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Blue Trade Circle

Dr Suave

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Aluminum: Elbows



Furs: Elbows









Three Bonus Resource Set: Beer, Construction, Fast Food

Trade Resources: Aluminum, Cattle, Fish, Iron, Lumber, Marble, Pigs, Spices, Sugar, Water, Wheat, WILDCARD

Portfolio Upside: Population

Portfolio Downside: Military, Tech Cost

Bonus Totals

Daily Income $0.00

Infra Cost -3.0%

Infra Upkeep -10.0%

Population 37.5%

Land Cost -15.0%

Land Area 33.0%

Land Sale $0.00

Land Growth, Natural 0.0%

Tech Cost 0.0%

Happiness 9.5

Environment 10.0%

Soldier Efficiency 43.0%

Soldier Cost -$3.00

Soldier Upkeep -$0.50

Tank Cost -5.0%

Tank Upkeep -5.0%

Aircraft Limit 0.0

Aircraft Cost -8.0%

Aircraft Upkeep Cost 0.0%

Cruise Missile Initial Cost 0.0%

Cruise Missile Upkeep Cost 0.0%

Nuke Upkeep Cost 0.0%

Nuke Upkeep Cost 0.0%

Increase Citizens per mile before unhappiness 50.0

Days nuclear anarchy 0.0

Global Radiation Effect 0.0%

Ability to Raise Taxes 0.0%

Improvement & Wonder Upkeep 0.0%

I really need the trades.

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