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Article I: Mutual Defense

The Rodentia Dominatus Alliance and Mostly Harmful Alliance will not engage in acts of

aggression upon one another, and shall honor all requests for military assistance should

either find itself under attack by an outside party.

Article II: Optional Aggression

Rodentia Dominatus has the option to engage in offensive actions that Mostly Harmful Alliance takes, but is not obligated, and vice versa.

Article III: Cancellation

Should either alliance feel the need to withdraw from the agreement, they shall notify

the other alliance privately. A 48 hour cancellation period shall be in effect from the

time that an alliance is notified of cancellation.

/s/ for Mostly Harmful Alliance

Thaisport, Prime Minister of Mostly Harmful Alliance

/s/ for Rodentia Dominatus

Arcticllama, Head Lemming, CEO

Strykewolf, Hamster Master, War Leader

Edited by arcticllama
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Rodentia Harmful MDoAP

Article I: Mutual Defense

The Rodentia Dominatus Alliance and Mostly Harmful Alliance will not engage in acts of

aggression upon one another, and shall honor all requests for military assistance should

either find itself under attack by an outside party.

A) If either Alliance encounters a conflict of treaty obligations under this article;

the non-warring alliance shall act as a peace negotiator.

Article II: Optional Aggression

Rodentia Dominatus has the option to engage in offensive actions that Mostly Harmful Alliance takes, but is not obligated, and vice versa.

Article III: Cancellation

Should either alliance feel the need to withdraw from the agreement, they shall notify

the other alliance privately. A 48 hour cancellation period shall be in effect from the

time that an alliance is notified of cancellation.

/s/ for Mostly Harmful Alliance

Thaisport, Prime Minister of Mostly Harmful Alliance

/s/ for Rodentia Dominatus

Arcticllama, Head Lemming, CEO

Strykewolf, Hamster Master, War Leader

A line was added Articllama, ^^ that's the copy you were looking for.

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