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The Shadow of Savannah; The J Andres Saga; Chapter 9

J Andres

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

July 24, 2178




RADM Ruth Vicksburg & Director of Defense Fred Campbell 


ALBANY -- Earlier today, Rear Admiral Ruth Vicksburg made the case before the Commune to procure a new battleship that she was designed with Fore River Industries for over Å450,000,000. The price is more than 6 timex the cost of the existing Artemis-class battleship. The ship is planned to nearly double the displacement of the Artemis class, but many in the Commune questioned the cost.


Premier Aksenov asked, "We haven't had a naval engagement in decades. What makes this ship necessary?" 


Director Fred Campbell endorsed the procurement of the new ship, but that didn't appear to be enough to sway the members of the Commune.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

August 12, 2178




Chelsea Waterford, CEO of the Eastern Broadcasting Company & Devin Valdez, Commissioner of the Appalachian Baseball League


PITTSBURGH, ALLEGHENIA -- Devin Valdez and Chelsea Waterford, principal leaders of the EBC and MBC met this afternoon in Pittsburgh. Sources close to both indicate that the discussion was related to the Atlantic and Appalachian Baseball Leagues and the next evolution of the sport. Valdez has publicly commented that he has been excited to watch the Pensacola Pirates play in the league this year. Next year, presumably the Montreal Royals will be reinstated and Pensacola will continue in the Augustine domestic league.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

September 8, 2178




Emperor Marshall Augustus of the Augustine Empire


MONTREAL, AUGUSTINE EMPIRE -- The Augustine Empire has shipped large missiles into the former Ottanian territory, primarily the southern cities. The rockets, observed on trucks in transport, appear to be over 30 feet long and about 4 feet in diameter. The payload is unknown. 


Stationing a large armament so close to the border of a supposed ally, has put many in J Andres on edge. "What's the point of going to work if I'm going to be obliterated in a fireball tomorrow?" said Zahir Marika of Syracuse.


President Bartlett has made no statement as of yet, but the Commune has called an emergency session to discuss.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

September 12, 2178




RADM Ruth Vicksburg


ALBANY -- In July, the Commune balked at the Å450M price tag for the so-called Vanguard-class battleship. In just four days after reports of the Augustine Empire installing large missile sites in Montreal and other southern former Ottanian cities, the Commune has reversed its course and provided full authorization for the new ship.


The Vanguard will be the largest ship in the Navy by displacement, nearly twice the displacement of the current Artemis-class battleships. The ship has been designed so portions of it can be built simultaneously across multiple sites in the nation. Delivery is expected in approximately three years.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

September 15, 2178




President Edith Bartlett


ALBANY -- President Bartlett condemned the delivery and set up of missile sites in the former territory of Ottania. "The continent needs more stability. These missiles do nothing but escalate tensions on an already fragile border," she said today in brief remarks leaving Unity Manor.


For his part, Emperor Marshall Augustus has claimed that the missiles "...are bringing peace and stability to an unstable region" and that the missiles are intended for Ferin if revolutionary activity increases again.


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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

September 29, 2178




Director of Foreign Affairs Sophia Glass & Leopold, Duke of Orleans


ALBANY -- Director Glass departed Albany on a journey to New Orleans in the Augustine Empire. Sources say Glass hopes that Leopold, the Duke of Orleans, will be more measured than his uncle, the Emperor, and may be able to convince others in the Empire that the ratcheting up of tensions is unwise and unstabling for the continent as a whole.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

September 30, 2178




Logo of the Rossingol Robins


ROSSINGOL -- The Robins have won game 7 to win the Atlantic League Championship. It is the eleventh championship overall for Rossingol, but their first in 18 years.


Richmond bead Baltimore to win the Appalachian league championship.


Albany and Rochester will both be relegated to the Appalachian league, which is a long way to fall as both teams were in the Championship last year.


Next year, the Montreal Royals will rejoin the league. 

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JA_PRN1.JPGPacific Radio Network



October 5, 2178



PRN Host Finley Vance and Senator Donovan Grady


[VANCE] Missiles only miles from our border, we find ourselves sandwiched between two halves of a sprawling empire.


[rapid drumbeat and action ballad plays]


[VANCE] This is Pacific Radio Network Nightly News, and I'm your host, Finley Vance. Welcome back to my show. As always, it is great to have you all here tonight. Tonight, we focus on the former Ottanian territory. With me tonight is Senator Don Grady. Welcome, Senator.


[GRADY] Thanks Finley. It's great to be here on your show.


[VANCE] So Senator, the conflict in Ottania ended only earlier this year, and we all breathed a sigh of relief. We didn't get involved in the Third Ottanian Conflict, and now you think we should start the Fourth?


[GRADY] I believe the Fourth Ottanian Conflict will be a consequence of us not entering the Third.


[VANCE] Really?


[GRADY] You've got to look at what we are dealing with here. The Augustine Empire is an existential threat. They've been gobbling up nations left and right for decades. They began as, what, a small city-state in Pensacola, and now they control almost half the continent.


[VANCE] That's true, but until recently, we also so them slow down on their expansion once they achieved their goal of controlling the Gulf.


[GRADY] That was all under the old emperor. The Savannah Accords too. You can see how much this current Emperor believes in the Savannah Accords.


[VANCE] Okay. So you think the new emperor is on another expansionist kick, and we're next.


[GRADY] Ottania has been a strong ally in our past, and we just let the Augustine Empire annex them. I'm not sure if they will come after us directly, or maybe go after our other allies first. Could the King of Alleghenia become the Duke of Pittsburgh and be annexed next? Or will they attack Acadia and capture more in the north first? Either way, I don't believe Emperor Marshall is satisfied.


[VANCE] So war is inevitable.


[GRADY] Yes, and we have a chance to make sure it is on our terms, before our allies are gobbled up.


[VANCE] Okay. You've certainly described the scenario pretty succinctly. Do you have the votes?


[GRADY] Not yet, but I think Senators on both sides of the aisle will rally to this cause. Even Vice President Nguyen believed we should have been in the last conflict. 


[VANCE] Have you spoken to him?


[GRADY] No, not yet. But I plan on it.


[VANCE] Okay folks. More doom and gloom in just a few minutes. We're going to hear from our sponsors and then Senator Grady will answer your questions. Don't touch that dial, we'll be back.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

December 7, 2178




Vice President Vinh Nguyen and Prime Minister Elsie Huang


SEATTLE -- Vice President Nguyen is in route to Seattle to meet with Cascadian Prime Minister Elsie Huang. Nguyen, a prominent voice for war to support the revolutionaries prior to becoming Vice President, has tempered his opinions since taking office. Sources close to the Vice President have stated that he is quiet out of respect for the President, but he is exploring parallel paths to ensure President Bartlett has options. Presumably, Nguyen wants to explore military options with Cascadia.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

January 23, 2179




Senator Maggie Hastings


BUFFALO -- Senator Maggie Hastings held a rally in Buffalo this evening to demonstrate that the people are supportive of a war in the north. Senator Hastings is one of many New Horizon Senators who have been increasingly vocal of their support for a war effort in the former Ottanian territory.


"The Empire responds to strength," she said, before the crowd of about 3,000. "So let's show them strength! Let's liberate Ottania and send a message that we will not be subjugated!"

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 6, 2179




Camilla Ashbridge, Founder of Pioneer Scientific


BUFFALO -- Pioneer Scientific, a new company as part of the Astor Ashbridge Holdings family, had a ribbon cutting ceremony for their battery plant in Buffalo this morning. Unlike the opening of Fore River Industries a few years ago, the fanfare for this facility was far less.


The founder is Camilla Ashbridge, the younger child of Alexandra and Hugh Ashbridge. Alexandra previously gifted both of her children Å20,000,000 after her father's passing to have them found new businesses, similar to what she had once done with Bank Erie. Elliott Ashbridge founded Fore River Industries, which recently was given a Å450,000,000 contract for a new battleship. Meanwhile, Camilla's plans for Pioneer Scientific are much more modest.


"In the rural areas, many farms rely on ancient solar panels or small wind turbines to generate electricity. Methods of saving this energy for other times of the day are rudimentary and unreliable. With our lithium ion batteries, rural farms will be able to reliably and safely store that power, to keep the lights on as long as they want, without requiring a shed full of 100-year old car batteries wired in series," she said at the ceremony.



Premier Bohdan Aksenov, himself a champion for the rural areas of the nation was on hand, and applauded her efforts to devote herself to fulfilling a critical need.


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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

March 16, 2179




David Celeste, Revolutionary Leader of Le Front Républicain


OTTAWA, OTTANIA -- David Celeste, the face of the Ottanian revolutionary cause has been captured by Augustine forces outside the city of Jubilife. Celeste was quickly processed by local authorities and is currently being transported to Ottawa, where it is expected he will go on trial for charges of terrorism.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

March 30, 2179




JAS Mako


ROSSINGOL -- The JAS Mako, the first of the newest class of corvettes, has been delivered by Kensington Mews Shipbuilding. The Mako, is not armed quite as much as the Havana-class corvette, but it is quick and much cheaper to build. Five additional ships are already on order.


"The Mako is an important new tool in our arsenal, as it will enable us to retire the Chancellor Class sloops, which are wooden ships, and 50 plus years old," said Director of Defense Fred Campbell. When questioned if the ships would actually be decommissioned considering the growing tensions, Director Campbell declined to answer.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

April 9, 2179




David Celeste, Revolutionary Leader of Le Front Républicain


OTTAWA, AUGUSTINE EMPIRE -- David Celeste, the face of the Ottanian revolutionary cause was found guilty of domestic terrorism this afternoon. Following the trial, he was immediately sentenced to death, and marched outside the courthouse where he was hanged in the street.


Mathieu, Duke of Montreal, watched on, as did Viceroy Phelps.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

May 20, 2179




Edgar, Duke of Rossingol


ROSSINGOL -- Edgar, the Duke of Rossingol, passed away early this morning, just one day after celebrating his 83rd birthday. 


While his son, Reginald, will become the next Duke, King Phillippe has announced the going forward, the Duke of Rossingol and the Duke of Boston shall be known as Archdukes. Reginald is expected to participate in a private ceremony this afternoon, with a public celebration to follow this weekend.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

June 7, 2179




JAS Joel Brunel


STANHOPE, ACADIA -- The JAS Joel Brunel, a fifty-three year old sailing warship sank in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence this afternoon. At approximately 3:00 in the afternoon, the ship experienced a catastrophic hull breach. Those onboard experienced a significant shock, as if the ship struck or was struck by something, although no hazards were observed. The ship had a crew of 125, most of which survived the sinking of their ship and were picked up by the JAS Nicholas Egorov. 5 sailors are still unaccounted for and search efforts are still underway.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

July 10, 2179




Prime Minister Elsie Huang


SEATTLE, CASCADIA -- Prime Minister Elsie Huang, leader of the Cascadian government for more than three and a half decades, has died. She suffered a heart attack in her home and was pronounced dead at the hospital. She was 80 years old.


Huang has overseen rapid growth in Cascadia. The nation when she took power was really three united city-states around Seattle, Portland, and Vancouver. It now spans much of the Pacific Coast, having conquered New Tahoe. Huang was a signer of the Savannah Accords in 2167, and in recent years, has warmed relations with J Andres in the face of an ever-growing Augustine Empire.


The federal legislature will now select a new Prime Minister. The two leading candidates are Alex Archuleta and Lena Chen, both of the Green Pacific Party.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

July 28, 2179




Prime Minister Lena Chen


SEATTLE, CASCADIA -- Lena Chen has been selected to be the new Prime Minister of Cascadia. Chen hails from Vancouver and has served in the parliament since 2174. Her selection comes at a slight surprise, as her primary competitor, Alex Archuleta, has been a promenade fixture by the previous Prime Minister's side and has significantly more experience in government. Chen is a popular voice on the Pacific Radio Network.


For J Andres, Chen is expected to be more anti-interventionalist than her predecessor. While Huang has entertained diplomats from J Andres multiple times this year, presumably to discuss strategies in the event of a war with the Empire, Chen is unlikely to consider such an action unless directly attacked.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

September 9, 2179




Director of Defense Fred Campbell


ALBANY -- The JAS Emily Gibbons, a fifty-one year old sailing warship sank in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence this afternoon. This comes on the heels of the sinking of another Chancellor-class sloop only three months earlier. The cause of both accidents is only known to be a catastrophic hull breach. Based on the location of the ships at the time of the accident, an unintentional grounding or impact wouldn't be expected, but no ships, friendly or otherwise, were in the immediate area. JAS Montauk picked up most of the crew, although 9 sailors are unaccounted for.


Director of Defense Fred Campbell has ordered the remainder of the Chancellor-class ships to report back to their home ports. "This can be the concern with 50 plus year old ships," he said in brief remarks. "We will continue to investigate the cause of these accidents and will not return the remainder of the fleet to service until the root cause is known and corrected."

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JA_MBC1.JPGMountain Broadcasting Company



September 20, 2179



Devin Valdez of the MBC and Luisa Fisher of the IBC


[Well-produced musical intro fades out]


[SANCHEZ] Good evening, this is Mia Sanchez and you are listening to the Sanchez Sideline Report on MBC radio! I've got championship results for you and as always, speculation.


[Pre-recorded audio] That's strike three, and Baltimore does it!


[SANCHEZ] If that sounds familiar, its because if you've been listening to this station, it was only about 10 minutes ago, with the Baltimore Blues defeating the defending champions, the Rossingol Robins, to win the Championship in game 6. It was a good game, don't get me wrong, but I'm always excited to speculate and talk about what comes next. And I don't mean which offseason moves each team will make. That's boring. Instead, I want to talk about business.


[Cashier's machine sounds from a sound board


[SANCHEZ] Devin Valdez is a legend. He was a legend on the field, and he's a legend in the business of baseball too. I might own a piece the the MBC, but he was the driving force in getting this thing going, and eventually the merger with the Atlantic league that gave us baseball as we know it today. Last year, he visited our friends at EBC. And after that meeting with Chelsea Waterford, he said this.


[Pre-recorded audio] It's been really fun to watch Pensacola play in the league this year, and I would be eager to see something like that happen again.


[SANCHEZ] Of course that was in reference to the Pensacola Pirates taking the place of the Montreal Royals because a certain country to our north decided to have a revolution and what-not. But anyway, here we are, a year later, and during the week of the championship, one of the most listened to weeks of programming we have, where does Mr. Valdez go?


[Cricket sounds from a sound board]


[SANCHEZ] He goes to the Augustine Empire! You know, that big bad place that's supposedly looking to bomb us all the first chance they get, or convert us to worshiping their Emperor, or whatever. He doesn't just go for sightseeing though, instead he goes to visit Luisa Fisher. Who is she you ask? Well she's the daughter of the last Emperor, and she was the Treasurer, but when a new Emperor comes in they apparently kick out everyone they don't like, so she lost her job, and found a new one at IBC, the Imperial Broadcasting Company. Any guesses what the IBC owns?


[Cricket sounds from a sound board]


[SANCHEZ] The IBC owns the Augustine Baseball League. Coincidence? I think not! Imagine it! A super-league of continental proportions! Let's take some callers. I want to hear your thoughts. Do you think I'm off base? Good evening Caller, you're on the air.


[CALLER #1] Hi Mia, love your show. But I don't know. Look at the violence that happened after Montreal won the championship a few years ago. Could you imagine what that would be like if it was the Augustine Empire in today's climate?


[SANCHEZ] I don't think it's that big of a deal. People love their sports. It's a bonding moment. Maybe with a little baseball diplomacy would could solve some of these big issues.


[CALLER #1] I mean, maybe?


[SANCHEZ] Can you picture it? Just put the diplomacy stuff aside for a second. Teams from across the continent playing each other? That would be cool, right?


[CALLER #1] Sure, I guess.


[SANCHEZ] You guess! Think about the talent pool, the quality of play. It would be the best of the best.


[CALLER #1] Would anything really change?


[SANCHEZ] Would anything really change? Would anything really change? Really? Who is this guy? We're going to take some more calls in just a minute. But first some messages from our sponsors.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

December 17, 2179




Director of Defense Fred Campbell


ALBANY -- The JAS Framingham, a fifteen year old steel-hulled warship was sunk today in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Two wooden-hull ships were sunk under mysterious circumstances earlier in the year. Those ships were also significantly older. The sinking of Framingham cannot be explained by the same causes assumed in the previous sinkings.


Director Campbell spoke about the event at a news conference this afternoon, calling the sinking, "disturbing." Following the sinking of Emily Gibbons a few months ago, the fleet of Chancellor-class sloops was brought back to port. He made no indications that anything similar would be done for the Havana-class corvettes. "Although we do not know the cause of these losses, it is clear this is not a string of unfortunate accidents. Whether these are mines or torpedoes or some other technology, it is clear that although no state of war exists, our ships are being hunted by an enemy unseen." The Director did not speculate as to which geopolitical state might be the enemy.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

January 13, 2180




Senator James Aurora


ROCHESTER -- Senator James Aurora, former leader of the Libertarian party has announced that he will once again seek the New Horizon party nomination for President. In 2175, he did the same against Brooke Mueller and Alicia Lin, finishing a distant third. Thus far, Aurora is the only declared candidate, although Ray Hahn, current Premier of the Commune is expected to run also.


In his announcement, Senator Aurora, emphasized finding an end to corporate seizures. "Article I, Section 4, Clause 5, must be stricken from the Constitution! I will pursue an amendment to end corporate seizures!"

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 2, 2180




Premier Ray Hahn


ROSSINGOL -- Ray Hahn, Premier of the Commune has announced his candidacy for president, hoping to win the New Horizon nomination. "For years, our nation prospered, under great Presidents like Earnell Chambers and Eleanor Mueller," he said at his announcement in Rossingol, along the banks of the Thames River.


"We must return to sound foreign policy, to defuse the situation in the north, and regain prosperity."


Former President Eleanor Mueller and Former Director of Industry Alicia Lin both announced their support for Hahn shortly after his announcement.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 27, 2180




Senator Don Grady


BOSTON -- Don Grady, Senator from Boston, announced his candidacy this afternoon at an unexpected rally. Grady, has been speaking across the country for much of the last year and half, ever since the Augustine Empire moved missiles into Montreal. 


"Next year will be the 200th year since our founding," he said as he was approaching the climax of his speech. "The early years were wrought with troubles and a cycle of collapsing and rebuilding. But the Maritime Republic has survived worse things than a dictator who believes the continent belongs to them. This is Maritime Republic! We are free!" And then, on the top of his lungs, "We are free and we will not be subjugated!"


A small but vocal group of senators have already provided Grady with their endorsements.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

April 10, 2180




Coolidge Tower in Boston, President Edith Bartlett, and Vice President Vinh Nguyen


BOSTON -- The Labor Party Convention wrapped up this evening with President Edith Bartlett accepting the nomination for President. The convention was a subdued affair compared to the previous election cycle which felt like a concert and was held in the open air of Annan Enterprises stadium in Rossingol. This year's convention was held in Coolidge Tower, overlooking the city of Boston.


The difference in energy was palpable also. President Bartlett who once energized crowds easily, struggled to keep the crowd optimistic on the future, and instead was often battling reporters questions on missteps of the past years. Specifically, Bartlett and the party have been blamed for the Ottanian Missile Crisis, the unexplained sinking of warships in the St. Lawrence Gulf, and an overreach of the Civil Professional Service by the Director of Industry. Protestors outside the convention also seemed to claim that Sophia Glass, Director of Foreign Affairs, and former Viceroy Imperator of the Augustine Empire, was somehow behind all of the recent misfortune and orchestrating it all from within J Andres.


Her acceptance speech was at oftentimes defensive on these points. Polling currently shows her running close with many of the New Horizon candidates. The New Horizon Party convention is planned for May.

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