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Västgöta Brotherhood

Tsar Tom I

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Västgöta Brotherhood

About Västgöta Brotherhood

Västgöta Brotherhood was an alliance between six rulers (of which three are on the run disguised as peasants since their country was run over by communists) in the county of Västra Götaland in Sweden. Mainly created to guard their independence from "gigant alliances" who acts like a large state with a small ruling clique of nations at the top and a large mass of smaller nations at the bottom acting like minions.

Västgöta Brotherhood is a group of sovereign nations who have sworn to protect each other when one member is attacked, we do not however support a member nation who is on the attacking side if the attack has not been discussed in advance and approved by a majority of members.

Nations size is of no importance when applying for membership.


1. We only accept autocratic nations, no democrates, communists or other social subversive ideologies

2. No Technology raiding, this is the world greatest sin and menace.

3. Honour first, when asked to fight for the alliance you shall not stop until peace has been agreed upon by all parts or your palace/castle lies in rubbles and every singel soldier lies dead or wounded on the ground around you in your destroyed capital.

4. Never insult another leader unless he/she/it has insulted you first.

5. Support your allies, if you are unable to partake in the actual war then send all your spare resources to your allied. Even if it means a halt in growth for your nation for a while. You will be treated the same if you are the one attacked, of course.

Current Members:

Russo-Swedish Empire - Tsar Tom I

Maxedonia - Emperor Max

Sanitopia - Margo den Friske (means Margo the healty, not true by the way)

At this current time we are hostile towards:


Edited by Tsar Tom I
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Did i hit a sore spot?

I too might send a Mel Gibbson video... but i will correct the error you have pointed out, but not remove barbarian. Just check toughts on techraid tread.


@Ryan: I be in my palace (but lacks of roof at the moment), that be one of the many civilians you have killed.

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We're well within our rights to raid a 3-man alliance.

What I don't understand is how someone can expect that they are entitled to attack a nation and not be attacked back.

Sure, attack all you want, but don't be surprised when we attack back, and don't think you are better because you can win using the tactics of thugs. You are the scum of earth, no matter how many friends you have that help you win. If you attacked one on one, that would have been a totally different matter, and I would have felt the weight of loss. As it is now, I am loosing the battles but winning the war.

We may lose our infrastructure, but what we have left are honour, pride and glory. Something you miss. And thus, I still see this war as a victory.

We are the last beacon of hope for nations that wish to be sovereign and not a mindless goon for a bigot alliance like the FnKa. I may perish, but maybe my message will inspire someone else to show the same courage that my men have shown this far.

Sincerely, Emperor Max of Maxedonia.

The Maxedonian emperors speech to his soldiers

Edited by Emperor Max
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@Ryan: You better, or we will send another clip of Mel Gibson!

Since you are winning the war, as you say you do. Why dont you bring good ol' Larry "Anarchy in my nation" Foulke so the can tell you the story of how he decicivly defeated us in battle ;) .

But alas, this is a recruitment tread, anyone up for a fight against the FnKa - Not alliance but irish scoundrels?

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I guess I do understand the honor involved of getting attacked in an online video game B)

I like as much to be pushed around online as I do in reality. Your pathetic attempts at humour to cover up for the fact that you are just a coward hiding behind a large alliance are just a waste of time. Please, if you are to make jokes, make fun ones.

Now go away or I shall send more videos of my speeches for my soldiers and citizens.

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My view of the conflict:

It started with a tech raid on Sanitopia from the Emmerian Republic. When i discovered that my allied was under attack i contacted Larry Foulke and asked him to stop the war at once, he replied with a declaration of war with the following reason: "Also wants a Tech Raid".

I procceded with three things: counter-attack, call upon Maxedonia and contacting Adam Lichtenstein, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The following corespondance followed:

TsarT-*My first letter is missing*

AdamL-Does your alliance have a protectorate?

TsarT- I wouldnt call them protectorat, mearly friends in high places.

About the conflict: It was your member that attacked us, both of us, i askt him to offer peace to sanitopia but he responded with bombers and cruise missiles. I wish to end the war as soon as possible since all of our nations have more important things to invest in than soldiers and missiles.

-Tsar Tom I

AdamL- Well, I can ask him to stop attacking, but because you're a 3-man alliance, you're fair game for raiding. You won't be getting any reps, but I'll see what I can do about him stopping the attacks.

TsarT- Thank you, i will cease fire until the conflict has resolved.

Manny thanks -Tsar Tom I

AdamL-I've asked our Minister of Defense to give you peace. We'll wait and see.

TsarT- I agree that peace would be the best option. Since i, even though i am crippel, am able to defeat the Emmerian Republic. Great loses on both sides...

Nothing happens.

TsarT-Where you not supposed to help resolve the conflict?

And here we are. The minister of defense didnt seam to bother at all. The only major change was when BangsaMoro Land, Union of Yuktobania and Canam joined the war.

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What I don't understand is how someone can expect that they are entitled to attack a nation and not be attacked back.

Sure, attack all you want, but don't be surprised when we attack back, and don't think you are better because you can win using the tactics of thugs. You are the scum of earth, no matter how many friends you have that help you win. If you attacked one on one, that would have been a totally different matter, and I would have felt the weight of loss. As it is now, I am loosing the battles but winning the war.

We may lose our infrastructure, but what we have left are honour, pride and glory. Something you miss. And thus, I still see this war as a victory.

We are the last beacon of hope for nations that wish to be sovereign and not a mindless goon for a bigot alliance like the FnKa. I may perish, but maybe my message will inspire someone else to show the same courage that my men have shown this far.

Sincerely, Emperor Max of Maxedonia.

The Maxedonian emperors speech to his soldiers

LMAO wow. Please point out where I said that you couldn't attack back? Feel free. I'm just letting you know that the longer you continue attacking, the longer it will be assured you won't get peace.

This is not an alliance war, this is a raid. I'm sorry, but that's the way Planet Bob works. If you're a teensy-tiny alliance, you will be raided, unless you have a protectorate. You do not, so you are fair game.

If you think we're the thugs or bigots in this game, then you certainly haven't seen some of the other alliances.

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What is the exact reasons for this conflict? All I see is this small alliance starting out and being senselessly being attacked for no real reason. Things like this is killing CN. I am quite disappointed.

There isn't. It's a raid. The members of their "alliance" attacked back. We pushed, they pushed back, and we pushed back harder.

Am I proud of the fact that small alliances can be picked off and raided? No. But that's the way it is. Our alliance condones raiding, so we do it.

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My view of the conflict:

It started with a tech raid on Sanitopia from the Emmerian Republic. When i discovered that my allied was under attack i contacted Larry Foulke and asked him to stop the war at once, he replied with a declaration of war with the following reason: "Also wants a Tech Raid".

I procceded with three things: counter-attack, call upon Maxedonia and contacting Adam Lichtenstein, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The following corespondance followed:

TsarT-*My first letter is missing*

AdamL-Does your alliance have a protectorate?

TsarT- I wouldnt call them protectorat, mearly friends in high places.

About the conflict: It was your member that attacked us, both of us, i askt him to offer peace to sanitopia but he responded with bombers and cruise missiles. I wish to end the war as soon as possible since all of our nations have more important things to invest in than soldiers and missiles.

-Tsar Tom I

AdamL- Well, I can ask him to stop attacking, but because you're a 3-man alliance, you're fair game for raiding. You won't be getting any reps, but I'll see what I can do about him stopping the attacks.

TsarT- Thank you, i will cease fire until the conflict has resolved.

Manny thanks -Tsar Tom I

AdamL-I've asked our Minister of Defense to give you peace. We'll wait and see.

TsarT- I agree that peace would be the best option. Since i, even though i am crippel, am able to defeat the Emmerian Republic. Great loses on both sides...

Nothing happens.

TsarT-Where you not supposed to help resolve the conflict?

And here we are. The minister of defense didnt seam to bother at all. The only major change was when BangsaMoro Land, Union of Yuktobania and Canam joined the war.

Yes, that is what happened. I told you that I could try to get you peace, but I couldn't guarentee anything, because you're fair game. Our Minister of Defense gave consent for the raid to continue, so continue it did.

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It is a possible event, I am talking with the leader. However, it would be most kind of you to offer peace, and well I expect both sides to conclude a swift, clean and gentleman's conduct of this war. If I seemed arrogant, or aggressive, do forgive me, it is not my attention. Thank You for understanding.

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It is a possible event, I am talking with the leader. However, it would be most kind of you to offer peace, and well I expect both sides to conclude a swift, clean and gentleman's conduct of this war. If I seemed arrogant, or aggressive, do forgive me, it is not my attention. Thank You for understanding.

Done. I sent an in-game message to all those attacking them.

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