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I'm looking for an alliance any alliance preferrably a small alliance

When you post post the IRC channel,The forum link, the alliance name,what the alliance score is and why i should join your alliance

If I like your alliance I will PM you ingame or post here

Edited by Napoleon IIII
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Same here.

Alliance: MERC(Military Establishment of Righteous Countries

Forums: http://z9.invisionfree.com/CN_MERC/index.php?act=idx


Score: 0.29(give us a break, we're 8 strong...)

Why: We can offer you one of two government positions: CoIA of CoF. And you won't have to change colours. We are a mostly a black team alliance, but we accept those of all colours. Oh yeah, we're a protectorate of The Dark Evolution. :awesome:

Edited by PorkPotPie
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I would like to invite you to join DROP,or better known as Democratic Republic of Posenzi.

DROP is a brand new alliance that is about fun,community,and playing the game.DROP is in the AQUA team sphere.

We are looking for new and experienced players to help us grow into an alliance players want to join.

DROP has plenty of government positions open for those players who want to help shape and run the alliance.

If your interested in joining,here is our link:

DROP Forums

IRC: #DROP on irc.mobbit.com

Score: .01

DEC Date: 10/09/08

For more information about DROP,here is our recruitment thread,as well:

Our Recruiting Thread

Thnak you for your time!

Edited by Porus
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