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Goal Line Blitz Alliance


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Sure we're not sanctioned (yet), but we are legion and we like to have FUN! This probably isn't the alliance for people who want to sit around growing a nation so they can all compare empire sizes. We'll probably get our heads handed to us on platters over and over again, but that doesn't mean we won't have fun fighting. All are welcome who want to have fun, but it's better if you have an understanding of American football! Just message Romulan if you have any questions -- he's always glad to share his time with you!

We're still in the early stages of forming so obviously there's flexibility in such things as team color and such. We don't have any money to hand out so as I said earlier, we're not the place for anyone who plans to grow his nation like an electronic Chia Pet. We also don't have anyone with a huge military to defend you so don't bother if the risk of losing the occasional war worries you. "Applicants" should expect frequent small-scale wars and be able to conduct themselves like adults without crying in the forums... but there really isn't an "application process" beyond setting your alliance to "Specify Other" followed by "Goal Line Blitz."

If you were expecting a written test or some sort of vetting, you probably need to set down the calculator and grab a beer before considering our way of life. But we've got some mean 3-4 blitz packages to share!

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... and boss plays on the (surprise) MCXA Cybernationists in the same EE league. He's probably responsible for a dozen or so meatheads poking our facemasks around here in the last month or so. I pretty much figured that the guy who's built the second-best WR in the league (to Eye Catchdaball) would play pretty sophisticated games elsewhere, so I figured I'd give this place a try. ;)

Of course in GLB you play a game every other day, but wars seem fewer and farther between here for most folks. Would love to stir that up with a few even-odds, balanced wars with a sense of mercy for your opponents once you've proven you have the edge. I know there are some other GLB guys out there with that appreciation for competition and sportsmanship, so let's see what you've got! So far it's been harder to recruit a week-old nation here than it is to sign a level 27 FA with a crappy build (-ahem- Vilita lol) during the offseason.

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Quick GLB update:

- Pain Island struck a blow for Georgian sovereignty recently, ultimately driving President Putin and his Abkhazian Republic into anarchy. In keeping with GLB traditions, this was a one-on-one war against a larger (at the time) nation, and a quick peace was offered once anarchy was reached. Hopefully our "Football Diplomacy" can encourage President Putin to see the light and appreciate all that Georgia has done for football throughout the years (Herchel Walker, Vince Dooley, etc). No hard feelings toward the Abkhazians and we welcome the opportunity to face them on the gridiron or, once they have sufficiently recovered, in the fields of battle should they request a home-and-home rematch.

- Bakers Island is engaged in a fierce truggle with the surprisingly stout Romulan Empire. The Romulan Hoplites have indicated that they are willing to accept a peace but right now it looks like Bakers Island would prefer a piece of their land instead. More to follow but I'm sure it will include fireworks! Hopefully Bakers Island won't wind up on injured reserve from this one. edit to add: Looks like the Athenians aren't fans of the whole one-on-one concept. They've expanded the conflict to 3 smaller nations all aligned against the Bakers Island forces. Time for Bakers Island to shift to the prevent defense before Athens turns this around and tries to blow them out in the 4th quarter. Right now coach cincocuente has his troops gathered in the locker room for a pep talk, and I wouldn't want to be on the side of Fallout when Baker's Boys come to lay the wood!

- Alliance growth has been brisk with 8 9 new nations joining the fold in the last 5 days. Most of these are newer nations still in the mandatory 3-day Peace Mode but rest assured they'll want to cut their teeth in a fair fight as soon as possible. These rookies all want a shot at making Varsity!

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