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The Tribunal Temple


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Join the Tribunal Temple! If you want to join, go to our forum at: http://s11.invisionfree.com/The_Tribunal_Temple/

We are currently at a massive member count of 3 (when my other two members get back from our short merge with UFS) and are hoping to add some zeros to that ASAP. We are an alliance loosely based upon the structure of the Tribunal Temple of TES III: Morrowind. Our official team color is blue, but being on blue team isn't a strict requisite.

Charter of the Tribunal Temple

Article I: Government

A. Sotha Sil - The title "Sotha Sil" designates the head of the Tribunal. The Tribunal head has full authority over the alliance and it's members (essentially the Emperor). Has the sole authority to make amendments to the Charter, declare alliance wars, and appoint Tribunal positions. Has authority to alter punishments and assign positions. May delegate authorities to another member of the Tribunal at his discretion. Has full power to act outside the Charter and overturn decisions of others at his discretion and without prior notice.

B. Vivec - Vivec is the title bestowed upon the Temple's Minister of Internal Security. The bearer of said title is charged with finding and meting out justice to those who betray or challenge the Temple, he is the arbiter of Tribunal wrath. May approve raids, assign military positions, organize the military structure, and assign targets during war. Has authority to authorize permanent ZI or lesser punishments on anyone (except other Tribunal) at his discretion.

C. Almalexia - The Temple's Minister of Foreign Affairs. Almalexia has full authority to enter into negotiations with other alliances, form and cancel treaties, and assign other members as diplomats and ambassadors. She has authority to join, establish, and sever ties with alliance blocs. May also ban communications and trade of any kind with any other alliance or bloc (officially designated as an "embargo"). Before an embargo may be enacted against another alliance or bloc, all treaties other than NAPs must be cancelled. If a treaty other than a NAP exists between the Temple and the other alliance or bloc, it will be requested that it is altered to a NAP unless Almalexia deems that all ties should be severed.

D. Helseth - Designated as an "Imperial Administrator" as opposed to a member of the Tribunal, though the rules for High Treason apply for Helseth as well. He is the Temple's Minister of Commerce and oversees all trades, tech deals, etc. to ensure they run smoothly. Responsible for helping members set up trade circles, etc. as needed and will answer any questions about them. If trade or aid issues arise as a result of negligence or a blatant refusal to complete one's side of a deal, will report the situation to Vivec for review.

E. Ordinators - The peacekeeping and law enforcement officials of the Temple. May issue punishments as they see fit in accordance with the Charter and the forum rules, though any punishment will be reviewed later by Vivec. Required to report unrest and external threats to Helseth or a member of the Tribunal and may deal with such problems at their discretion.

Article II: Crimes and Justice

A. Treason - any combination of those listed below.

i. Attacking, without orders from a Temple superior or due provocation, another member of the Temple.

ii. Releasing by any means information deemed classified by the Tribunal.

iii. Releasing by any means information that could harm the alliance in a severe capacity, either true or false.

iv. Punishment for Treason - Possiblie punishments include banishment, ZI, permanent ZI, etc. determined at Tribunal discretion. A trial will take place before the punishment is decided.

B. High Treason - any combination of those listed below.

i. Attacking a member of the Tribunal.

ii. Releasing information, the purpose of which could be construed as attempting to bring harm to any or all member(s) of the Tribunal.

iii. Punishment for High Treason - Permanent ZI, banishment, and public posting of crimes. Right to trial may be suspended at the discretion of the Tribunal.

C. Insubordination - any combination of those listed below.

i. Failure to comply with orders from a Temple superior.

ii. Raiding without approval.

iii. Punishment for Insubordination - Warning or other low severity reprimand at the discretion of the Temple superior involved. No hearing or trial. Repeated offenses may elicit more serious punishment.

Article III: Goal of the Tribunal Temple

A. To have fun and establish a CN community of players who don't take the game too seriously.

Article IV: Member Freedom Disclaimer(s)

A. While the Tribunal Temple (hereafter refered to as "the Temple") supports approved tech raiding as a means of growth and learning, it takes no responsibility for rogue actions taken by its members. Should a member choose to attack a target that has not been approved, the Temple reserves the right to enact "Protocol Six" with respect to the aforementioned member.

B. Protocol Six - Should a member of the Temple choose to initiate any unapproved war against another nation, the Temple reserves the right to refuse aid of any kind to said member regardless of damages accrued. Alliances whose members are raided by members of the Temple under such circumstances are to be aware that, should they choose to retaliate, the Temple will offer no interference in the affair (either direct or otherwise). The Temple will negotiate the political situation on its own behalf, and will work for as peaceful a resolution to the conflict as possible ("peaceful" here being defined as "the way that prevents the kindling of hostilities, either expressed or implied, between itself and the other alliance(s) involved"). The Temple will not banish its members for their indiscretions, though it will expect them to learn from them.

Article V: The Tribunal Temple's Positions

A. War - We're not wound real tight, we are willing to negotiate if the "other side" is. Will attack if attacked, otherwise our stance is quote meh, whatever unquote.

B. Raiding - The Tribunal Temple recognizes its members' right to do what they want and will not get in the way (other than to warn them against it) if they choose to raid a member of another alliance, even a sanctioned one. As stated above; however, they are on their own if they choose to do so. Our official message to alliances whose members become the victims of unapproved raids is as follows:

"They went that way. *points* Happy hunting."

Note: All members should consider this "fair warning."

C. Et Cetera - If there's an issue that hasn't been covered thus far, members are permitted to take whatever course of action they want until the issue is addressed (which it might not be).

Wraith7153, "Sotha Sil" - Head of the Temple Tribune


Edited by Wraith7153
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lol, I didnt know Wraith was still alive!!! :blink: I be in your gang/alliance

Heh, yeah I'm still here. Getting raided and all that, but there's worse things that could happen. That'd be great, our forum spam levels are a bit low. :P

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