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My accounts


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im recently new to this game (only a few days) and i was trialing around with my nation and i didn't like the resources i had (cattle,pigs) so i made another account to try some new resources (coal,rubber) and i didnt like that, so i made a 3rd account and i got what i liked (gold,wheat)

I have not been banned yet, but i have seen other nations be deleted because they had 2 different accoutns trading with each other, im here to let the admins know i have done something wrong and to let them know about me breaking the rule.

i was only until just before not knowing that multiple accounts would get me banned,so im here to ask for forgivness as i dont want to get my account shark15 banned, and i am definately going to delete my 2 other nations the rulers names of them are: Yoeeb and loljho

I really dont want to be banned as i did not know about this rule until now so i thought i better come to this forum and let the admins know that I did something against the rules, and im sorry, but i swear my nations have never traded, given aid or anything with each other, the only thing i can think of is that my first nation, Yoeeb, is in the same alliance as my last nation shark15, but i have not traded with it or anything, plz dont ban my account shark15, i really like this game and i was not trying to break the rules, i was only trying to see what other resources there was.

As soon as the 2/7/08 and the 2/9/08 come around i swear i am going to delete both of my nations and never log into either of the accounts yoeeb, or loljho again.

I am terribly sorry for this breaking of the rules and i understand now (after reading the rules a few times) why i am not allowed to have multiple accounts.

So please admins, forgive me and please dont ban me as i am really liking this game and am enjoying playing it with my friends, if you want to ban those accounts i made for me i would be very thankful

They are: (ruler name)



Thank you, i hope you understand and please dont ban shark15

Edited by Shark15
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well u deleted my good nation, i shouldn't of come here and just opted to delete my oldest nations manually now i have to wait another 5 days or something before i can create a new nation, oh well, honesty failed me this day :angry:

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