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LongTermDeal $3,000,000 x 100 Tech


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I am looking for four new Deal Partners to buy 100 tech for 3M repeatedly.

Conditions are:

1ºbuyer send me a PMs on the game accepting the conditions

2ºbuyer sends $3,000,000 to Coldplay Land

3ºColdplay Land sends 50 tech after 10 days of point 2

4ºColdplay Land sends other 50 tech after 10 days of point 3

After the Deal's expiration, the buyer may be offered the opportunity to renew it. Sending another 3,000,000 payment with "Tech Deal Renewal" as Foreign Aid Reason will be considered implicit renewal of the acceptance of these conditions.


Small delays may happen (for Real Life problems, like Internet down etc.) and both parties will accept them with no problems; if any Tech deliver is delayed beyond 1-2 days, the buyer will be eligible for reparations (to be agreed upon, generally an extra discounted deliver); no reparations will ever be due to the seller, should the buyer delay her/his payment for any reason (though the delivers will be delayed as well, and the seller reserves the right to recede from the agreement).

I have trade with:




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