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Confucianism Deploys

Chancellor Bismarck

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An Announcement from the Economic Minister

Confucianism would like to announce that we have opened up new trade opportunities in the world. This begins with the introduction of new Timor-Confucianism trade. We've always traded in the past, but we've now agreed to begin the introduction of special FunChuan Coffee to Timor. They've responded with tremendous interest, and the first shipment was sent out yesterday.



Yesterday, Confucianism transported twenty RT-2UTTKh mobile strategic weapons platforms on Timoresian soil. They were transported on large cargo planes that were inbound for Timor. Each was carrying GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Missiles (MOAB-M) that were contained inside twenty ICBM missiles, one each to each RT-2UTTKh. Thanks to ICBM technology, we're able to take such a large bomb and put it into missile form, since ICBM's provide the thrust necessary to transport the bomb worldwide.

Edited by Pacifism
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OOC: That bomb is about 10x the throw weight of the missile system you stuck it on. I'd love to be attacked by those, they won't fly.

OOC: I'd beg to differ, since the launch system in RL fires missiles that are a mass of 47,200 kg, which is 2x the mass of what I'm launching.

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OOC: I'd beg to differ, since the launch system in RL fires missiles that are a mass of 47,200 kg, which is 2x the mass of what I'm launching.

OOC: Know what throw weight is? It is the max weight of the payload. So yes, the missile may be 47 tons, but most of that is body and fuel. Only 1000kg of it was nuclear warhead(s). And that was all it was designed to lift. So, putting a bomb of 9.5 tones on a missile with a throw weight of ony 1 ton is not going to work.

Edited by LeVentNoir
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OOC: Know what throw weight is? It is the max weight of the payload. So yes, the missile may be 47 tons, but most of that is body and fuel. Only 1000kg of it was nuclear warhead. And that was all it was designed to lift. So, putting a bomb of 9.5 tones on a missile with a throw weight of ony 1 ton is not going to work.

OOC: Erm, the missile it launches in real life has 10 warheads, because it's a MIRV. So ten warheads = ten tons, according to you. So yes, I'm very certain that my missile will work.

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OOC: Erm, the missile it launches in real life has 10 warheads, because it's a MIRV. So ten warheads = ten tons, according to you. So yes, I'm very certain that my missile will work.

OOC: Correction, each warhead must then be 100kg, as the total weight of whatever you are launching has to be less than the throw weight.

Did you click the link? Seriously, this would not fly. I'm going to leave this thread now, but your missile will never with a bomb that heavy stuck on it.

Its like gluing a horse and a hawk together and expecting something to happen.

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OOC: Correction, each warhead must then be 100kg, as the total weight of whatever you are launching has to be less than the throw weight.

Did you click the link? Seriously, this would not fly. I'm going to leave this thread now, but your missile will never with a bomb that heavy stuck on it.

Its like gluing a horse and a hawk together and expecting something to happen.

OOC: Um, lol. I meant the transporter itself, the thing the missile is being carried on, is being deployed. I mistook the name of the vehicle for RT-2UTTKh missiles. I stand corrected. I still, however, maintain that I have deployed ICBM's of MOAB in that country, however, with a different type of missile than the one I accidently specified, thinking it was the name of the transporter. My apologies.

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