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Black Trade Circle

Wilhelm the Demented

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~Glass Tank Set~ aka ~Get Money~

Coal, Fish, Furs, Gems, Gold, Iron, Lead, Lumber, Oil, Silver, Water, and Wine.

Resources in RED are no longer needed.

Bonus Resources: :jewelry: :microchip: :scholar: :steel: :affluent:

This guild is geared towards income, population happiness (i.e. MORE income) and higher population count (i.e. EVEN MORE income.) It also does a decent job of dropping infra cost and upkeep prices.

Current Members:

Coal: Manriki Y Kakashi of Republic of MYK

Fish: SNAK3 of DODGY

Furs: Lupus5299 of Lupus5299

Gems: Manriki Y Kakashi of Republic of MYK

Gold: Wilhelm the Demented of Tuvalu

Iron: LuckyGeorge of ClubHell

Lead: supercookies of Spartan Project

Lumber: supercookies of Spartan Project


Silver: Lupus5299 of Lupus5299

Water: LuckyGeorge of ClubHell

Wine: Wilhelm the Demented of Tuvalu

Statistics of this Trade Guild:

Citizens: +13.4%

Happiness: +16.5 (Estimated effect on income: +$33)

Income: +$13

Density before population unhappiness: +50

Infra Cost/Upkeep: -15.99% / -17.2%

Tech Cost: -12.6%

Land (Purchased): +15%

Land Cost: -5%

Natural Growth: +200%

Environment: +10%

Soldier Efficiency: +18.8%

Soldier Cost/Upkeep: -$6 / -$0.5

Tank Cost: -8% / -8%

Tank Upkeep: -16.97% / -16.97%

Aircraft Cost/Upkeep: -4% / -25%

Missile Cost/Upkeep: -20%

Stats mentioned below are not factored in the list above.

Coal and Oil each cause a -1 environment penalty if your nation isn't naturally producing the resource(s).

This guild does not provide Uranium:

-Maintenance cost of nukes: 2x

-You cannot purchase new nuclear weapons.

Edited by wilhelm the demented
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