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The Informal Peace Alliance

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The Informal Peace Alliance (IPA) was around for a few months before it really started to take off. Now it is growing at an ever-increasing rate and passed 250K recently. The IPA is a very personal alliance where the governance is kept close to the members. Basically, we work towards a more peaceful world for all.

The members are great and we also have a great program set up. Most recently, we set up an IPA National Bank, new trade rings, had a senatorial campaign (Runner Up #2 on Brown), and joined the Council of Alliances. We love to help our members build to their full potential. We're officially brown team but do not force members to switch.

Come check out the forums at http://ipalliance.forumer.com/ or PM me in game for shortest response time. Embassies now open across the cyberverse.

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Announcing: New IPA Constitution! Check it out at http://ipalliance.17.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=782

Now is a great time to join the IPA. We're not tied up in the convoluted web of CN politics that escalates small incidents like a nuke rogue hitting Franz Ferdinand into a giant conflagration because we don't believe in war except as a last resort. However, we couple armed neutrality with constant diplomatic striving to promote peace in the world around us; we're not alpine hermits. Basically, IPA rocks.

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