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The Emerald Alliance


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Are you looking for an alliance that is not to big yet?

Would you like an alliance where you can actually make a difference, and BE someone?

Have you grown sick of your old alliance, and are you looking for a fresh start with a new alliance?

Or are you new to the game, and want to learn how CyberNations works?

If that is the case, The Emerald Alliance (TEA) is the alliance to go!

We are a brand new alliance, with a fresh look on the world.

The Emerald Alliance is located on the green team, has very active leaders, and a protectorate agreement with the Grand Global Alliance.

The Emerald Alliance can offer you:

Protection from raiders and attackers

Lots of Fun

Great Friends

Help with nation building

Aid and Loans

and something to do in your spare time

in TEA, YOU can make a difference!

We hereby invite you to join us, and help us build up a great alliance!

The Emerald Alliance (TEA) Charter


Politics and diplomacy are in a state of growing decay in Digiterra. Once honorable alliances have fallen from their citadel into a pit of dishonesty and deceit, and the world suffers from it. In light of this ever-present menace, The Emerald Alliance is hereby established to restore honor to Digiterra through its actions and the actions of its member nations. This document encompasses The Emerald Alliance's core tenets of honor and unity, two traits with which all members shall conduct themselves.

Article I - Admission

Clause 1 - Application: In order to be accepted into The Emerald Alliance, a nation must first register on the alliance forums and submit no less than the following information in the correct subforum:

Nation Name-Ruler Name-Nation Link-Previous Alliances-Team Color

Nations must also answer the following questions:

Are you currently involved in any wars?: yes/no

How do you plan to better TEA?

Who recruited you(if applicable)?

Finally, applicants must switch their Alliance Affiliation to "TEA Applicant".

Clause 2 - Acceptance: As a green team alliance, all applicants are requested to switch to the green trading sphere upon joining; however, exceptions may be made in certain cases. After this is done, a government member will evaluate the application, and either accept or deny the request.

At this point, nations may change their Alliance Affiliation to "The Emerald Alliance".

Article II - Government

Clause 1 - Triumvirate: The Emerald Alliance government is headed by a group of three individuals known collectively as the Triumvirate. These three members have final say regarding all alliance matters, and serve as the alliance's voice.

The three positions are permanent, until a member decides to step down. Upon retirement, a new triumvir will be selected by the remaining two from the body of ministers. A triumvir can be released from his duties, however, with the unanimous approval of the other two triumvirs and a majority approval from the ministers.

Clause 2 - Ministers: After the Triumvirate, the next group of government are the Ministers. These individuals, in charge of their respective fields and answerable only to the Triumvirate, shall be chosen in a method to be decided by alliance leadership.

The ministries themselves can be altered in number and in position at any time by the Triumvirate; initially, there are five: Foreign Affairs, Internal Affairs, War, Finance, and Recruitment.

Article III - Voting

Clause 1 - Discourse: All matters voted on by the Triumvirate are first subject to discussion within government, if possible. Within this time, all possible choices shall be discussed to their fullest. The discussion will end at the discretion of the Triumvirate.

Clause 2 - Voting: The three members of the Triumvirate shall then conduct a vote. For matters of signing and honoring treaties, a simple majority vote will suffice; to initiate an offensive war, or alter the alliance or charter, all three members must agree.

To expel a member of the alliance, only one triumvir needs to approve it, but the final two can reallow that member after discussion.

Article IV - Rules of the Alliance

Clause 1 - Tech Raiding: Members are allowed to tech raid, but only under specified circumstances. Nations raided must be unaligned, and not a part of the red team. To ensure that this rule is followed, all tech raids must be approved.

Clause 2 - Civility: All members are required to conduct themselves with civility and politeness both publicly and in private channels. Trolling and general disrespect is not allowed.

Signed this 25th day of June, 2008,

The Triumvirate of The Emerald Alliance:



join us now!

all you have to do, is visit the following link and sign up!


P.S. we also give out free TEA :ph34r:

Edited by chaosplayer4
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