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Espionage Operations

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I don't understand why Spies are given the ability to attempt to destroy a nations nuclear weaponry. (I would understand if they werent called spies, but rather special forces since special forces units conduct spy operations/reconnaissance.) I believe it would make more sense if they disabled them rather than destroy them. (Not sure for how many days they would be disabled for but they would have to be repaired.

  • Do you agree that they (nuclear weapons) should be disabled rather than destroyed?

If so:

  • How many days would you recommend them to be disabled for?
  • How much should should it cost to repair a disabled nuclear weapon?

If not:

  • Why not?

Thank you for your time, yours truly,

Ivan The Infidel, The Forgotten

This is not a suggestion, more of a discussion. If the discussion is positive, then I will ask a moderator to move the topic to the

Suggestion Box

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I think it is fine as it is. "Spy" may not be the perfectly correct term for this kind of operation, but as far as I know the game aims to use simple, generic names that fit a whole range of related real-life things - like with the improvement names. "Spy" is short, and it is both a verb and a noun, very practical. More precise terms tend to get clunky, you would need to replace the "Spy"-button with a huge "Conduct special forces operation"-button. :)

And as for the damaging and repairing of nukes, I'm not sure if this would not add too much complexity. Repairing would not be free, I suppose. Yet nukes are not all that expensive to buy, so some people would simply scrap the damaged ones and buy new. The game would have to keep track of damaged and functional nukes, so you would be able to choose which kind of nuke to scrap, and so on. Not impossible to do, of course, but I am undecided.

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