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What is so great about the Darkfall Alliance?


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We are a professional and funloving group that is delicated to the progression and development of every individual nation in the alliance by the way of trading tech, establishing trade rings, and distributing aid to the less developed nations of the alliance. Darkfall has strong ties to a number of alliances with which we maintain strong trading and military ties. Our core is made of highly competitive gamers interested in making this alliance a force of power and influence within the realm of Planet Bob. Our officers and members are dedicated to helping this alliance grow. We work with you to develop your nation to the fullest. We have experienced members that will give you advice, regular aid packages, and assistance in resolving any conflicts which may arise. We are a founding member of the Black Peace Iniative, a bloc treaty which helps to protect our members and those with whom we associate. We are working on a highly developed system to help us dominate any who would oppress or anarchy us. We can ride our bikes with no handlebars. NO HANDLEBARS. Several of our officers are highly trained and skilled at fellatio, and are free with their services. So join the Darkfall Alliance, cuz we are pretty awesome, and with your support, we will be even awesomer!

If you would like to join or if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send me or my assistant Rhodesonya a message.

Thank you for your time,


Darkfall’s Recruitment Minister

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