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Communism? What is that?


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Aboard the nobody craft flying through what looked like sparsely inhabited tundra, the Nobody Diplomat sat quietly in her chair. In order to make the startlingly individualistic Sentient beings of the world more at-ease with talking to her, she had been assigned the name 'Nix'. Looking up the origins of the phrase had left her slightly bemused, but still focused on the task at hand.

Reports had indicated that a large amount of activity had been ongoing in the general area of Eastern Europe. It was Nix's task to investigate and, if possible, open relations with the creatures inhabiting whatever civilization had cropped up.

She was still contemplating the origins of her name with a sort of melancholy when a thundering crash echoed through the compartment. Looking out the window to her right showed the source of the problem; an engine had exploded on the wing, and they were rapidly losing altitude.

Nix calmly reached for the radio transmitter and spoke.

"Greetings to any sentient beings in the area. We have experienced technical difficulties and are crash-landing at the sight of this transmission. We would appreciate any help in being rescued from this predicament afterwards." She thought a guttural language spat back to her through the intercom, but the ground was appearing in the front window.

After that, blackness.


(OOC: Nix.)

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"Greetings to any sentient beings in the area. We have experienced technical difficulties and are crash-landing at the sight of this transmission. We would appreciate any help in being rescued from this predicament afterwards." She thought a guttural language spat back to her through the intercom, but the ground was appearing in the front window.

This was, indeed, received by the Soviets and immediately dispatched to the Government in Petrograd. Thousands of Red Army soldiers, having seen a strange object streaking toward the ground, and having felt and heard the immense effect of the subsequent crash, converged upon the point. They formed a line around the 'crater', their guns trained upon the 'object', unsure about what they would encounter next...

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The aircraft hissed and steamed, giving off a variety of beeps and buzzes as primary systems struggled to maintain operation within normal parameters and secondary devices came online to assist them in their task. Nix coughed thickly in the smoke after regaining consciousness and took a look at the map plot. They were rather south of their intended destination. An external view showed thousands upon thousands of soldiers training their instruments of pain on the craft.

"Hmm. Their reaction time is rather astounding."

The external landing-port of the craft hissed open amidst a shower of sparks and smoke. She emerged into the sunlight, defenseless.

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The aircraft hissed and steamed, giving off a variety of beeps and buzzes as primary systems struggled to maintain operation within normal parameters and secondary devices came online to assist them in their task. Nix coughed thickly in the smoke after regaining consciousness and took a look at the map plot. They were rather south of their intended destination. An external view showed thousands upon thousands of soldiers training their instruments of pain on the craft.

"Hmm. Their reaction time is rather astounding."

The external landing-port of the craft hissed open amidst a shower of sparks and smoke. She emerged into the sunlight, defenseless.

The soldiers tensed up as they raised their weapons when the hatch on the landing craft snapped open. They, however, gasped out when a lifeform emerged that was unlike anything they had ever seen before. But it seemed to be harmless and defenseless, though.

Red Army generals and commanders were informed of this, which they immediately relayed to their superiors. Soon, a telegram reached Lenin's desk in the Tauride Palace. "Hm, this looks certainly interesting, if not strange." Lenin surmised to an aide as he read the telegram. "I wish to meet this lifeform right away."

Orders were immediately dispatched to commanders. They were to bring the lifeform to the Tauride Palace, and that it was not to be touched nor harmed...

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Nix flicked a speck of dirt absently off of her while she was escorted from the crashed ship. She had no clue where she was going, or where it was that these people were taking her. The language, though she was gradually learning it through listening, was harsh and incomprehensible to outsiders. It indicated absolutely nothing to her having to do with the present situation.

She was hustled into a land-vehicle and reclined slightly, awaiting a long ride.

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Nix flicked a speck of dirt absently off of her while she was escorted from the crashed ship. She had no clue where she was going, or where it was that these people were taking her. The language, though she was gradually learning it through listening, was harsh and incomprehensible to outsiders. It indicated absolutely nothing to her having to do with the present situation.

She was hustled into a land-vehicle and reclined slightly, awaiting a long ride.

Actually, the ride was fairly a short one. As the vehicle moved through the streets, Nix would see Petrograd and its surrounding. The city was nearly empty, inhabited only by armed soldiers on every street block. It was clear Petrograd was under martial law of some kind.

Finally, the vehicle pulled up in front of an impressive and beautifully-decorated building. It was the Tauride Palace, the residence of Vladimir Lenin and the seat of government of the Russian Soviet Republic. One of the soldiers walked over to the car door and opened it up for Nix to step out. The soldiers still surveyed the lifeform with perplexation, suspicion, and even fascination...

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Nix stepped out of the car and stood, a not-particularly imposing figure. At 5'8", she was of average-size for these humans, and it at least put them a bit more at ease than a swarm of Dusks would have. She unconsciously muttered a thank-you in her language to the man who opened the door for her.

At the soldier's gesture, she began walking towards the building. While she was no expert in architecture, it was obviously a highly revered place of importance. A sheer aura of regality emanated from the building. From this, Nix inferred that she would be meeting someone rather important locally.

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Nix stepped out of the car and stood, a not-particularly imposing figure. At 5'8", she was of average-size for these humans, and it at least put them a bit more at ease than a swarm of Dusks would have. She unconsciously muttered a thank-you in her language to the man who opened the door for her.

At the soldier's gesture, she began walking towards the building. While she was no expert in architecture, it was obviously a highly revered place of importance. A sheer aura of regality emanated from the building. From this, Nix inferred that she would be meeting someone rather important locally.

As the mysterious lifeform walked into the Tauride Palace, soldiers and guards cleared the way to allow passage, all still looking at it curiously and suspiciously. After leading the lifeform through the adorned corridors of the Palace, the soldiers stood before the double-doors and turned to the lifeform for a moment.

Wordlessly, the soldiers grasped the doorknob and twisted it, opening the door. At the sound of the door opening, Vladimir Lenin looked up from his desk. His expression turned to one of utmost curiosity and fascination as he stood up from his desk and walked up to the lifeform.

The Russian leader raised an eyebrow as he surveyed Nix for a bit. Lenin then smiled and began to speak, although unsure if the creature would understand him. "Hello. My name is Vladimir Lenin, and I'm the leader of the Russian Soviet Republic. Who might you be, and where do you come from?"

Edited by JEDCJT
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Nix stared uncomprehending for a moment while processing the language. It sounded like an excuse for people to spit at each other under the pretense of polite conversation, much unlike the melodious tones of her own language. Regardless, it must be spoken in order to communicate properly. She took a breath and began to speak.

"Hello. We are Nix. We are Nobody. We are a part of The World That Never Was. Your geography would refer to it as Central America."

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Nix stared uncomprehending for a moment while processing the language. It sounded like an excuse for people to spit at each other under the pretense of polite conversation, much unlike the melodious tones of her own language. Regardless, it must be spoken in order to communicate properly. She took a breath and began to speak.

"Hello. We are Nix. We are Nobody. We are a part of The World That Never Was. Your geography would refer to it as Central America."

Lenin's eyes widened. So this creature understood his language, and Russian too. Impressed, Lenin smiled. "So...you come from central America? I've never been there myself, although it sounds like a good place to go to." He paused for a moment. "So, Nix, what is the purpose of your visit?"

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The Russian words coming from Nix were far more melodious than most of the natural speakers imagined possible for the language. It was an accent stemming from the language of Nobodies, and it made the conversation far easier on the ears.

"We have no clue where we are. We, as we are sure you know, crashed a way away from here, on search for intelligent life." A light tone of humor pervaded her voice. "We have found some, I suppose."

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The Russian words coming from Nix were far more melodious than most of the natural speakers imagined possible for the language. It was an accent stemming from the language of Nobodies, and it made the conversation far easier on the ears.

"We have no clue where we are. We, as we are sure you know, crashed a way away from here, on search for intelligent life." A light tone of humor pervaded her voice. "We have found some, I suppose."

Lenin chuckled. "Well, you've come to the right place! The Russian Soviet Republic is certainly a paradise on earth (OOC: note, the earth, not Earth). I think you will like it." Lenin said, smiling.

Edited by JEDCJT
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