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Surrender Terms for TDK

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Official Announcement from the Warlordz

Due to the fact that TDK is being absolutely destroyed by the Warlordz, we are offering them the following surrender terms.

1) Change AA to Warlordz

2) Post "NoD! WWZI!" in Nation Info

3) Max out all soldiers and tanks

4) Attack a TDK nation

5) Correctly assemble the Shrine of the Silver Monkey

6) Escape from the last temple guard

Failure to accept these terms will result in the continued theft of all your tech and money, as will as an increase in your anarchied nations. So accept them, you know you want to.


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It looks as though multiple TDK nations have accepted our fair terms already. I implore any TDK nations that are not looking to be crushed from having an inept leader to accept these terms ASAP.

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Uhm... suck rotten eggs. TDK does not bow down in the face of aggression. For all to know, the facts of this situation from the Warlordz Senator, a TDK noob member attacked at least stronger Warlordz nation and got owned. It was a dumb mistake on his part that we would not sanction. Our Senator contacted the three nations that returned fire on him and told them to back off as he had learned his mistake. (I do not know the particular message of this communication).

Their response was an all out assault on our Senator. All three nations anarchied our Senator and one of the leaders of our alliance after a diplomatic communication. These were some of the stronger nations in Warlordz and their actions have still not been repudiated by Warlordz despite admissions that they were out of line.

LET THIS STAND AS A WARNING TO ALL BLACK TEAM NATIONS. Warlordz will not respect other alliances and as such deserves none.


To: President Skroob From: supremelord Date: 9/16/2008 6:42:10 PM

Subject: RE: For your information

Message: Warlordz = War

What did you really expect?

Expect no respect for your alliances as they have proven themselves to be untrustworthy and that they will unrepentantly stand behind aggressive actions when confronted with diplomacy. They understand only one thing I guess, war. So lets rain it down on them and all who are cowardly enough to run and join their pathetic ranks. I will stand, I will go nowhere. I will infict damage on Warlordz as I go, now and in the future until they learn to respect other alliances and Black team leaders and Senators. If not they are asking for the bloodshed they will incur through their aggression on us, and the next alliances they assault as it will only be a matter of time unless they change.

- Your air will be mine

Edited by Daddius
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/me Starts to Slow Clap

*clap .... *clap.... *clap

All I'm going to respond to that is your "leader" and former senator, attempted NO diplomatic talks to our alliance, instead he sent a mass message to all of our members demanding we switch alliances or be destroyed.. Really good Diplomacy there.

And it seems you guys are ones to talk about respecting other alliances.

To: Bill Nye From: John Lennon Date: 9/16/2008 2:44:39 PM

Subject: RE: Messages..

Message: Oh I forgot to mention about the whole anarchy comment. This is the third alliance TDK will have obliterated, we had 10 nations in anarchy coming into this battle and I recruited at least 3 or 4 others in anarchy, so... congrats on getting maybe 5?

Kinda sounds cooler when you look at it your way though :D

I'll admit we are coming into this at a strength disadvantage, but nothing that should make you feel secure in victory lol. I've been in plenty of wars and that's the whole reason we are playing TE. At the very least this alliance war will last a very long time and prevent the majority of your membership from going anywhere.


John Lennon

Lets look at that second sentence...

Have a good day

-Your air IS mine :)

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What you are missing is that there was a specific attempt at diplomacy prior to the message he sent to your entire alliance. It was in response to his diplomacy that he was attacked, (if you read my prior post you would have gotten that) not as part of an alliance war. Your leaders claim one thing, that they want to have normalcy in the black team, but their actions indicate something else.

As for me, I would rather have our biggest and strongest warships explode into tiny bits and die gasping for my last breath from no more resources, than to capitulate to such a shameful surrender you have so 'graciously' offered us. Anyone who would turn around and attack his former allies is not worth having in an alliance, and you openly encourage such cowardice to join your ranks. Pathetic. I will have no part of it.

May you all get serious rashes.

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Your alliance said they will attack us in two days, When I got that message I researched the problem and tried to contact your leaders... Shortly after I started getting attacked.. WAY before two days were up. I have tried to iron out any issues, as you yourself know, since we have had an extensive conversation on the matter. I even didnt attack you or your partner until I saw it was clear I was getting nowhere with your leadership. Even after I tried to keep communication open to no avail.

And Stop Railroading our Surrender thread :)

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So your allaince DIRECTED me to what you term your SURRENDER thread (I think the castration and nuetering thread is more appropriate cause I would have nothing left of my masculinity if I accepted) and you expect me not to respond. I have (obviously) WAY TOO MUCH time on my hands and am too annoyed (and listening to Offspring) to take this without a fight.

I am going to go down biting your ankles off. That's right. You better ZI me because any Warlordz stupid enough to stay in my NS will be hurt as long as there is air on my planet. There is no way I will surrender and turn on my allies. I hope every last TDK nation that comes to this thread sees this, steels himself and comes back stronger than ever. Anyone that takes your ridiculous offer of surrender, I don't want them in my alliance and I am surprised you do.

- by that way that rash is to be in the worst, most uncomfortable spots. When you start scratchin you can blame me.

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