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The Shadow of Savannah; The J Andres Saga; Chapter 9

J Andres

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

August 2, 2181




M2 Baker Tank in Saratoga


SARATOGA -- The battle in Saratoga is turning in our favor! J Andres forces have successfully pushed the Augustine troops out of the city limits, primarily thanks to an influx of M2 Tank reinforcements, but the Augustine troops are still heavily entrenched near the outskirts of the city.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

August 4, 2181




JAS Vanguard and Admiral Ruth Vicksburg


MONTAUK -- JAS Vanguard, the largest ship produced since the conclusion of the Grand Mexican War was sunk this afternoon by Augustine forces. Recovery efforts are ongoing, but Admiral Ruth Vicksburg is presumed dead. The remainder of the fleet is pulling back towards Cape Cod.


Admiral Vicksburg was born in 2129 in Buffalo. Of noble birth, she is of a proud military heritage. Her grandmother Vanessa was in the Air Force in the Grand Mexican War and her mother Samantha served in the navy. Admiral Vicksburg joined the navy when she was of age, initially serving on JAS Queen Carmina. She has twice been entrusted with overseeing the design and construction of lead ships, initially the Artemis Class Battleship and most recently the Vanguard Class battleship. She leaves behind two children, Blake and Amy, both of who are officers in the army and navy, respectively.


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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

August 7, 2181




Emperor Marshall Augustus


PENSACOLA -- Reports from within the Augustine Empire have claimed that Emperor Marshall Augustus, third Emperor of the Augustine Empire, passed away in the early afternoon today. There is no official work yet from the Augustine government, and these reports have not yet been confirmed.


There is no word yet on how the passing of the Emperor may impact the ongoing war between the Augustine Empire and J Andres.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

August 8, 2181




President Donovan Grady


ALBANY -- President Donovan Grady has called for a ceasefire stating that the death of the Augustine Emperor "vastly changes the political situation" in North America. "While the reasons for entering a state of war were valid, many of them can be easily remedied by a new emperor, depending on their views. We offer a ceasefire to the Augustine Emperor. Beginning at midnight tonight, our troops will not fire upon Augustine troops, including those without our territory, provided they do not fire upon us, and they do not further advance."

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

August 9, 2181




Viceroy Imperator Jonathan Phelps


PENSACOLA -- Viceroy Imperator Phelps, effectively acting as regent for the Augustine Empire, acknowledged the J Andres ceasefire and stated that the Augustine Empire would adhere to the ceasefire for at least 48 hours following the conclusion of the Imperial Election.


Following the death of Emperor Marshall Augustus, the last child of the first Emperor Marcus Augustus, the Empire is officially in a state of mourning for seven days, during which the funeral for the Emperor will be held. Beginning on August 14, the eight electors of the Empire will gather to begin casting their votes for a successor.

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JA_PRN1.JPGPacific Radio Network



August 12, 2181



PRN Host Finley Vance and Director of Foreign Affairs Maggie Hastings


[VANCE] The Empire prepares to elect a new emperor and one questions remains


[theme song of an old twentieth-century quiz show plays]


[VANCE] This is Pacific Radio Network Nightly News, and I'm your host, Finley Vance. Welcome back to my show. As always. Tonight, there is only one question that is keeping the continent guessing. Who will be the next Emperor, and will it mean the end of the Augustine-Andrean war, or will continue? Tonight, I've got Maggie Hastings, Director of Foreign Affairs here with me. Welcome, Director.


[HASTINGS] Thanks Finley. It's wonderful to be back here on your show.


[VANCE] (chuckles) It is great to have you back here also, Director. It has been too long. As we spoke of last time, typically your party and my views aren't always in alignment, but last time we were able to have a great conversation, and I'm certainly hoping to have another one tonight.


[HASTINGS] Me too, Finley.


[VANCE] Let's get down to it. We are just a handful of days away from the next Imperial Election. Who are the electors this time?


[HASTINGS] Normally, there are seven electors. This time, there will be eight. That's part of the deal made between Emperor Marshall Augustus and Duke Mathieu. When Mathieu agreed to give the Ottanian territory to the Augustine Emperor, he was made a Duke of the Empire, which gave him the rights and privileges to vote as an elector in these elections.


[VANCE] Okay. Is that going to shake things up at all?


[HASTINGS] Well, in past elections you would have needed four votes to win. Now you will need five. That means the winning candidate will need a broader coalition.


[VANCE] Are there any clear front runners?


[HASTINGS] There are a couple. Gordon Fisher is the Duke of Florida, and son of former Emperor Alexander Augustus. He was an early contender last time around and is the oldest son of the oldest son of the original emperor, Marcus Augustus.


[VANCE] Does that type of hereditary influence matter in these elections?


[HASTINGS] It has so far. There have been three Emperors so far, and they've been Marcus, the father, Alexander, his son, and Marshall, his other son. Valeria, his daughter, would have stood a good chance during the last election, but she died beforehand.


[VANCE] Okay, so we have the Duke of Florida. Who else?


[HASTINGS] The other key contender from within the family is Leopold Fisher-Aguilar. He is the Duke of Orleans, and the eldest child of Valeria. He ultimately finished in second last time, but many of those who supported him were purged from the government.


[VANCE] Purged?


[HASTINGS] Yes. While some electors are hereditary, many of them are technically appointments. Historically, Emperors have removed these appointees from power if they don't support them in the election. It's actually the primary reason why Sophia Glass was here with us in our government during Bartlett's time as President. She supported Leopold in the election, but Marshall was elected. Marshall didn't want someone who didn't believe in him as his Viceroy Imperator, and she was replaced by Jon Phelps, who did support him in the election.


[VANCE] I see. Is the family expected to vote as a block?


[HASTINGS] That's unknown. Generally, there has been a lot of infighting and jealously among the children and grandchildren, each believing that their branch of the family has a unique position to further the gains of the empire.


[VANCE] Any other front runners?


[HASTINGS] There's one more. The dark horse in my books, is Viceroy Imperator Jonathon Phelps. Phelps previously served as General of the Army under Alexander Augustus, and then was promoted to Viceroy Imperator under Marshall Augustus. He is well respected by many. This election, with the addition of the Duke of Montreal, there will be five non-family members voting, which could give some extra lift to a candidate from outside the family.


[VANCE] Any major considerations in the election.


[HASTINGS] The war will be the biggest determinant. Many of the electors have already made their position on the war known. Whether they want to continue the war or end it. Even though the land war has been challenging, and the naval battles have been costly even if they have been overall positive, the war will be a primary topic.


[VANCE] Care to make a prediction?


[HASTINGS] No, I won't do that.


[VANCE] Why not?


[HASTINGS] The little glimpses we get into the public personality of these folks is just the tips of the iceberg. I have no good way to predict what they will do behind the closed doors of the election.


[VANCE] Which can't stay afloat


[HASTINGS] --That's fair. Here's the thing though. Let's look at all of the Empire's recent wars. Let's start with Cumberland. How well organized were they?


[VANCE] Okay. While Director Hastings won't share her thoughts, you know I want to hear yours! We are going to head into a commercial break, but dial in now if you'd like to chat with us live and on the air! We will have more with Senator Hastings when we return.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

August 19, 2181




Emperor Leopold Augustus


PENSACOLA -- The Augustine Empire has a new Emperor. After six days of voting, Leopold Fisher-Aguilar, the former Duke of Orleans, has been selected to be the new Emperor. As is tradition, he was immediately coronated. He has released Jon Phelps from service as his Viceroy Imperator, and has requested Sophia Glass return to the Empire to serve as his Viceroy.


Emperor Leopold has also requested an extension to the current ceasefire between J Andres and the Augustine Empire, stating that he is "eager to find a peaceful resolution to the current conflict." President Grady has already acquiesced and the two are expected to meet later this month.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

August 27, 2181




Emperor Leopold Augustus & President Donovan Grady


PITTSBURGH, ALLEGHENIA -- Over the past two days, Emperor Leopold Augustus of the Augustine Empire and J Andres president Donovan Grady have been meeting in Pittsburgh and today have announced the signing of the Treaty of Pittsburgh, officially bringing an end to the conflict between the Empire and J Andres. The terms of the treaty are simple. Both sides will cease their hostilities, and the Augustine Empire will oversee continue to oversee the Ottanian territory for a period of about two and a half years, after which, and elected and independent government will take over.

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