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The Republica Alliance


~The Constitution of Republica~

Our Forums: Republica

Team Location: Blue

Founded: April 7,2008

Incentives for Our Members:

Start Up and In-Game Aid

In-Game Loan Programs

Resource Trading and Tech Deals

Republica Government Positions

Member Bill of Rights

Protection from the Alliance and Our Allies

A Voice in Republica Affairs

Active Community of Friends

Member Only Arcade


We the members of Republica,come together to assert ourselves as a unified Alliance here on Cybernations.This binding document is our proof to the dedication and formation of the alliance, Republica.

The Republica Goal

The goal of the Republica Alliance is for our members to enjoy the game,have fun and come together to create a community of friends.

Section 1: Admission,Membership and Expulsion

Article 1: Membership

i.Any nations may apply for membership in the Republica Alliance.

ii. A nation may be barred from entrance to the alliance if it fails to meet our admission requirements.

iii. The Republica Alliance is a Blue Team Alliance.All new members must change to Blue upon approval of membership.

iv.No member may join,seek or be part of in any other alliance while in Republica.

v1.All members must have "Republica" listed in their AA at all times.

Article 2: Alliance Expulsion

i. A member may be expelled from the Alliance if that member violates any member laws,alliance constitution,or any order from Alliance Government.

Article 3: Resigning from Republica

i.Members may resign from the Alliance at any time for any reason by posting in the Resignation Office.If a citizen resigns, a post must be made 7 days before the resignation becomes valid.

Article 4: Member Bill of Rights

i. All members have the right to vote in alliance elections and other polls.

ii. Member's are free to express their opinion on any issue at any time, as long as it does not violate the rights of others.

iii. All members have the right to a fair trial conducted by the Senate.

iv. All members have the right,and are encouraged to run for government positions in the Republica Alliance.

v.A member may not leave the Republica Alliance, if they have any unpaid debts,or any other unfinished matters between the government..

vi.To petition the Government for any unjust grievances against you.

vii.To defend yourself before a jury of your peers, be informed of any and all charges against you,a speedy and public trial, be confronted by any and all witnesses, have access to witnesses in one’s favor, and to have the benefit of a Counsel for one’s defense in all cases which may result the infringement of any of these member bill of rights rights.

viii.No member of Republica is allowed to tech raid any nation for any reason,at any time.

iv. All members have a right to receive aid if they meet all requirements of the alliance.

x.Members have the right to offer advice and suggestions to help improve the Republica Alliance.

x.All members are required to help other members.This is our way of succeeding and propering as a community,and alliance.

The Republica Principle:

Our members can come and go as they please.In doing so,we ask that our members adhere to the constitution,alliance laws,and member rights.

Section 2: Republica Government

The Ministers and Supreme Council are appointed by the Chancellor.This process will change upon the start of elections,which begin upon the alliance membership,reaching the 30 member mark.

The only position not up for election is Chancellor.If the Chancellor leaves office,the Senate must appoint the Secretary of State as President within 10 days.Then a special election must be held within 14 days of that appointment,to elect a new Secretary of State.

i. Chancellor:

The Chancellor has complete say in all matters of the alliance. It is the Chancellor's responsibility to oversee all happenings within the alliance.

ii. Supreme Council:

The Supreme COuncil shall comprise of (3) members and the Chancellor.The Supreme Council shall have final authority in all matters regarding the functioning of the Republica Alliance,unless otherwise specified in this document or in ratified legislation.

The Supreme Council will also serve as the sole judiciary power with in the alliance.

ii. Secretary of State:

The Secetary of State will be in charge of presiding over the Senate ensuring that all citizen rights are upheld and defended. The SOS is also in charge of the day-to-day Alliance matters.

iii. Minister or Defense:

The Minister of Defense oversees all plans for attack and defence of the alliance.

iv. Minister of Internal Affairs:

The Minister of Internal Affairs is in charge of new membership applications,the mentr programs, as well as educating,assisting and recruiting new members for the alliance.

v. Minister of Economics:

The Minister of Economics (MOE) is responsible for aiding all member nations in getting trades, for managing and organizing the alliance banks and for establishing all aid.

vi.Minister of Immigration:

The MOI is responsible for all matters pertaining to the recruitment and membership of new and current citizens.

Article 3: Senate

i. The Republica Senate is made up of the members of the alliance,through elections.. No member may run for Senate unless they have been in the Alliance for 30 days.

ii. Senators are elected every 6 months.

iii. The Senate votes on all treaties, and those treaties must be passed by a simple majority to go into effect.

iv.The Senate, and the Minister of Defense may declare war on a foreign power with a two thirds vote. The Minister of Defense may declare war without approval of the Senate only if a member of the alliance is attacked.

v. All legislation passed by the Senate,must be signed off on by the Chancellor.

Section 3: Congress

Article 1: Legislation

i. The Senate may veto any amendments to the constitution by 2/3's vote.

ii. The Senate is responsible for maintaining and enforcing the alliance Constitution.

iii. The Senate oversees all punishments in violation of the constitution,and alliance laws,etc. When serious violations occur,they are required to send notice of the offenses to the Supreme Councilfor discipliary action.

Section 4: War,Acts of Agression,Mediation,Spying & Nuclear Policy

1. The Republica Alliance maintains itself as a peaceful alliance.But, we will defend ourselves if provoked or attacked.

2. In the event of an alliance conflict, diplomatic efforts will be the first course of action.All diplomatic means will be exhausted first.The Republica Alliance wishes to avoid any war as much as possible.

Article 1: Non-Aggression Policy

No alliance member will engage in unauthorized wars of aggression for any purpose,at any time.

Any act of war must be approved by the Alliance leadership,and Minister of Defense.

Article 2: Nuclear Arms Policy

The Republica Alliance has instituted a no nuclear arms policy. Nuclear arms are not to be used to threaten or intimidate other nations,for any reason.

Article 3: Diplomatic Mediation

The Republica Alliance will be more than happy to assist in any mediation process,if it will help any disputing nations seek a fair and quick resolution to their dispute!

This process will be overseen by the Chancellor of Republica,and our Secretary of State.

Article 4: Spying

The Republica Alliance views spying as an act of aggression with the intent to inflict damage. Spying is not allowed on our members for any reason.

Section 5: Alliance Mergers,Disbanding and Constitutional Amendments

Article 1: Alliance Mergers

i. Alliance mergers must be approved by the Senate.

ii. All mergers must be passed by a two-thirds majority of the Senate,and must be signed off on by the Chancellor to take effect.

Article 2: Alliance Disbanding

i. In order for the alliance to disband, it takes the approval of the Senate and the signature of the Chancellor.

Article 3: Constitutional Amendments

i. This Constitution may be amended by a two thirds votes of the Senate, and approved by the members.If there isn't enough to make a 2/3 vote,the Secretary of State, may approve the amendment with a signature!

An amendment to the Republica Constitution may be made by proclamation issued by any alliance member. The Amendment shall be debated for a period of 14 days, then it goes to the Senate for final approval.

Section 6: Alliance Elections

Elections within the alliance will begin after the citizenship hits the 30 member mark.If for some reason the membership falls below 30,all elections will cease to a such time it goes back above the 30 mark.Once elections are able to begin,they will convene every 3 months.

This concludes the document of the Constitution of the Republica Alliance...


Gemini, Chancellor of Republica

Edited by Gemini
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