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The Shadow of Savannah; The J Andres Saga; Chapter 9

J Andres

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

October 1, 2176




Chelsea Waterford, CEO of the Eastern Broadcasting Company & Devin Valdez, Commissioner of the Appalachian Baseball League


ALBANY -- Following the incidents during the Atlantic League Championship last month, Chelsea Waterford, the CEO of the Eastern Broadcasting Company, made an announcement before the press today to state that the Montreal Royals would be temporarily suspended from play. 


Devin Valdez, the Commissioner of the Appalachian Baseball League was also present for the announcement. No details were released about modified schedules or if another team would take their place. Only that the violence at the championship was unacceptable, and further participation of the Montreal Royals would be a distraction from the sport. The commissioners intend to reinstate the Montreal Royals at the conclusion of the hostilities in Ottania.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

January 2, 2177




Eleanor Mueller, the Baroness of Endor


NEWPORT -- Six years after she left office as President, and 36 years after she first stepped into office as Chancellor of Foreign Affairs, Eleanor Mueller has joined the royalty. King Phillippe IV has granted the title of Baroness of Endor to Eleanor Mueller. The title has been granted to two previous Presidents in their retirement, Mateo Bourbon and Earnell Chambers. Former President Chambers passed away last year, freeing the title to be recreated.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 17, 2177




Devin Valdez


PITTSBURGH -- Former first baseman for the Pittsburgh Hornets and winner of five championships with the team in the 2140s and 2150s has purchased the team from Canary Coal. The team was excellent, a perennial championship contender during the time period when Valdez was on the team; however, the team began to slide towards mediocrity when Valdez left to form the Mountain Broadcasting Company and the Appalachian Baseball League.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

March 30, 2177




Samuel Astor, Viscount Oswego


SYRACUSE -- Samuel Astor, titan of the railroad industry, has died according to a release from his family. Astor formed the Ottawa Syracuse Railway in the early 2130s, and together with his daughter, built and diversified the business into banking, sports, and manufacturing. 


The dealings of the business were taken over by his daughter Alexandra Ashbridge more than a decade ago. Upon the passing of her father, she has inherited his title and is now the Viscountess Oswego.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

May 22, 2177




QUEBEC CITY, OTTANIA -- The Revolutionaries and Acadian forces have captured Quebec City. This is significant as although the Revolutionaries have significant territory gains over the past few years, they have not yet captured any areas with significant population, and where the King's forces are better deployed. Victory in Quebec City has given the revolutionaries momentum, which they hope will carry them through Trois-Rivieres, Montreal, and the other cities on the Saint Lawrence before taking Ottania.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

June 15, 2177




King Phillippe IV and Queen Victoria


NEWPORT -- The King and Queen are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary today. While the couple are expected to travel to Montauk later in the afternoon, but the King started things off this morning with letters patent granting his wife a new title, Duchess of Newport.


It marks the first time that the title of Duke or Duchess has been bestowed upon anyone since former President Adrik Annan was created the Duke of Rossingol in 2016. The title is hereditary, although it cannot be inherited along collateral lines like the other duchies.

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JA_PRN1.JPGPacific Radio Network



August 3, 2177



PRN Host Finley Vance and Director of Foreign Affairs Sophia Glass


[VANCE] Boats moving under the cover of darkness. Whispers and passed messages in the dark.


[rapid drumbeat and action ballad plays]


[VANCE] This is Pacific Radio Network Nightly News, and I'm your host, Finley Vance. Welcome back to my show. As always, it is great to have you all here tonight. Tonight, we focus once more to the north. With my tonight is Director of Foreign Affairs, Sophia Glass. Welcome, Director.


[GLASS] Thanks Finley. It's a pleasure to sit down with you.


[VANCE] So the rumors today are that the Augustine Emperor and the Ottanian King met in Detroit this afternoon.


[GLASS] That's what I'm hearing. But at this point we haven't been able to substantiate that.


[VANCE] We haven't? We have an intelligence division, don't we?


[GLASS] Of course, the Assistant Director of Special Intelligence reports to the Director of Defense though.


[VANCE] So you don't talk with Director Campbell about these matters?


[GLASS] (sighs) We do talk regularly. I guess, what I'm trying to say, is that our intelligence division is still trying to separate fact from fiction with regards to this meeting.


[VANCE] You used to be the Viceroy Imperator of the Augustine Empire, correct?


[GLASS] Yes. I'm very open about my--


[VANCE] So what do you think the Emperor and the King would meet about? This is contrary to the Savannah Accords, isn't it? Ottania should be J Andres's problem to solve?


[GLASS] There's nothing in the accords to stop the Emperor from meeting with other world leaders.


[VANCE] But you know him. Why would he come all the way up this way?


[GLASS] I knew his brother well. I worked for his brother. I don't want to speculate why--


[VANCE] Do you think the Emperor is trying to end the conflict?


[GLASS] He's made it no secret that he wants an end to--


[VANCE] So how do you think he's going to go about doing that?


[GLASS] I don't know and we are still try--


[VANCE] Okay folks. Don't worry. We'll be right back after some messages, and hopefully when we come back, Director Glass will do a better job of answering your questions than she's done answering mine.


[GLASS] Hey--


[VANCE] Don't touch that dial!

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

September 29, 2177




King Robert


PITTSBURGH, ALLEGHENIA -- Robert, King of Alleghenia has died of natural causes. The King was 93 years old, and had reigned as King for over 39 years. King Robert was the founder of the nation, previously ruling over the Free City of Pittsburgh, before expanding into the coal mining territories and, with J Andres assistance, conquering the Eastern Union.


His son, Geoffrey will ascend to the throne.



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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

October 18, 2177




President Edith Bartlett & Director Sophia Glass


ALBANY -- President Bartlett and Director Glass got on trains heading in opposite directions this morning, with Director Glass traveling north to Ottawa to meet with King Mathieu and President Bartlett traveling south to meet with Emperor Marshall Augustus.


Over the past two months, rumors have swirled over a supposed meeting between the Ottanian King and the Augustine Emperor. Tensions are rising that the Augustine Empire might step in to end the conflict if it does not end soon, which has spurred Bartlett and her cabinet to continue to seek diplomatic solutions.


Meanwhile, the revolutionaries in Ottania seem eager to end things on their own, as they continue to push further south.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

October 29, 2177




Logo of Fore River Industries


BOSTON -- Fore River Industries, a new company as part of the Astor Ashbridge Holdings family, had a ribbon cutting ceremony for their steel foundry in Quincy, a neighborhood in Boston. The location of the site is on a historic shipyard, and the company says that they intent to build ships eventually also, but first, they are focusing on steel.


"We can't get enough steel. This is wonderful, and I'm eager to see what they can do," said Director of Defense Fred Campbell at the ribbon cutting ceremony.


The founder is Elliott Ashbridge, the eldest child of Alexandra and Hugh Ashbridge. Alexandra gifted both of her children Å20,000,000 earlier in the year after her father's passing to have them found new businesses, similar to what she had once done with Bank Erie. Camilla, the younger child, has not yet launched a company.


"This is a good day for a lot of reasons," said Director of Industry Megan Annan, "But not every family can give their children 20 million anchors to go create something. Opportunities in our nation are not yet equal, and its something we need to strive to correct."

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

November 6, 2177




Director of Defense Fred Campbell


ROSSINGOL -- Director Campbell was in Rossingol this afternoon to celebrate the keel laying of Mako at Kensington Mews Shipbuilding. The Mako-class corvette is a new class of ship, which will replace the Chancellor-class sloops which are approaching 50 years of service.


"This ship is designed to be nimble, be fast, and be light. Just because we have a new steel foundry doesn't mean we are going to liberal with our steel consumption."


The ship is expected to complete construction in about 15-18 months, sometime in early 2179.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

November 21, 2177




King Geoffrey and Queen Emily


PITTSBURGH, ALLEGHENIA -- While a full revolution rages in the north as Ottanian's fight for democracy, in the south, citizens of Pittsburgh peacefully demonstrated for democracy in front of the royal palace. Alleghenia is an absolute monarchy, similar to Ottania. King Geoffrey ascended to the throne only earlier this year after the death of his father, King Robert. The King and Queen made no public comment on the demonstration.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

December 8, 2177




Director of Industry Megan Annan


ALBANY -- The fourth uniformed service, the Civil Professional Service, has been around for nearly five years, and Director Annan says its has been successful and warrants expansion. "Over the last five years, we have fully integrated our military and the CPS into the PQ Health system. This has resulted in more health care providers in the areas where we need them and improved health care for all citizens," said Director Annan.


"Based on the successful rollout, we will continue with integrating existing KMS employees with either the Navy or CPS, and National Rail and PPL employees into CPS." She also laid out targets to have all KMS employees transitioned by the end of next year, with National Rail and PPL following in 2179.


Ray Hahn, leader of the New Horizon party in the Commune spoke out on the action. "I still don't see the benefit in taking someone who is hardworking employee and having them conscripted into the service of the nation. We can serve our nation in our own ways without surrendering our liberty to do so. Some folks just want to drive trains. Do they really need to wear the uniform to do so?"

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

January 3, 2178




TROIS-RIVIÈRES, OTTANIA -- The Revolutionaries and Acadian forces have captured Trois-Rivières. This marks the continued advancement of the revolutionary forces which are now less than 90 miles from Montreal, Ottania's largest city. David Celeste, political leader of the revolutionaries released a brief statement claiming that "Liberty marches onward and will not stop until all Ottanian's know its taste."

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

January 24, 2178




Landon Mercton


ALBANY -- Landon Mercton, son of Mildred, Countess of Norfolk, Viscountess Warwick, has been selected to be the Ambassador to Solaria. In announcing his selection, Director Glass also announced that the foreign affairs department was narrowing its selection of areas for future embassies in Albany, which have not yet been rebuilt since the relocation of the capital.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 21, 2178




Director of Industry Megan Annan


ROSSINGOL -- Longtime employees of Kensington Mews Shipbuilding have filed a suit against Director Annan and the government today based on her directive at the end of last year to transition all employees to either the Navy of Civil Professional Service. Raymond Davenport, the lawyer representing the group of employees, said, "This amounts to conscription. These hard working employees want to continue working at the job they love, and don't want to enlist in the military in order to do so. Compulsory military service is a deprivation of liberty, and is a violation of Article 5 of the Constitution."


Director Annan has thus far maintained that enlisting with the Navy or CPS is not mandatory, as each employee who declines is free to leave the company.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

March 20, 2178




RADM Ruth Vicksburg, Elliott Ashbridge, and Alexandra Ashbridge


BOSTON -- RADM Vicksburg toured the new shipyard in Quincy this afternoon, meeting with founder, Elliott Ashbridge, and his mother Alexandra Ashbridge. This is following tours of Kensington Mews Shipbuilding in Rossingol and Irving Marine Corporation in Halifax earlier in the month. Sources close to the Defense Department have indicated that RADM Vicksburg has an idea for a new vessel, and is trying to better understand shipyard capabilities to see where her vision can be best executed.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

April 11, 2178




MONTREAL, OTTANIA -- Ottania's largest city surrendered earlier this morning to the revolutionary forces as remaining government troops pulled back to defend Ottawa, the only remaining city of significance. David Celeste, political leader of the revolutionaries has been seen meeting with Acadian leaders and consulting on constitutional frameworks, getting ready to institute a democratic government as soon as possible following the King's surrender.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

May 12, 2178




King Geoffrey and Queen Emily


PITTSBURGH, ALLEGHENIA -- Pro-democracy demonstrations in Pittsburgh have been rare, tame, and civilized, especially compared to the civil war in Ottania. However, King Geoffrey of Alleghenia appears to see the writing on the wall, and is taking proactive measures to avoid an Ottanian situation. "It is clear that at least some portion of our population desires democracy. I will assemble a select committee to assess the subject, and consider the appropriate path forward for us as a nation." 


In subsequent question and answer periods, the King appeared to indicate that democracy would be the end result of the committee's actions, and the committee would be focused on determining the method of government, effectively a constitutional committee. The King is taking these actions while it appears the Ottanian monarchy is grasping at the last threads of its hold on power.

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June 6, 2178


The Augustine Empire desires only one thing, a safe and harmonious North America. It is the same thing that my father sought when he established this Empire, and it is the same thing that my brother sought when he helped execute the vision as our last Emperor.


The continent is not safe.

The continent is not harmonious.


War has raged in Ottania for months. The Savannah Accords lay out that Ottania falls within J Andres's sphere of influence. J Andres has a duty to the continent to see that the war concludes, and that harmony is restored.


Our partners in J Andres have failed to honor their commitment to the Savannah Accords.

We will do what J Andres will not, and restore peace, restore safety, and do so harmoniously.


I have spoken with the Ottanian King. Mathieu has agreed to become a Duke of the Augustine Empire, where he will serve as the Duke of Montreal, and be entitled to the rights and privileges of the other Dukes, including the ability to vote in future Imperial Elections. Ottania will become a province of the Augustine Empire. As such, our military, will rapidly move to restore peace and order within our own borders. Our military has already been deployed to Toronto, and will begin moving into Ottanian territory momentarily.


Any revolutionary who surrenders within the next 24 hours will be granted amnesty, as their crimes were not committed against the Augustine Empire. Any revolutionary who continues their rebellion after this amnesty period, will be pursued to the ends of the earth, and face trial in our justice system. The same goes for the Acadian military which is currently within our borders. Soldiers who do not return to Acadia will be captured as criminals. Organized attacks from Acadia will be treated as a declaration of war, and will be responded to appropriately.

Edited by J Andres
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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

June 6, 2178




Prime Minister Caroline St-Onge


HALIFAX, ACADIA -- World leaders are beginning to respond to the announcement from the Augustine Emperor earlier this morning. In Acadia, Prime Minister St-Onge has ordered the CMA railroad lines, which had been closed due to the embargo, to immediately open for the rapid evacuation of troops. Those who cannot easily get to one of the rail stations have been directed to Saguenay for transport by sea.

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JA_PRN1.JPGPacific Radio Network



June 6, 2178



PRN Host Finley Vance and Vice President Vinh Nguyen


[VANCE] A desperate act by a desperate king


[sorrowful violin plays]


[VANCE] This is Pacific Radio Network Nightly News, and I'm your host, Finley Vance. Welcome back to my show. As always, it is great to have you all here tonight. Tonight, we have big news out of the north. For years, the revolutionaries have asked the King to step down and he finally did. But, instead of giving the crown to the people, he gave it to the Augustine Emperor who is currently marching thousands of soldiers into Ottania to restore peace and order. Tonight, all members of our government seem to be busy with everything I just said, so, we've got Vice President Vinh Nguyen here with us. Welcome, Mr. Vice President. 


[NGUYEN] Thanks Finley.


[VANCE] So, just like that, the Third Ottanian Conflict is over, and not with the resolution that we would have expected. First, let's talk about the revolutionaries. Do you expect them to put down their guns and surrender by the 24 hour deadline?


[NGUYEN] I think some will. The revolutionaries have had a lot of momentum over the course of the last few years, so it might be tempting to think they can fight one more fight and take the last city and win the war. But that momentum was built against Ottanian government forces who were low in number and had mixed loyalties as it was. The Augustine Empire has conquered more nations than I've got fingers. The revolutionaries aren't equipped to fight this type of threat.


[VANCE] Early in the war, you were an advocate to J Andres entering the conflict. Do you stand by your previous statements and do you think there would have been a different resolution if we did?


[NGUYEN] I stick by my earlier statements, but I respect the decisions made my colleagues. We have a democracy, and I'm not here to play "I-told-you-so" with human lives hanging in the balance. Had we entered the war, we would have at least hit this point sooner, but I can't say if there was a way to prevent the King from joining with the Empire like this.


[VANCE] Okay, now bigger picture. The Augustine Empire just invaded a country within our designated sphere according to the Savannah Accords. Will there be repercussions?


[NGUYEN] That's why you get to speak with me tonight, Vance. President Bartlett is actively speaking with others on the subject right now.


[VANCE] Who is she speaking with? Is she engaging with the Empire directly, or Director Campbell?


[NGUYEN] I'm not at liberty to say.


[VANCE] Shouldn't you be a part of those discussions


[NGUYEN] (stammers)


[VANCE] You are the Vice President, aren't you? Isn't your opinion supposed to be trusted and valued?


[NGUYEN] (stammers)


[VANCE] We will take a quick break for some commercials and see if Vice President Nguyen can find his voice before we return. Don't touch that dial, we'll be right back.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

June 13, 2178




Prime Minister Elsie Huang & President Edith Bartlett


SEATTLE, CASCADIA -- Acadian Prime Minister Elsie Huang and J Andres President Edith Bartlett met this afternoon. The meeting itself was momentous, the first time President Bartlett had visited Cascadia in many years. Tensions between Cascadia and J Andres had been strained in recent years since Cascadia's war with the Commonwealth. Those tensions drew J Andres and the Augustine Empire together. Now, it is newfound tensions with the Commonwealth that have brought Cascadia and J Andres together. No public statements were released after the meeting, but the two leaders seemed both cordial and in good spirits afterwards.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

July 2, 2178




Chief Justice Aiden Bourbon


ALBANY -- The High Court ruled in favor of KMS employees in their suit against the government. The employees sued to resist a requirement to enlist in the Navy or CPS or face termination. The employees argued that effectively forced conscription was a deprivation of liberty in violation of the new constitution, and the High Court agreed, 4-1, with Justice Singh being the lone dissenter. Chief Justice Aiden Bourbon wrote the majority opinion which stated, "The court agrees with the claimants that forcing existing employees to enlist in a uniformed service amounts to conscription, and is a deprivation of liberty which is counter to the ninth clause of Article 5."


Raymond Davenport, the lawyer representing the employees was pleased with the results. "This is great news, and all of the affected employees are ecstatic. With the current state of the world, my clients are happy that they can serve their nation in the way they are best suited as private citizens."

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

July 14, 2178




Viceroy Imperator Jon Phelps


MONTREAL, AUGUSTINE EMPIRE -- Viceroy Imperator Jon Phelps, who has been overseeing Augustine activities in the new Northern Territory that was formerly Ottania, has announced that the territory is secure. All of the southern cities have fallen back under government control, and much of the northern territory has been seized as well. Small pockets of resistance still exist, but the revolution has mostly melted away. Viceroy Phelps is expected to depart Montreal before the end of the month and give his report to the Emperor.

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