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Building a nation


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I just recently registered a nation and was wondering on the best ways to get it up and running. My main questions are:

- Infrastructure-

- Population- What is the best way to build up my citizens

- Industry- How can I build or bring in industry

- Trade- How to get a good trade deal started

- Any tips on keeping my economy strong

If anyone can help me with any of these questions I would be greatly appreciative.


King Pigpen


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Pigpen, I would strongly advise joining an alliance. Any alliance worth it's salt will have detailed nation building guides and a trade program to fit you up asap. If you haven't done so by tomorrow there's a chance that you'll be attacked by other nations as you'll have no protection.

Check our the forum where alliances advertise here. As an aqua nation joining an aqua alliance will be more beneficial to getting your trades sorted out. I hear that MHA are alright ;)

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Pigpen, I would strongly advise joining an alliance. Any alliance worth it's salt will have detailed nation building guides and a trade program to fit you up asap. If you haven't done so by tomorrow there's a chance that you'll be attacked by other nations as you'll have no protection.

Check our the forum where alliances advertise here. As an aqua nation joining an aqua alliance will be more beneficial to getting your trades sorted out. I hear that MHA are alright ;)

HEY, I'm aqua too, and I answered first :P

But yes, joining an alliance would be very beneficial to you. Some alliances(well, mine at least) have a University program, where you go through game info that the alliance has, then take a test on it to be a full member. That right there can teach you a lot.

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