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A Meeting in the Country

Justinian the Mighty

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Because of the volatile war happening in Europe the Imperial Guard has detailed highly secretive plans for the Estovakian Empress’ trip to Slavorussia. When her helicopter entered Slavorussian airspace it would be escorted to Samara, instead of Kazan, as previously indicated. In Samara news of her arrival had somehow reached the citizens and they clamored outside the air force base hoping for a glimpse of the Empress.

From Samara the Empress Kusanagi is put on a small private jet, accompanied by several Imperial Guardsmen, and flown to Nizhny Novgorod. From there it’s a straight shot by train to the small town of Novolikeevo.

Just outside Novoliekeevo is a small estate where the emperor is currently staying while he passes through the area. It’s not his estate it’s owned by a wealthy businessman from St. Petersburg, who was kind enough to let the emperor stay there on his trip. The main building on the grounds dulls in comparison to the Imperial Palace, but its by no stretch of the imagination plain. The two story cobblestone house not only houses the emperor, but his whole bodyguard detail and personal staff comfortably. Behind the house is a magnificent view of a small lake and the snowy hills in the background.

Oddly, the empress’ motorcade arrives at the exact same time as the emperor’s. As the cars meet the Imperial Guard escorts the emperor and empress into the house to the family room where tea has been prepared.

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The Empress had followed all the safety protocals without arguement and had just followed in the wake of the armed guards keeping her thoughts to herself as they travelled. Not once during the journey whether onboard the private jet or the train did she speak even one word to any of the guards that were with her. She just sat their her hands in her lap and her head hanging limply from her shoulders with her eyes focused off into the distance. Once she reached her motorcade she climbed into her designated vehicle and watched the scenery pass by until they reached the mansion where she was to meet Emperor Justinian. Once they pulled up with Justinian's motorcade coming up alongside them she exited the vehicle and walked with the Emperor to the room where she was to have her meeting with the glorius man beside her.

It would be impossible for Justinian not to notice the look of defeat that was upon Motoko's face which was a very pale colour and lines of worry could be seen etched into it almost ruining any beauty she could have had. The way her shoulders slumped and the slow walk that she used revealed some sort of pain or loss. Once they reached the family room Motoko took a seat and carefully sat down thinking of wait to say to Justinian. Thinking of how to tell him about the demons that tore at her heart.

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During the whole walk from outside to the family room the emperor's aides monopolize his time, asking for orders, or reporting information from the Kremlin. As they enter the family room the tension between the two can be cut with a knife. It's difficult to concentrate with the world falling down around them and the threat of nuclear annihilation in the back of their minds. On the opposite side of the room near a window is a table. On the table is tea, sugar and cream. Justinian walks over to the table, but instead of pouring any tea he takes a Makarov pistol and a combat knife from his jacket and places them on the table. He looks at Motoko and sighs, "It's a dangerous world we live in."

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Motoko manages to look up at Justinian and eyes the weapons on the table and reaches for her own when her eyes widen in shock for a few seconds. She had forgot to bring her own weapons and she had never done that before before her eyes gentled again and once more were filled with sorrow. "Yes this world is a dangerous place indeed. Made even more so by those who wield power foolishly. It leads many people to their deaths" replied Motoko a few tears forming in her eyes which she quickly tried to wipe away before Justinian could see them. With a quiet sigh she looked back to Justinian. "How fares Slavorussia?" she asked her voice quiet and broken.

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"Everything is fine here. Some disturbances in the northwest but the evacuation is going smoothly... at least thats what im being told. How's Estovakia?"

Justinian looks at Motoko, while loosening his tie and smiles, albeit a fake smile since there's little to be happy about. At this point he's just trying to stave off depression, and keep his sanity, and he hopes smiling will help him do that. He walks towards Motoko with a somber look on his face wishing he could make everything right again, but he cannot.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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"Estovakia itself is in a state of mourning after we loss those men and women in Hansa. Other than that Estovakia is fairing well though no one is sure how we will deal with any possible fallout" said Motoko sadly as she looked up at Justinian as he walks over to her with a smile on his face. Seeing that smile and the strength that Justinian possessed was too much and she turned away as tears freely flowed down her cheeks. "I lost Natasha Justinian, I lost Natasha" she whispered as she fought to control herself.

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The smile on Justinian’s face is gone now, and all that’s left is a ghostly expression. He doesn’t know exactly what to do or say. He sits beside Motoko, takes her hand and tries to console her. “The attack on the Hansa was inexcusable, and those to blame will reap what they have sown,” he pauses for a minute gathering his thoughts before continuing, “Including myself. I just wish I could express how sorry I am for your loss, but I know words cannot express my feelings. I just want you to know if you need a shoulder to cry on, I‘m here for you.”

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Taking his words to heart Motoko turned and laid her head on Justinian's shoulder for comfort. She closed her eyes and a small smile crept into her expression. "What do I do Justinian? The people cry out for vengeance and yet to do so would destroy. The world is tearing itself apart without thinking and what of you if you are involved then you could be killed yourself. I couldn't face that I couldn't bare the thought of you doing too" said Motoko sadly as she waited for Justinian's reply.

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"I'm hoping the leaders of the nuclear giants currently involved in this war see the error of their ways. I hope that when the see their cities lying in ruin, and their people crying out in agony that they realize the full extent of what they have done."

he pauses for a minute when an aide walks into the room. He quickly and angrily waves him off, mouthing the words "get out!" to him. When the aide is gone he continues, "As for myself, I've taken appropriate measures to ensure my safety, no matter what I cannot avoid what fate throws at me. I'm more worried about you though, Motoko. You have a difficult decision to make, and I wish I could help you with it, but I cannot. I would prefer it if Estovakia stayed out of the war, because in the end there will be no winners, only losers."

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"I'm hoping the leaders of the nuclear giants currently involved in this war see the error of their ways. I hope that when the see their cities lying in ruin, and their people crying out in agony that they realize the full extent of what they have done."

he pauses for a minute when an aide walks into the room. He quickly and angrily waves him off, mouthing the words "get out!" to him. When the aide is gone he continues, "As for myself, I've taken appropriate measures to ensure my safety, no matter what I cannot avoid what fate throws at me. I'm more worried about you though, Motoko. You have a difficult decision to make, and I wish I could help you with it, but I cannot. I would prefer it if Estovakia stayed out of the war, because in the end there will be no winners, only losers."

"Estovakia will not be taking part in any of this war unless anyone attacks Slavorussia. The only reason we went to protect Hansa was that they were only fulfilling a treaty and with those barabarians at the gates we couldn't leave them to fight themselves. But no Estovakia will take no part in this war" replied Motoko her voice hardening during it before softening as she again spoke to Justinian. "Justinian I must ask after our last meeting got cut short. Do you have feelings for me?" she asked.

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Motoko smiled in relief before composing herself and taking her head off of Justinian's shoulder though she did it with obvious regret. "Thank god. I had feared your feelings might have been diminished becuase of my actions but I am glad I was proved wrong. Maybe after this war business is over we can build on our relationship" replied Motoko smiling properlly for the first time in many hours.

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