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Global Defence Initiative


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Join the Global Defence Initiative!


Yeah, we've dealt with this before...


We've been working on these...


Oh, and we do have lots of this. :D


And this.

OK, so really. We're a small but quickly growing orange sphere alliance called the Global Defence Initiative (yes, based off of Command and Conquer). We're a friendly environment, with plenty of opportunities for expansion in both national and alliance development (gov jobs, tech deals and what-not). Tied as a member of the Coalition of Micro-Alliances and carrying an MDP with the Socialist Peoples Army, we're well dug-in and here to stay. We've got good ties too, so don't think we're some small isolated alliance in the middle of nowhere. :)

Our government is experienced, strong, and well-taught. We have members from several alliances, including Invicta, FLY, UPN, and even the New Polar Order, so veterancy is a known word here. ;) We even offer a $500,000 start-up aid grant open upon joining. Yes, many alliances will offer you 3 million dollars, 6 million, heck, even 3-12 million every 10 days for a month! But, we've got our advantages. :blush:

Going into that. We carry the same ideals as a NATO-style alliance (real life reference), but we aren't afraid to move with aggression and "roll over" our enemies. Also, unlike joining the big alliances with the same ideals, we're small. And well backed. So really, you aren't missing out on much by joining us. And, you're gaining alot more in return, including more attention, and more power. All with the same defense, friends, and economics of larger alliances. :popcorn:

Join us today! We hope to see you soon! ^_^

(EDIT: Well blimey, we couldn't forget the links, could we?

Our forums - http://z4.invisionfree.com/GDI_Primary_HQ/index.php?act=idx

Our IRC - #GDI on Coldfront)

Edited by RyanGDI
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