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The Communist International


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The Comintern Headquarters had been built hurriedly due to the imminent threat NAAC and its allies faced, but its architects and constructors had still managed to make it beautiful. It was constructed in New Barcelona along the Gulf of California, just a few miles from the NAAC congress. Its base was round and went up ten stories with each story growing smaller as it grew into the sky until closing in a dome. The surface of the walls were made of off-white marble and the dome at the top and slopes between floors was made of dark gray marble. The building was surrounded by a square plaza that took up what was once several city blocks. The ground here was covered in bricks laid out in complex patterns with no segment of the plaza looking like any other segment. A twisting stairway flanked by lush gardens led up the entrance of the building. Security was a major concern - hundreds of cameras were scattered throughout the plaza, some in hedges and some as far away as the buildings surrounding the plaza. Police, both overt and undercover, were scattered throughout the plaza and within the building.

At the heart of the Headquarters was the audience chamber. This room had the shape of a semicircle and reached several stories up in the building. Along the flat wall at the far end of the chamber was one elevated podium with a large screen behind it. Here speakers would address the rest of the chamber and give visual representations on the screen. Along the ground floor and the balconies on the levels above were hundreds of seats, each with their own microphone so they could address the primary speaker if need be. There was enough room so that each nation and news company could send multiple representatives and still have plenty of space.

An open invitation had been sent to all nations, both leftist and non-lefitst, to send delegates to either observe or take part in the formation of this new entity and the room was now crowded with those representatives. At eleven, when the meeting was officially due to begin, Barra Carlisle, the representative from the NAAC stepped up to the podium and addressed the crowd. "My Comrades; these are dark times for this world. Reactionary nations are gaining power across the world, warmongerers are threatening international peace, and left lacks the means and organization to defend itself against the enemies of freedom. If we continue down this path of lawlessness and lack of order in the world, then those that wish to dominate the world and exploit it for their own gain will gain power and grow to a point where it will be too late to stop them. Neutrality alone will not protect us from them; they are searching for war and we can only keep it hidden for so long. It is for this reason that I, on behalf of the North American Anarchist Confederacy, propose a union between the nations who would rather fight for equality, peace, and growth than for exploitation, war, and destruction. I propose that we, the Left, create an international alliance to protect us and to help the helpless of the world." She paused and looked out into the crowd. "I ask that any nation interested in such a pact speak now."

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Comandante Marcos enters the meetingplace with a small parade of Zapatistas, carrying an assortment of E.Z.L.N. and communist flags, in full guerilla attire. Marcos and 3 other decorated Generals lead the group. They take their seats, Marcos with pipe in mouth begins as always taking and sharing notes with his Zapatistas and listening carefully to the speaker. He is the only bilingual man in the group, and whispers translations throughout the meeting.

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Representative Barra looked up to the entrance as the Zapatistas entered and grinned. "It is good to see our neighbors from the South here to negotiate. Mr. Marcos; what would the Zapatista Union say to the possibility of this alliance between the nations of the left for our benefit and the benefit of all of the planet?"

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OOC: Okay, this is taking too long, so just imagine there's some more greetings and explanations before this. :P


We propose the following treaty to form a Communist International between our nations.

The Constitution of the Communist International


We, the undersigned, do with the signing of this treaty unite our nations for the cause of leftism. We vow to defend and promote freedom, equality, and camaraderie between all nations and people of Earth.

Article I

No nation of the Communist International (Comintern) will engage in hostile actions, both direct and indirect, against any other nation of the Comintern.

Article II

Should one member of the Comintern fall under attack or require aid, all other members shall do all that is possible to help them. The militaries of the Comintern are to act as one with full cooperation and shared command.

Article III

In the interest of unity, the undersigned nations will allow free travel between their borders, tariff free trade with one another, and respect all legal documents from another Comintern nation in their own nation.

Article IV

The Comintern nations must do all within their power to support and defend leftism globally. The Comintern represents leftism, so any attack on leftism is to be considered an attack on the Comintern.

Article V

All matters of expulsion of members, admission of members, and amendments to this document are to be decided among the Comintern nations democratically, with each signatory given one vote in the decision.

Article VI

The signatories agree to share all available technology and information with one another.


The Congress and People of the North American Anarchist Confederacy

What say you?

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I propose some changes.

The Constitution of the Communist International


We, the undersigned, do with the signing of this treaty unite our nations for the cause of leftism Communism. We vow to defend and promote freedom, equality, and camaraderie between all nations and people of Earth promote a world revolution and the building of socialism through a world federative republic of worker's councils.

Article I

No nation of the Communist International (Comintern) will engage in hostile actions, both direct and indirect, against any other nation of the Comintern.

Article I

The notion of existence of nations is a bourgeois notion. Signatories of the Communist International (Comintern) will abandon that notion and seeking to organize the revolutionary efforts of the proletariat will obey the decisions of an executive committee formed by the leaders of every signatory group.

Article II

Civil war is looked down upon, therefore signatories of the International will give up their "right" to engage in hostile actions, both direct and indirect, against any other member of the Comintern.

Article III

Should one member of the Comintern fall under attack or require aid, all other members shall do all that is possible to help them. The militaries of the Comintern are to act as one with full cooperation and shared command under the guise of the executive committee.

Article IV

In the interest of unity, As one, global federation, the undersigned nations will allow free travel between their borders, tariff free trade with one another, and respect all legal documents from another Comintern nation member in their own nation jurisdiction.

Article V

The Comintern nations members must do all within their power to support and defend leftism socialism globally. The Comintern represents leftism Communism, so any attack on leftism Socialism is to be considered an attack on the Comintern.

Article VI

All matters of expulsion of members, admission of members, and amendments to this document are to be decided among the Comintern nations democratically Comintern Central Committee , with each signatory given one vote in the decision.

Article VI

The signatories agree to share all available technology and information with one another.


The Congress and People of the North American Anarchist Confederacy

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OOC: Here's the ones from the PAC.

For the Western Republic,

General Edward Hayley

For Rebel Army,

Lavo Shalam

For the Republic of Farktopia,

John Gerrimann

For the Kingdom of Serca,

Emperor Sergio Tim Alos II

For Novak,

President Nova

For Arctica,


For Realm,

Prime Minister Hugh Tanner

For Jutopia Land,


Like that.

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The Constitution of the Communist International


We, the undersigned, do with the signing of this treaty unite our nations for the cause of leftism Communism. We vow to defend and promote freedom, equality, and camaraderie between all nations and people of Earth promote a world revolution and the building of socialism through a world federative republic of worker's councils.

Article I

The notion of existence of nations is a bourgeois notion. Signatories of the Communist International (Comintern) will abandon that notion and seeking to organize the revolutionary efforts of the proletariat will obey the decisions of an executive committee formed by the leaders of every signatory group.

Article II

Civil war is looked down upon, therefore signatories of the International will give up their "right" to engage in hostile actions, both direct and indirect, against any other member of the Comintern.

Article III

Should one member of the Comintern fall under attack or require aid, all other members shall do all that is possible to help them. The militaries of the Comintern are to act as one with full cooperation and shared command under the guise of the executive committee.

Article IV

In the interest of unity, As one, global federation, the undersigned nations will allow free travel between their borders, tariff free trade with one another, and respect all legal documents from another Comintern nation member in their own nation jurisdiction.

Article V

The Comintern nations members must do all within their power to support and defend leftism socialism globally. The Comintern represents leftism Communism, so any attack on leftism Socialism is to be considered an attack on the Comintern.

Article VI

All matters of expulsion of members, admission of members, and amendments to this document are to be decided among the Comintern nations democratically Comintern Central Committee , with each signatory given one vote in the decision.

Article VI

The signatories agree to share all available technology and information with one another.


The Congress and People of the North American Anarchist Confederacy

Ivan Orlov, Bolshevik Federation Premier

deSouza, People's Democratic Federation of America (South) Premier.

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Who else here would be bold enough to join us in the revolution?

OOC: Some typoes fixed and a new signature for me:

The Constitution of the Communist International


We, the undersigned, do with the signing of this treaty unite our nations for the cause of leftism Communism. We vow to defend and promote freedom, equality, and camaraderie between all nations and people of Earth promote a world revolution and the building of socialism through a world federative republic of worker's councils.

Article I

The notion of existence of nations is a bourgeois notion. Signatories of the Communist International (Comintern) will abandon that notion and seeking to organize the revolutionary efforts of the proletariat will obey the decisions of an executive committee formed by the leaders of every signatory group.

Article II

Civil war is looked down upon, therefore signatories of the International will give up their "right" to engage in hostile actions, both direct and indirect, against any other member of the Comintern.

Article III

Should one member of the Comintern fall under attack or require aid, all other members shall do all that is possible to help them. The militaries of the Comintern are to act as one with full cooperation and shared command under the guise of the executive committee.

Article IV

In the interest of unity, As one, global federation, the undersigned nations will allow free travel between their borders, tariff free trade with one another, and respect all legal documents from another Comintern nation member in their own nation jurisdiction.

Article V

The Comintern nations members must do all within their power to support and defend leftism socialism globally. The Comintern represents leftism Communism, so any attack on leftism Socialism is to be considered an attack on the Comintern.

Article VI

All matters of expulsion of members, admission of members, and amendments to this document are to be decided among the Comintern nations democratically by the Comintern Central Committee, with each signatory given one vote in the decision.

Article VI

The signatories agree to share all available technology and information with one another.


Barra Carlisle, North American Anarchist Confederacy Representative

Ivan Orlov, Bolshevik Federation Premier

deSouza, People's Democratic Federation of America (South) Premier.

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OOC: I was wondering if as the meeting precedes, leaders could meet in a seperate room to discuss among eachother, more in depth the plans of the Commitern, foreign affairs, etc. Or if something as private as this should just be held seperate from this large communist/ socialist gathering.


The first Communist International meeting is in full swing as new speakers step up to address the Commitern and the world.


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OOC: Pending the acceptance of my application, I'll be entering these discussions as well.

IC: The grizzled, born and raised nomad Chairman of the Mongol-Swede General Council Marcus Lobonsky rose to speak his piece. He was a cultured man who had also enjoyed the presence of Western missionaries and other educators who came to teach the 'heathen savages' who long ago roamed the Steppes before rejecting the outsiders once the secrets of industry and technology were laid bare.

Adjusting his formal ushanka, an irritable piece of headgear given the climate of the NAAC, he spoke slowly in his practiced English, "The people of the Steppes are eager to forge a bond with all revolutionary communist formations around the world, given that our own homelands are beset by the forces of capital-driven conquest, and our struggle for a sustainable way of life that is benevolent to the world we call our home is often cut short by an endless demand to drive our people to labor upon machines of destruction. I declare, on behalf of the General Council, that we will not shrink from the pressures of the warmongers who make it necessary for us to construct tank factories in place of grain silos in order for our lands and our people to be able to unite in the Internationalist struggle for liberty, and, with the permission of the most gracious and hospitable hosts of the North American Anarchist Federation, I would be honored to approach the table and add the endorsement of The Mongol-Swedes to this monumental treaty of honor."

Edited by The Mongol-Swedes
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OOC: I don't think we really need to vote on new members since we haven't formally announced the Comintern yet. And Orlov, we can RP a special meeting afterward or if you want privacy we can use our super secret IRC chan.


Representative Carlisle smiled widely. "It is good to see our Mongolian comrades here with us today. I would be honored to have you fighting alongside the NAAC against the imperialist forces of the bourgeois and, if no members of the Comintern object, would like to welcome you into our ranks." She motioned toward the Constitution inviting Chairman Lobonsky to sign.

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With a youthful stride the Chairman delicately edged himself along the row of seats, careful not to bump into any other attendees and observers as he stepped into the aisle, with his fist raised as he started chanting, "The People, united, will never be defeated!", a characteristic revolutionary phrase which he continued to shout with more enthusiasm even as he reached the table to add his endorsement, written in both Cyrillic and English as the laws of his people prescribed:

Председатель Маркус Лoбoнcки

Генеральный совет Монголо-шведов

Chairman Marcus Lobonsky

The General Council of The Mongol-Swedes

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Premier Orlov salutes the Chairman as Neo Soviet representatives and party members join in the chant. Zeal swels among the crowd as the chant spreads from one side of the hall to the next. Translators of all tongues relay the the messege and soon it is being echoed in several different languages filling the entire area with noise, as many stan enthusiastically with a fist in the air. Orlov leans over without turning his head away from the crowd, and whispers to a party member, "The Red Tide is gaining momentum." He then stands and orders the rest of the Neo Soviet representatives to do the same. Then continues to the podium, to give a short speech.

"Greetings comrades, friends, "Red" revolutionaries, and proud protectors of liberty, equality, and peace throughout the world. Welcome to the Communist International hosted by the NAAC. I am Premier Ivan Orlov here on behalf of the Neo Soviet Union, but more importantly on behalf of the global proletariat. Proletariats have worked through generations, building the great nations of this world out of sweat, blood, and steel. Now, sadly, some of these very nations, who without their workers would have never grown beyond the boundries of their prehistoric caves, the great powers who take on the reigns as histories conquerers, and the futures destroyers, seek to break the unbreakable unity of the global proletariat. Nations like, Kyokujitsu Teikoku under the "leadership" (for lack of a lesser term) OOC: :P IC: of Sumeragi threaten and ridicule the Communist movement at every corner.

And if it wasn't obviouse before, it is clear now that those who seek to break down the unity of the proletariat will only hasten their own path to destruction, or by luck Communist revolution. This statement is sincere, and yes it is direct at the great aggressor, Sumeragi and other dissalusioned leaders like her. I hold high hopes for this Commitern; may it prosper and grow. Until the completion of the revolutionary process around the globe, I will lead the Neo Soviet Union to be a strong advocate for the Commitern. Workers of the world unite!"


Premier Ivan Orlov when speaking directly to Sumeragi.

OOC: -_-

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