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whats the point


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In alliences. They seem to me like a hinderance, If someone attacks me I dont wanna go through 5 levels of clearance to defend myself and chrush him.. I want to destroy him from the get-go.

It depends on the alliance. I know for a fact some let you automaticly retailate and then just let them know what is going on. Alliances are supposed to protect you, if they are causing more of a problem than helping then simply find a new one.

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In alliences. They seem to me like a hinderance, If someone attacks me I dont wanna go through 5 levels of clearance to defend myself and chrush him.. I want to destroy him from the get-go.

Alliances provide:

Military assistance


Financial assistance

Going it along provides:

Freedom from rules

Now, if you get hit by someone, or multiple someones, that can kick your nation's butt, and you aren't in an alliance, prepare to have your nation blown away. You also won't be getting any aid to rebuild afterwards.

That's the trade-off, basically.

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what allience should i join?

It depends on what your are looking for. If you are new to the game it is best to join a larger alliance where you can recieve the help you need. Alliances that have been around awhile such as the New Pacific Order :wub: , IRON, GGA and a few others help new nations the most as far as guides, military protection, aid programs and numerous other things. They also contain many loyal dedicated members that have been around over a year who are willing to sit and talk with you instead of blowing you off as some noob like some alliances do. But then again some people prefer smaller alliances, where struggles and issues tend to happen more. Just do your research and think it over.

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