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BLUE Big Three Circle, best set in game


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Hello. Sign up if you're interested. :)

Requirements: Harbor, Blue Team membership

Aluminum -

Cattle - UkraineSSR - Nation link

Fish - Shannara - Nation link

Silver - Varulvia - Nation link

Iron -

Lumber - Oceania - Nation link

Marble - Fat Mans Land - Nation link

Pigs - Varulvia - Nation link

Spices - Shannara - Nation link

Sugar - Fat Mans Land - Nation link

Water - UkraineSSR - Nation link

Wheat - Oceania - Nation link

Bonus Resources: Beer, Construction, Fast Food


Initial infrastructure cost: -33%

Infrastructure upkeep: -18%

Population increase: 27.5%

Citizen income increase: $2

Population happiness increase: 15.5

Initial land cost: -15%

Purchased land area increase: 18%

Environment increase: 10%

Soldier increase: 35%

Soldier cost decrease: $-3

Soldier upkeep cost: $-0.5

Tank cost decrease: -5%

Tank upkeep cost: -5%

Aircraft cost decrease: -8%

Aircraft limit increase: 10

Water increases number of citizens per mile before population unhappiness by 50.

You can post here, contact me in game or on BLEU forum, where this circle has open thread (link)



Edited by Aratar
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You have been added. Thanks for joining.

Yes, this is available. I'm afraid that at least some of my current trades are very temporary. Also, for now there's no need for anyone who signs up here to cancel his trades and trade with other participants. We'll do it once this trade circle is fully constructed.

Edited by Aratar
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I apologise, but if this doesnt get members soon enough i will leave as i am in desperate need of a guild.

If it doesnt get enough, i might head over to this trade guild place on another forum. I dont know if im allowed to say it on here.

Anyway yeh, so sorry ill give it a few days :(

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