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Slavorussian Announcements

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Ministery of Transportation:


The Ministry of Transportation reported today that the massive construction project to repair hundreds of kilometers worth of dilapidated highway road has finally been finished. Transportation Minister Aleksei Chistyakov says the project has brought Slavorussia’s interstate up to par with current imperial safety regulations, not only by repaving damaged streets, but by installing free to use phones every few kilometers. The phones have a direct like to the traffic stations, and station officials can contact fire, police and other emergency services. The renewed highways also are equipped with video cameras that can monitor traffic and motorists.

The upgrades also bike lanes protected by guard rails, and carpool lanes in heavily populated areas. The highway system has in many places been extended by at least two lanes to increase the flow of traffic. Now that construction is completed and all roads are open we can expect to see a major commute times decrease especially in the major cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Ministery of Commerce:


Minister of Commerce Sergei Golubev reported that the Moscow International Business Center is nearly complete. Building contractors say they are putting the finishing touches on the 12 billion rouble project started in early 2000 with the ground breaking of Slavorussia Tower.

Department of Defense:


Parliament has approved an appropriation bill for the Ministry of Defense’s proposal to repair, upgrade and build new permanent defensive structures along the Slavrussian border. The issue was brought to parliament shortly after the conclusion of the war with Nordland. Ministry of Defense investigators reported that much of the defensive infrastructure in Belarus was destroyed, or was seriously outdated. The Ministry of Defense is currently accepting bids from Slavorussian based construction companies.

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Construction companies have begun to repair the Luninets Air Force Base in Brest region In south west Belarus. Although Luninets launched few aircraft during the war it sustained the most damage from R.A. and Nordland’s air strikes. The air force base is also expected to feature an extended runway and a new state-of-the-art command center.

Similar upgrades are being made to the Vitebsk Air Force Base in Vitebsk, Belarus. Upgrades at Vitebsk include adding another runway and extending existing ones, building a brand new command center and adding housing units to increase the number of permanent personnel manning the base.

Air Force bases in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are being linked together into the regional Baltic Early Warning Radar System (BEWRS) with the task of detecting missile and aircraft entering Slavorussian airspace, and providing enough warning to intercept or attack incoming threats to imperial defense. BEWRS will then be connected to the Imperial Slavorussian Early Warning and Detection Program (ISEWDP).

Since Slavorussia’s Baltic seacoast relatively lacks natural defenses like the Arctic seacoast, which in some areas freezes during the colder months, the Department of the Navy is hoping to secure funds from the Ministry of Defense’s budget to build a sonar web in the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland that will give Slavorussia early warning against enemy surface and submerged vessels. The Ministry of Defense seems optimistic about building a sonar system, but for now they plan to install stationary cannons to defend the Baltic seacoast.

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