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Federation of Independent Sovereign Territories!

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"FIST Constitution":

Member Entry & Resignation

To be accepted as a member of FIST, one must satisfy the following requirements:

* Not be a member of any other alliance

* Not hold any debts in Cybernations

* Not be on any perma-ZI list

* Not be a prisoner of war

* Not be in a war

If these requirements are fulfilled, potential members may request membership in the appropriate section of the forums.

Trial Member

When people first join, they will do so as a trial member. Trial members have limited access to the forums and limited economic support. They cannot vote in elections, nor can they hold any government or military positions.

Full Member

Full members enjoy full member forum access, and full economic support. To become a full member, trial members must do the following:

* Enter the academy and stay in it for nearly 5 days, and do your tasks, then receive 3 million aid package.

* Reach 500 Infrastructure

* Sign-Up to the active military


All new members are not allowed to leave for a minimum of 30 days. In addition, before any member is allowed to leave, they must pay back 1.5 times the total amount of aid money they have received within the alliance, and 2 times for bank nations. Failure to comply with this will result in perma-ZI.

In addition, nations are never allowed to leave in a state of war, or a state of imminent war. Doing so will result in the worst punishment possible.

Member Conduct

All members should conduct themselves in a professional and role-playing manner. The following rules and regulations must be followed by all members.

Friendship & Respect

We are all members of one alliance. As such, you should have the greatest respect for your alliance members. You must never insult them, nor flame them. You should not hold grudges, and seek to solve any problems you have with any other members in a honourable way.

In addition, should have great respect for all leaders of FIST, trust them with their decisions, and follow their leadership as best you can.


You should never, under any circumstances attack another member of FIST. Failing to follow this rule will result in serious consequences. You should never, under any circumstances attack any player of Cybernations, unless specifically ordered to by a ranking military officer.

Foreign Conduct

Cybernations is a highly involving and role-playing game. How you conduct yourself globally directly reflects on our entire alliance. As such, when dealing with nations from outside our alliance, whether it's through the Private Message system on Cybernations or Cybernations Forums, you must do the following:

* Always act respectful

* Never accuse anyone of anything

* Don't say things others won't like

* Ensure to state that your opinions do no represent your alliance

* Do NOT get involved in flame-wars and arguments. They are a common occurrence in Cybernation forums, and often result in nations being reduced to Zero Infrastructure by war. We will not protect you if you get yourself into trouble on Cybernation forums.

* Try to make friends, not enemies

Involvement with the Government

You should follow all government decisions, and act accordingly. If you are in disagreement, you are allowed to state your concerns, however you are not allowed to continuously raise dissent, especially if the issue has already been discussed. You should accept the fact that your leaders are experienced, and long-time players of Cybernations. As such, it is likely they understand situations better than you, especially due to the fact that the government, by it's very nature, usually knows more about complex and delicate situations than regular members.

[edit] Espionage

You must NOT commit acts of any of the following:

* Spying for us on any alliance.

* Spying on us for any alliance. Please note, that we consider the disclosure of anything discussed in any forum to those whom do not hold access to it, an act of spying.

* Conspiracy against any element of FIST.

Members found to be committing any of the above actions are subject to cruel and unusual punishments.

Member Rights

All members whom follow all of the rules outlined above have the right to the following:

Freedom of Speech

A basic right given to all members of the alliance. You are at all times allowed to voice yourself, both on the FIST forums and the Cybernation forums. This right is however given with limits, which are stated both above and below. Namely, you must not seek to continuously raise dissent on the FIST forums, and you must not be rude, disrespectful or undiplomatic in any way on the Cybernations forums. Failure to comply with these two simple rules, will have this right taken away from you.

Please note, that the one exception to this, is that certain government members (outlined later in the constitution) are allowed to issue blanket bans on talking on Cybernations forums or certain thread(s), only and only in times of war.

Freedom from Oppression

Members of FIST have the right to be approached by government members with non-threatening and friendly attitudes, providing they have not broken any rules above or other alliance rules and laws.

In addition, members of FIST have the right to play the game of Cybernations, without oppression from external influences such as other alliances. If FIST members develop external problems outside the alliance of FIST, they are encouraged to approach government members and seek support and guidance.

Alliance Ideals and Goals

These are the ideals of the alliance of FIST. All members should support them, and foreigners should read them to know what we stand for.


The alliance is FIST is a dictatorship, supported by an elected body which acts both to help the Marshal run the alliance and act as an overwatch to the alliance. All members should respect this form of government, and understand it's benefits and efficiencies to the alliance as a whole.


We are not an aggressive alliance, and will make every effort and attempt to solve any problems we have with any other alliance in a peaceful and respectful manner. We encourage the use of diplomacy and open dialogue between everyone. As such, our forums are always open to any diplomat from any alliance, choosing to discuss any issue.


We take our allies and their opinions very seriously. We take any threats or aggression against our allies very seriously. We will seek to always support our allies diplomatically, financially, intellectually and forcefully. If our allies have any problems, they can rest assured we will be there to help. If our allies are accused of something, they can rest assured we will not so blindly believe the accusers. Shall our allies ever need a favour, we will provide it.

A declaration of war upon our MDP or a higher treaty parter will amount to a declaration of war upon FIST, and we will not hesitate to use every resource at our disposal to assist our ally in every way possible. A declaration of war upon a lesser than MDP treaty partner will not be looked upon lightly, and alliances which do so should never assume our neutrality in such a conflict.


We are an alliance of honour. We pledge to do our best to do what is right. We pledge to do our best to commit decisions and acts which are honourable rather than not, and which will earn us the respect of our allies and enemies alike.

We are not an alliance to cancel a treaty before a war. We are not an alliance to surrender a few days into a war, while our allies are fighting hard. We are not an alliance to forget about our allegiances and our duties. We are not an alliance to cowardly spy and and accuse others of acts of espionage without having undeniable proof.

Mutual Friendship

The alliance of FIST exists to provide support and friendship to players of Cybernations. To provide protection from rogues and financial support. To assist players with nation management and role-playing. To provide the opportunities for players to engage in diplomacy and inter-alliance relations. To give the experience to our members of fighting wars, so they may become strong and capable warriors.

Our Goals

Our goals are very simple, they are to enforce the ideals stated above. In addition to them, we wish to support all those wrongly accused and waged war upon, all those whom cannot stand up for themselves, all those whom do not have a voice and all those whom get bullied in the Cyberverse.

Quite simply, we stand for what is right, and we seek to help others sharing our views by any means necessary.


Do you want to learn how to play the game effectively?

Do you want to do a lot of tech-deals?

If you're a new nation, do you want to enter an academy, and get 3 million and full membership upon your graduation?

Do you want protection against rogue nations?

Do you want to be a military nation or a Diplomat in the near future?

If you want all of the above (and/or some more :P ), join FIST today!!

We're recruiting now!

FIST forums

If you want to join, please don't forget to post an application in new member applications, after registering!

Thanks. :D

Edited by martinius the great
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