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Putting a team together

Gabe Logan

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This is not the most orthodoxed way to put an alliance together, so just hold off before you start the bashing. I know the deal. I've played CN for over 2 years. However, I've got nothing to lose and there are good people out there who want what I want...to be a part of the original government of a brand new alliance and shape it's future. I'm offering those people an opportunity.

If you're one of those posting looking for a new alliance to call home or you've wanted to participate in the creation of an alliance, but for whatever reasons you needed help getting it off the ground, then this is a project that benefits both of us. If you're interested, I'll be glad to discuss this opportunity further with you through pm.

I know alliances are springing up more often than new members lately, so you may ask what makes this one any different? Honestly, it's just a matter of what you're looking for. I know the in's and out's of CN and can offer new members an abundance of aid through tech programs. It's not a matter of knowledge, but of people. Any alliance needs a solid government in place before launching it's Declaration of Existence (DoE). I've got the tools, I just need the staff. PM me with why you're interested and what experience you have in CN. This is for serious considerations only. Please don't waste my time or yours.

I also respectfully ask that you veterans don't flame this thread. Thank you!


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