that I may have accrued. I understand that military service in “The Alliance” is mandatory and that I will be required to check into my regiment no less than once per week.

I understand that I hold the right to fair and honest treatment from each and every member in “The Alliance,” free from malicious persecution, reprisal for taking the minority view, and inappropriate conduct from fellow members.

• Paragraph II – The “Oath of Office”

I [Nation Ruler Name] of [Nation Name] swear to uphold the Rules of Founding in all my decisions. I understand that my activity and participation in “The Alliance” should be of the highest caliber, and that should for any reason I have need to be absent, I must inform the rest of the General Assembly.

• Paragraph III – The “Oath of Amends”

**Special Note** The charges brought against the nation in question which required this oath to be taken must be posted with the Oath in the “Hall of Record”

I [Nation Ruler Name] of [Nation Name] do understand the full implications and wrong doing of the charges brought before me. I have been derelict in my duty to “The Alliance,” and as such have been derelict to myself. I swear upon my nation, my pride, and my membership in this alliance that I will constantly work to correct my previous error and never repeat it. Should I fail to uphold this oath, I understand that my nation may be rendered to a state of Zero Infrastructure, my admittance to these halls revoked, and my membership in this alliance canceled.

Section VIII – Policy on War and Nuclear Retaliation

• The Emperor may only declare war when all diplomatic options have been exhausted.

• Should the alliance be attacked from an outside aggressor and the Emperor is unable to be contacted. The Triumvirate of Peace is authorized to mobilize the military of “The Alliance” in its defense.

• The Alliance will always have a nuclear first strike policy with Defensive wars. Should “The Alliance” be declared on by an outside force we shall fight back with the full force of our armament.

• Before an Offensive war is declared The Emperor ,the Triumvirate of Peace and the Triumvirate of Friends shall meet, either separately or together, to discuss the various options available and the benefits of Nuclear First Strike vs Restricted Nuclear Usage. The Emperor should take into consideration the opinions of the Triumvirates and General Assembly when making the decision to first strike or not.

Section IX – Policy on Tech Raiding

• “The Alliance” supports Tech Raiding for both military advancement and learning.

• Members of “The Alliance” must receive authorization from a ranking Military Officer within “The Alliance” before engaging in a Tech Raid.

• Tech Raiding on Orange sphere nations is never authorized.

• Target Raid Nation must be given peace if it is requested.

• Nuclear weapons are forbidden to be used in any sort of Tech Raid.

Edited by Franziskaner
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