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The Confederacy of Truth


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If you are fed up with the secrecy and scheming that takes place in many alliances and are looking for an honest community of nations that work as a team, never clouding the truth, and never hiding anything from anyone, while building up a legacy together, marching onwards with the rising sun, then we have just the thing for you.

Welcome to Confederacy of Truth!

Due to inactivity, stagnation, or any number of reasons, you may be in search of a new community to ally your nation to. Now before you turn away, please note that the CT(Cofederacy of Truth) is not just another brand new Alliance, we are a community of nations who value truth and clarity above all, many alliances will try and deceive members and non-members alike, but here at the CT, we have no interest in keeping anyone in the dark...

Please stay awhile, and take your time in deciding on the ideal alliance for you, but note, the CT is a fresh new alliance with positions up for grabs, ideas to spread, and treaties to make.

Get a break from the old, embrace the new, and join the CT, where truth, loyalty, and valor make up the majority of honor.

Watch our Youtube video here:



Why Choose the CT? See Below:


-The Confederacy of Truth is a member of the newly founded (and exponentially growing) BLOC, the Coalition of Micro Alliances, CoMA, as it is often reffed to as, is a MDoAP between the REC, GDI, UNSC, TUON, and many more soon (there are numerous applications on the CoMA forums). Our smaller members are currently engaged in various tech deals and our growing rapidly as such.

Start-up Aid:

-The CT now offers Start-up Aid of 500,000 to any eligible nation, see the Charter for eligibility requirements.

Opportunities for Advancement:[/u]

-Due to are small size and relatively recent formation, there are numerous government positions available and departments to be formed! Have a skill, (tech deal coordination, graphic design, etc.) then head on over to the Forums and sign up, you could be given your own department to test your hand at leadership!

And finally, our Unique Outtake on the Game and the role of Morals within it:[

-At the confederacy of truth, there are no secrets, no hidden plots, no spying, and no plotting, our members are free of the burden of secrecy and all members from the lowly recruit to the chancellor are given the same information, no one is left in the dark, and no one is excluded from any discussion. Sound to good to be true? Why not see for yourself, register at our Forums as a member or diplomat today!

Want to learn more first? No problem, head over to our Website and feel free to puruse our charter, our MDAoP with CoMA, or watch our informational video (under the "who we are" tab.)


Confederacy of truth forums: http://confederacyoftruth.forumotion.com/forum.htm

---Connect with our members, inform us of anything at all, join the confederacy, or become a diplomat at our forums, and please, say a little something (feedback/comments, etc.) in our chatbox (bottom of the page).

Confederacy of Truth Informational/Promotional Website: www.theconfederacyoftruth.co.nr

Look through all the pages to see our charter, treaties, a promotional video, government, etc. (Red Circles)

-To be redirected back to the "forums" hit the forums link (2nd yellow arrow)

--To see a list of Links and thumbnails, hit the "links" page under the first yellow arrow.


Coalition of Micro Alliances Forums: MDAP.png

---The forums of the MDoAP of which we are part. Why not come by and see if COMA is right for your alliance?

Edited by rooivaulk
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All truth, all the time, this is a CTMA Weekly. For those of you that don't know, the Confederacy of Truth Ministry of Media Affairs Weekly (CTMA) is the one and only alliance newscast that is (as of now) 100% garunteed to be entirely honest, nothing held back, nothing misleading, everytime. This is CTMA, all truth, all the time.

CT Specific:

Broadcast time; just before 9:10 pm Pacific time, with more rain on the horizon for sunny California. The confederacy is expected to grow this week with planned tech deals and possibly some new members to freshen things up later this week. As Chancellor, I've decided to seriously reinvent our recruitment department with revamps of several old abandoned media affairs projects including the development of a second recruitment video, completion of all outstanding signature requests, and creation of additional banners and graphics for the confederacy as well as CoMA. Activity in our embassies and other diplomatic operations will be stepped up and stalled negotiations with the British Empire and CCC will reopen now that events over at CoMA have cooled down. All in all, look forward to loads of redesigns and reevaluations in the days to come, with growth slowing down, serious measures will be taken to streamline productivity in all departments.


Great things are looming over the horizon at CoMA as yet another alliance plans to join up, Blackhorse seems to have everyones approval and is currently engadged in negotiations with their protector regarding the details of the treaty. Another two alliances may be waiting just around the corner, but as of yet, nothing is certain. The REC continues to handle the diplomatic relations of CoMA (directly and indirectly) wonderfully, and with newfound inspiration, I hope we can achieve similar results with the media production currently in the planning stage.

This has been a weekly update from the CTMA, all truth, all the time.

- Questions or comments are to be directed to confederacyoftruth@live.com -

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