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The Shadow of Savannah; The J Andres Saga; Chapter 9

J Andres

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

January 2, 2174




Senator Dylan Sherman


BOSTON -- Senator Dylan Sherman has announced that he has found an appropriate compromise on the judiciary, and there are only a few remaining details to button up before the Constitution can be placed before the Commune for a vote. "There are a few sticking points still. One of the more significant ones is the ability to grant the President emergency powers. We haven't had a "President General" in more than a century, and personally, I find the concept much too authoritarian. But there are still some who cling to words written centuries ago as if they were somehow wiser. We will come through the issue, and I hope to begin open debate on the Constitution, by the end of March."

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 4, 2174




Senator Mitch Swan


BOSTON -- Senator Mitch Swan announced that the Libertarian Party would cease operations. "The three of us will continue to perform our functions in the Commune, but from a financial and administrative perspective, the party is dead here and now. I will be retiring after this election, and how my colleagues intend to affiliate themselves will be up to them," said Mitch Swan, the Libertarian leader in the Commune.


"As the Ashbridge Family stated, we have not been electorally successful, and there is likely more to be gained by finding our similarities with others such as the New Horizon party, using those to unite us, rather than splitting the electorate on a few softer issues."

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 20, 2174




Senator Dylan Sherman


BOSTON -- Senator Dylan Sherman presented the draft constitution he has been working with before the Commune. Aspects will likely be debated over multiple months before the text is finally brought before a vote.


Key aspects of the so-called Eighth Constitution, is the addition of a Vice President, formalization of the age limits, elimination of the President General authority, diminishment of the Monarch's authority over the judicial system, addition of the Monarch as part of the constitutional amendment process, creation of a High Court, addition of a method to force abdication of the Monarch, and a new list of constitutional rights granted to all citizens.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

March 11, 2174




Annan Enterprises CEO, Anne Kensington; Director of Defense Fred Campbell


ROSSINGOL -- Annan Enterprises finally delivered the first surface-to-air missile to the military today, after a successful demonstration last week. In the demonstration, the missile successfully targeted a K107 Reconnaissance balloon. Whether or not the missile can target a faster moving target such as the K201 is unknown. With the research and development complete, Annan Enterprises intends to begin using Annan Arms to scale up production.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

April 3, 2174




NAC President Anthony Cole; Detchitoria President Ben Duggan


KANSAS CITY, NAC -- The relationship between the NAC and Detchitoria six years ago was described as "essential" and "important" when NAC President Anthony Cole spoke. Now, with a new President in Detchitoria, his word choice has changed, and the NAC is considering stepping back from their free trade agreement. "I've got serious concerns with the Detchitoria-Aurelian relationship. And while we want to be good neighbors to our friends in Detchitoria, that doesn't mean giving them a deal so they can split the difference with their South American puppet masters."


The current free trade agreement between the Commonwealth and Detchitoria is set to expire at the end of the year. President Cole will meet with President Duggan in Chicago next month to discuss the potential renewal.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

April 30, 2174




Providence Grays SP, Carlota Sanchez


PROVIDENCE -- Current Atlantic League Champions, the Providence Grays, were off to a great start to the season, going 6-2 in their opening eight games. Tonight's game looked to be another easy win, with the Grays ready to defeat the Baltimore Blues at home yet again. Carlota Sanchez was the starting pitcher. Everything was looking bright for Providence.


Until the fourth inning, when Sanchez delivered a fastball like so many she had thrown before. But after the pitch, she was holding her arm, and then sitting on the mound.


Sanchez exited the game in the fourth inning, and a string of relievers came out, managing to barely hold on to the lead she had given them, but all eyes were awaiting news of the star pitcher. Was she alright? Would she return?


In the bottom of the eighth, it was announced that Sanchez has a torn rotator cuff, and would be out the rest of the season. Potentially longer. The Annapolis casinos have already lowered the odds of Providence repeating as champions.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

May 8, 2174




Isaac of Ottania


OTTAWA, OTTANIA -- Isaac of Ottania, nephew of King Mathieu and fourth in line to the thone, was killed in Ottawa this afternoon as tensions continue to escalate in response to the monarchy's silence in the face of the revolutionaries's demands.


Isaac, a firm supporter of his family, gave an impassioned speech in front of the Saint Patrick Basilica. The speech was planned and advertised, and it began with a defense of the Monarchy and the benefits the family has provided to the people. Isaac compared and contrasted the Ottanian quality of life to that of the Quebec Republic and Administrator Moreau.


Pro-revolutionary counterprotestors were present throughout, interrupting the speech numerous times throughout. City Police were present to keep the peace, and attempted to disperse the crowd as they threw rocks and other items towards the podium. However, the crowd turned quickly, storming the stage, overtaking the police, and beating Isaac to death.


King Mathieu condemned the actions as criminal.


J Andres President Edith Bartlett, offered to host both the Monarch and the Revolutionaries to mediate a peaceful resolution to their differences.

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JA_PRN1.JPGPacific Radio Network



May 9, 2174



Director of Foreign Affairs, Sophia Glass


[VANCE] Royal Blood Spilled in the Capital


[shouts of angry rioters]


[VANCE] This is Pacific Radio Network Nightly News, and I'm your host, Finely Vance. Welcome back to my show. As always, it is great to have you all here tonight. Tonight, our focus is in the north, and our special guest is Director of Foreign Affairs, Sophia Glass. Sophia, thank you so much for being on the show tonight.


[GLASS] Thank you for having me.


[VANCE] The unrest in the north continues. It's been years now and the King hasn't even addressed the revolutionaries concerns. He hasn't offered them a seat at the table to discuss anything, and the revolutionaries are upping the ante. Royals have been injured in attacks before, but this is the first death, at least at the hands of these revolutionaries. What do you make of the situation?


[GLASS] That was neatly laid out. I think there was an opportunity for the King to come to the table, and that was back in '69 or '70. The time has come and gone, and at this point, the only thing that will satisfy the revolutionaries is the Monarchy stepping aside.


[VANCE] Which is unlikely.


[GLASS] Yeah, it's very unlikely. 


[VANCE] What are we doing to try to quell the violence?


[GLASS] We've offered to mediate, and I've personally spoken to the King. Our own King traveled to make a personal appeal. So far nothing is working.


[VANCE] Are we headed towards a third Ottanian Conflict?


[GLASS] We are doing everything we can to prevent one.


[VANCE] Ultimately, an Ottania without a king would be better for its people, wouldn't it?


[GLASS] (chuckles) Look, I know that the PRN Point of View. Monarchy isn't inherently bad. We've got one.


[VANCE] And we've got a constitution to limit the authority of our King


[GLASS] They haven't ratified that constitution yet, but yes, we still have elections.


[VANCE] And even in your home country, the Augustine Empire and elections of sort.


[GLASS] They did. Becoming emperor isn't determined by birthright.


[VANCE] Yet the people of Ottania and Alleghenia, and to some extent, the Augustine Empire, remain disenfranchised.


[GLASS] There is more to quality of life than the right to vote. (Sighs) I don't know why we're arguing here, Finley. You know I agree with you. I believe the revolutionaries are correct, and I believe the Ottanian King is acting irresponsibly and should step aside. I disagree with the Ottanian's use of violence to achieve their ends.


[VANCE] Okay. Let's take a breather. When we come back, we will take your questions for Director Glass, but first, let's hear from our sponsors.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

May 12, 2174




Princess Rosalie


OTTAWA, OTTANIA -- Princess Rosalie, mother of Isaac, the young Ottanian royal who was slain earlier in the week, has left Ottania with her remaining family. The funeral for her son was yesterday, a somber affair that took place inside the very church he was speaking in front of before he was attacked.


Rosalie, together with husband, Jackson Harnois, and her two surviving children, Clara and Nolan, have left Ottania and intend to travel to Danbury, where they will stay with her aunt, the Marquise of Danbury. Her mother, Queen Mother Isidora, has been living in Danbury already since 2167.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

June 10, 2174




Senator Dylan Sherman, Premier Bohdan Aksenov, Senator Ray Hahn


BOSTON -- The Eighth Constitution of J Andres has passed the Commune and been ratified. It will become law on January 2nd of 2176. The final vote count was 39-6, with a few holdouts from each party dissenting.


Senator Dylan Sherman, who was the primary author of the Constitution, spoke upon its passage. "This is a great and historic day for our nation. A Constitution, written in plain and clear text, that clearly lays out the roles and responsibilities of our government, is so fundamental, it is hard to believe that we have managed for as many years as we have without one. This Eighth Constitution will long be remembered as a time when we stood hand in hand with those we disagreed with, found compromise, and progressed our country forward."


Sherman, who has stated he will not run for reelection, made it his mission over the past few years to draft this Constitution and see it passed. He was praised by both Premier Aksenov and Senator Hahn for his willingness to work out differences between the two major parties, and ensure that the Constitution was not passed with a simple majority, but an overwhelming majority of the chamber.


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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

September 1, 2174




Carlota, Marquise of Montauk


NEWPORT -- Carlota Sanchez, the former starting pitcher for the Providence Grays, who won four championships with the team, and had her season ended by a rotator cuff injury earlier in the year, is the nation's newest Marquise.


You read that sentence correctly, but if you'd like to read it again, you may. Carlota Sanchez is now Carlota, Marquise of Montauk. While the King was mum on his creation of the title, it is no secret that Princess Elizabeth considered Carlota a close friend. The Princess made an effort to attend many of Carlota's games last year, and the two have been seen together, often with Shirley Reed and Dorothy Templeton, in and about Albany.


That is where the facts stop, and the speculation begins. It has been previously speculated that Carlota and Elizabeth were in a relationship, although those rumors generally subsided once the Princess married William Siegert. Carlota will move into Francisco Hall as a result of her new title, which will likely spur continued speculation.

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JA_EBC1.JPGEastern Broadcasting Company



October 4, 2174



[Melodramatic theme song]


[GEORGE] Good evening, and welcome back to Whispers in the Court, where we share the hottest unverified secrets with our privileged listeners. I'm George Powers and with me is my best friend, and the lady with ears in every shrub, Allison Cook. How are you today Allison?


[ALLISON] I am great today, George, and do you know why?


[GEORGE] (faux surprise) No, and why is that Allison?


[ALLISON] Because today, we've got a big scoop. The biggest!


[GEORGE] Prince Eugene finally learned how to color in between the lines?


[ALLISON] No! Guess again!


[GEORGE] The King of Ottania has been hiding in Danbury and living with his aunt this whole time!


[ALLISON] No, but he probably should. Try again!


[GEORGE] The Viscount Colchester pushed the Duke of Rossingol off a cliff because he's tired of waiting for the Duke to croak!


[ALLISON] No! You're twisted, and, also, very bad at this game.


[GEORGE] So are you going to tell us, or what?


[ALLISON] So, the Princess and the Marquise are both now living in Francisco Hall together.


[GEORGE] Oh, come on. There's nothing new here. It's the same old--


[ALLISON] Wait! Are you going to let me tell it, or what?


[GEORGE] Fine, go ahead.


[ALLISON] Thank you. As I was saying. We all know the speculation that has surrounded the two of them, but last week, the Princess's cousin, Louisa, had some outrageous claims, that the Princess's husband, Prince William, had gotten the boot, and while he still was living in Francisco Hall, obviously, it was Carlota and Elizabeth.


[GEORGE] Okay, okay. I see where you're going with this.


[ALLISON] But it doesn't stop there. Right? Because that's sensational, but can we really trust that info? It sounds like something our producers would come up with to keep people listening to the show.


[GEORGE] Did they?


[ALLSION] No. You know they-- Anyway. Today came the proof. Because Louisa has been sent by her mother to live with a different cousin, Princess Emily of Alleghenia.


[GEORGE] So they're sending her to Pittsburgh?


[ALLISON] They are sending her away because she's right and they don't want to draw the ire of the King.


[GEORGE] Or, they are sending her away because she's a gossip and she's making things up about important families.


[ALLISON] I like my version better.


[GEORGE] You would. Anywho, don't touch that dial. We'll be right back, after this brief message.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

November 30, 2174




Commune Building in Albany


ALBANY -- Construction is complete on the new Commune Building in Albany. The large building is built in the neoclassical style and features a large gilded dome on top. The building has large Commune chambers, a variety of meeting rooms, and enough offices for all the Senators and their staff. The offices are currently being outfitted with furniture, and the Commune expects to begin the new year in their new building.

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JA_PRN1.JPGPacific Radio Network



December 12, 2174



PRN Host Finley Vance and President Edith Bartlett


[VANCE] The end of the year draws near


[loud tick-tock of a clock]


[VANCE] This is Pacific Radio Network Nightly News, and I'm your host, Finely Vance. Welcome back to my show. As always, it is great to have you all here tonight. Tonight, we continue to look northward, and our special guest tonight is no other, than President Edith Bartlett. President Bartlett, you've been a good friend of the station in the past, and I'm so glad to have you on the air with me for the first time.


[BARTLETT] Thanks Finley.


[VANCE] We are about midway through December. The Ultimatum from Le Front Républicain stated "by 2175". President Bartlett, I guess the biggest question is, do we know if that's the beginning or the end of the year?


[BARTLETT] That's the million anchor question right there. I believe the FR was intentionally vague in their ultimatum. Our intelligence community isn't tracking any imminent threat either in Ottania or here at home. 


[VANCE] So you think its all posturing?


[BARTLETT] I wouldn't say that. I just don't think the clock will strike midnight and an army will appear in the streets of Ottawa and seize the crown. 


[VANCE] We've seen troops begin to get deployed towards the border. What preparations are we taking? Are we going to defend the King?


[BARTLETT] I'm not going to discuss everything we are doing, but we are taking prudent actions to be prepared for a number of scenarios. At this time, there is no conflict, and we've taken no sides.


[VANCE] But, President Bartlett, it's no secret that Ottania has been a close ally for decades. Our two Kings are related.


[BARTLETT] They are cousins. It's not like they spend Christmases together.


[VANCE] The Ottanian King is the nephew of our Queen Mother.


[BARTLETT] And our Queen Mother does not set our policy.


[VANCE] Do you intend to support the revolutionaries or the crown?


[BARTLETT] We support Ottania.


[VANCE] It's people, or the crown?


[BARTLETT] (chuckles) We support Ottania.


[VANCE] Understood. Well we will take a quick break, and when we come back, we will take your questions for President Bartlett, but first, let's hear from our sponsors.

Edited by J Andres
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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

January 4, 2175




High Speed Rail in Seattle


MISSOULA, CASCADIA -- The Republic of Cascadia has been working feverishly since the fall of New Tahoe eight years ago, to connect its new cities with high-speed rail, similar to what the citizens of Seattle, Portland, and Vancouver have enjoyed to travel between cities. Today, the final link in that connection to Missoula was completed, fully connecting San Francisco, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, and Missoula to the other three cities.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

January 8, 2175




Director of Industry Megan Annan


SYRACUSE -- Steel production has been reduced in the past few years, which has resulted in delayed delivery of naval vessels. Today, the government took action, by deploying the enlisted forced of the Civil Professional Service to Syracuse to bolster steel salvage and production. "The Civil Professional Service is an amazing career opportunity, and allows the government to best guide the resources of the nation to fulfill needs," Director Annan said at a press conference in Syracuse.


Apprentice First Class Howard had a differing opinion. "It's pretty cold here in January," he said when asked what he thought about his deployment. When pressed on the specifics of the job though, he painted a rosier picture. "Overall, this CPS thing really works out. I was struggling to make ends meet in Danbury, but now I go where my orders take me. A few weeks ago I was transporting records from Boston to Albany. A few weeks before that I was cooking meals in a hospital."

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

January 26, 2175




Unity Manor in Albany


ALBANY -- The brand new Presidential residence, Unity Manor, has been completed in Albany. It is constructed in a similar style to the recently completed Commune building, and will serve as both the residence and office of the President. 


President Bartlett toured the residence this afternoon, and stated she was eager to move in, although final details are still being finalized. Bartlett says she expects to move in by the end of March. 


Bartlett was also asked about the Ottanian ultimatum and the apparent lack of action on the part of the revolutionaries. "I would caution passing judgment too soon," she said. "The revolutionaries have indicated they are motivated. And this waiting, the palpable feeling of tension building, only plays further into their hand as they command more and more attention."

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February 5, 2175


[Translated from French]

We, the people of Ottania, have asked for our voices to be heard, and yet, they fall on deaf ears. In the past we have pledged our allegiance to the King, we have fought in wars on our King's behalf, and we pay taxes to our King so that he may administer a government in our best interest.


However, for years, the only interest of the government has been His Majesty's. We asked His Majesty for representation, a solution that would have left him with his crown, and us with our voices, but we were ignored. The time for talking is over. The time for action is now. This country belongs to its people, and we shall take it.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 5, 2175




OTTAWA, OTTANIA -- The Republican Front made good on their promises this afternoon, releasing a statement and then setting off a coordinated attack across the nation. In Ottawa, members of the King's guard with revolutionary loyalties set the royal palace ablaze, but were captured before they could reach the King. Coordinated attacks targeted Governors throughout the nation in major cities like Montreal, Trois-Rivières, and Saguenay, but none were as successful as those launched in Férin. In Férin, the former capital of the Quebec Republic as well as Disparu, the revolutionary loyalties run deep, and the citizens revolted and were able to capture city hall, and the militia barracks. 

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February 5, 2175


A civil war has broken out on the continent. This war is between the people of Ottania and its leadership. Ottania is a nation of the northeast, and as such under the oversight of J Andres per the Savannah Accords. I trust that J Andres will seek a swift and peaceful resolution to the matter. The Augustine Empire neither supports nor endorses either side, and only desires a swift and peaceful resolution.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 6, 2175




President Edith Bartlett


ALBANY -- President Bartlett addressed a crowd late this evening on the Ottanian attacks, now being called the Third Ottanian Conflict. "Using violence as a means to obtain political change is never the answer. While I deeply sympathize with the revolutionaries, I still encourage a peaceful resolution. Which is why I am offering to host both David Celeste and King Mathieu, here in Albany, or at any other location within our borders to discuss and resolve this conflict."


Bartlett's reaction has been panned by radio commentators, for not going far enough to support the revolutionaries. It appears Bartlett is attempting to thread a needle between supporting the democratic process and also supporting the longtime allies of the Darach family, relatives of our King.


Internationally, many other nations have come out in firm support for the revolutionaries. Cascadia, the NAC, Fortaleza, and Solaria, namely have all stated that the support the revolutionaries in their mission. Acadia went further and pledged aid. Alleghenia and Detchitoria have both supported the monarchy. The Augustine Empire is maintaining a position of neutrality. 

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 8, 2175




Senator Vinh Nguyen


ALBANY -- Senator Vinh Nguyen of Danbury made the case to the Commune that war should be declared and the Ottanian King deposed. "Our commitments are to the Ottanian people. We should be offering the Ottanian people our full support or our nation, including its armed forces."


Senator Nguyen seemingly had the support of many senators across multiple parties, but Premier Aksenov did not call a vote on matter, instead opting to hear continued debate from the other members of the chamber. Both Premier Aksenov and New Horizon leader Ray Hahn seem united, at least for now, in ensuring the next step is getting the King and the revolutionaries into the same room to discuss.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 12, 2175




MONTREAL, OTTANIA -- The Montreal Train Station, one of the primary connections for both people and goods going into and out of Ottania has been attacked, presumably by the revolutionaries of the Republican Front. A bomb exploded shortly after midnight, while the station was closed. The resulting fire spread exceptionally fast, and investigators assume that accelerant was used.


With the station closed for the foreseeable future, the only remaining rail route into the country is into Ottawa from Syracuse.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 20, 2175




Prime Minister Caroline St-Onge


HALIFAX, ACADIA -- The Third Ottanian Conflict continues to grow in scope, as Acadian troops depart Halifax for Ottania. "Acadia supports the Ottanian revolutionaries wholeheartedly." The Port Royal and The Halifax both left Halifax earlier in the day with a full compliment of soldiers. Acadia intends to secure the port city of Sept-Îles, and then march their troops to Férin to join with the revolutionary forces.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 21, 2175




JUBILIFE, OTTANIA -- The Revolutionaries secured a second city in the north this morning, with a coordinated attack on the militia barracks of Jubilife. Jubilife is a large city in the north of Ottania, and served as the capital of Disparu prior to Férin being designated as the capital. While revolutionary activities have occurred in the southern cities also, none of the southern cities are under the control of the revolutionaries yet.

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