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GCA Disbanned

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I sadly announce that GCA is formally disbanded. I the leader am now joining Random Isanity Alliance. I do not know about the other.

Thank you for all the help and support. It just didnt work out.

Thank You

Dark Ninja


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It's tough to compete out there with so many alliances existing now. Good luck to everyone that was a part of the GCA. Anyone interested in joining a newer alliance led by experienced players and want to be a part of it's growth and leadership are welcome to visit us at Troy. Follow the link in my sig.

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Sad to hear that....

Anyways! I am inviting you to join a fantastic alliance!

We offer:

*Millions in joining aid(No false promises)

*Personal mentors to train you and send up to 3 mill aid every 10 days

*Tech deals to get you many millions every month

*Contests with upto 15 mill prizes

*War aid

*Free nation/military buildup programs

*Military protection from attacks

*Democratic elections, liberty and full individual freedom of all nations

*Chance to tech raid and deal/trade with nations out of GDA

*Trade rings to get you the best trade combos.

*Comprehensive guides and walkthroughs


*Chance to become banker, diplomat, soldier, senator

*Personal attention and instant answers to all queries in the

chat/forum. And best of all everyone is really friendly!

To join Global Democratic Alliance sign up here-http://s10.zetaboards.com/jsd2k/forum/8018/


Gary. :popcorn:

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