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Name has been altered since creating my Nation


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I created my nation with the name XÃ¥rcabard, and was not prompted by any means that this name would be unable to be used. Now, the name of my nation is X229rcabard. I'm very dissatisfied with this, as I was hoping to be a part of a role playing element.

I understand it is impossible to change the name of my nation, but is there any way I can DELETE my nation, since it is relatively new, and create a new nation with a more suitable and real-to-life name?

I understand that multiple nations is not allowed, but if deleting a nation is not allowed either then I am thoroughly perplexed as to why.

Thanks in advance. :)

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Yes, you can delete your nation, but you'll have to wait until it's 5 days old. Once it's 5 days old you can click the "delete my nation" button on the left hand side and then after your nation is gone you can feel free to make a new one under a different name.

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