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April buisnes - Looking for buisnes partners and longterm buisness oppurtunities


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Hello, I would like to make a special offering here:

You want technology and soldiers? But you want somebody els to buy it for you?

I am looking for anyone willing to make a good deal.

The deal will be set in 3 stages:

Stage 1:

You pay me first 100 k and I`ll invest that In tech.

Then I`ll send you back al the tech I`ve invested in.

+100 soldiers

Stage 2:

You pay me 300 k and I`ll research just for you tech. 200 k will be set for investment in technology and 100 k will be set for purchase of soldiers.

A legion of 50 k worth soldiers/ or tanks will be sent directly to you.

Stage 3:

You pay me 600 k and I`ll research just for you tech. I`ll invest 500 k for only technology and the rest 100 k I`ll invest in soldiers. Al this will be sent to you as soon as It is finished!

If you are interested please send me a message directly to the game!

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this does not make sense.

why would anyone directly not purchase troops or tanks directly rather than going through you.

Also the tech gained out from here is pretty much nothing. You'd be better off simply doing a 100 tech for 3mill deal. Much simpler and more efficient.

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