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Black 3BR


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Fast Food, Beer, and Construction with two wildcards, preferably one of them being fish. I'm low on trades at the moment, so anyone signing up has the option of trading with me immediately, or I can wait for the circle to be complete, either way is fine. :)

Cattle- Smacky

Pigs- Smacky

Suger- el coggins

Spices- Dendarii Federation

Water- Espectro

Wheat- evilmonkey633

Iron- evilmonkey633


Aluminum- Dendarii Federation


Uranium- el coggins

Fish- Espectro

Edited by Smacky
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I have Aluminum and Spices. I will change to black.

I have not had much luck finding a complete trade circle, maybe this one will be different.


Also, Fish would be the best for the last wildcard, giving maximum population bonuses.

Edited by Dendarii Federation
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woot excellent almost there now only the fianl 4 resources, although i have the feeling we are going to lose Dendarii Federation as he signed up to two guilds and the other is almost complete

I have not had much luck in joining trade circles, but this one looks like it will actually be completed. So I will be sticking with this one.

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