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War Slot Filling Question


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A member of my alliance appears to have declared a war, then gone away for a few days. This means he has not attacked the nation he declared on, and the victim offered peace immediatly and hasn't attacked either whilst he is waiting for peace to be accepted. This has been flagged for possible war slot filling. Now the victim nation (not in my alliance) has asked me if he can attack my member to prevent him getting into trouble for war slot filling. Obviously i'd rather he didn't, and to be honest he only wants peace. But i don't want anyone getting into trouble for war slot filling. So basically.... are we forced into attacking here? Bear in mind the victim has 2 other defensive war slots open and this is the attackers only war, so its hardly slot filling.

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...attack my member...

Awesome... lol sorry to be a troll.

Anyway, I am almost certain that there is an alternative, and I was actually stuck in a similar situation when a guy I was at war with got frustrated (because I ZI'd him lol) and quit, so I was forced to have a war for several days that I wasn't actually fighting, and it only went away after like a week of him being inactive.

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Awesome... lol sorry to be a troll.

Anyway, I am almost certain that there is an alternative, and I was actually stuck in a similar situation when a guy I was at war with got frustrated (because I ZI'd him lol) and quit, so I was forced to have a war for several days that I wasn't actually fighting, and it only went away after like a week of him being inactive.

In your case, it's easy just to send bombers/CMs and not get into trouble (unless war slot filling requires more than just those types of attacks).

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