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The Brigade

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Hopefully that grasped your attention.

I am here today to talk to you about the possibility of you joining one of the greatest fighting forces of CN. Please forgive me, I am not a very good public speaker. :blush:

The Brigade, And You

What can the brigade offer me? How can I benefit? What can I offer the brigade?

The Brigade is able to boast it's qualities of being a small, close-knit alliance; while also being a well respected member of the cybernations community. Our close ties with many of the largest alliances in CN show our drive to succeed. Between our war and economic guides and our many helpful and friendly members, you'll notice an improvement in your nation within days.

Take a look at our stats:


Not too shabby if I do say so myself. Although we are small as an alliance, our members strive to make sure we all prosper and are safe. With top notch military training, losing a war is unlikely while you have The Brigade as your friends.

If you need to contact us, our government members are Chiadude, Xander Don, CaptainOblivious, Quadrophenia, FoAmY99, Bandomeer and myself; or you can head to #Brig on coldfront

Better yet, if you want to join us, you can head to our forums at http://brigade.berzerkerweb.com

I would also like to

o/ NpO, GGA, Sparta, FCC, ToH, IRON, VE, and all the others who helped get us to where we are now

As a final note:


Edited by Stagger Lee
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